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Everything posted by Cappo
the old jail is simple. that's why its attractive to people. as homeless said, people want to DM; sorry, its 2021 and none isn't really interested in roleplaying (because its extremely cringe), people want action. the old jail was balanced. it became unbalanced after 120 gang members were actively online, while there were 10-15 squad members. at this ratio, everything becomes unbalanced, so thats why the old jail looked definitely unbalaned and somewhat broken. right now, as we can all see, the player base is low, cops aren't as inactive as before, if the cop groups get their interest a bit more towards securing the jail, i can assure you that the old jail can be extremely successful without any changes. i mentioned it in other topic, simply get back the old jail with no changes. if the things go wrong and there are 130 gang members and 10 squad members, start giving small bonuses to the cops, but nothing too broken. changing the whole jail to a weird looking like lws dm type of a build, with short corridors (which can't be camped, huge minus for criminals; sorry, but we like to camp corridors, cops like getting the money, so it's a win-win situation), obviously it will result in a fail.
sir dog of nanobob, the best of them all, the irish saes god, sir. i want to greet you for being the best admin, but most importantly - the best gm, you did something that none ever did and it is impressing - you somehow killed and demotivated every single group (official and ex official). unironically, the topic you locked got 34 upvotes in 5 hours (in night), as considering the current activity of the playerbase, is a lot. you couldnt wait even a day to lock it lmao. now unironically once again - you're the worst saes admin and probably the worst gm that ever existed and this isn't an insult, it is a fact, sorry. as a response to what you said, i can say that you care so much about groups, that you didnt allow 4(?) criminal groups during the last 1 year, as those groups had stable HQ team and stable member count (all of them, not only the one i created). you care so much about groups, that during SAP's peak a year ago out of 200+ people in saes you were the only one reporting us for "going to jail", meanwhile we had JB rights. definitely the best gm. you're such a great manager that you ignored my last message regarding a specific group i wanted to talk about a week ago. youre such a great manager that approximately for a year, you killed every single group with your nonsense, as currently, there is no active group. thank you. and no, neither me or the people around me will create a group just to waste 3 months of our lives, so you, dog, say no and act superior in a game. i wasted 15 mins writing the last topic and 5 minutes writing this one, i regret every second of it, but i had to tell you that. lastly, i hope you remember that like 8 months ago, i told you exactly "i hope you enjoy managing the groups, as they all will be dead". i was right and no, the fault isnt in the group HQs and the group members. its all yours. thanks for reading my love message. i decided to share what like 80% of saes thinks about your superior, amazing, unique, perfect, unacceptably good managing skills. you can either close that or let the rest of the community send you love messages just like this one, pretty sure someone will use the moment. you failed at group managing, but the c++ door is always open for you! you can always follow the footsteps of your owner. i hope you liked the circus, lets get back to the spam nightstick for the cops and turfing for the crims, because theres nothing else to do. (and just to clear it up, you werent insulted even once in that topic. its all facts.) oh and someone reminded me to say that you're one of the two people that ruined the server with the cop sided updates and completely nonsense updates. the second person could be seen in the first sentence of my topic, i mentioned him. once again, this isnt an insult, its a fact, playerbase count proves it. sorry. youre a failure. @Daryl
I've been planning to create such a topic for awhile, but I wasn't really sure. I wasn't sure how the community would react, but considering the lowering playerbase, I guess this idea would work perfectly fine for literally everyone. First, I'd like to say to state down that I don't mean to create "CLO V2" or "CEM V2" or w/e. The point is different. As we all know, there are 3 special cop groups (DE, HLS and SS). Those 3 cop groups are fine, in my opinion they should be part of the server, because they attract people towards them and thus possibly bring something fresh and new towards the life of a cop, which we all have to agree - is boring and monotonous. Those 3 groups are split in 3 different roleplay areas, which makes them even better. Let's now have a look at the criminal side. There's CLO and OB. CLO is a special group and is a lot more closed to public, which is completely normal, considering its status. OB is a great group for people that are interested in jail, and honestly they've been doing their job perfectly, while the old jail lasted, which proved that the group should keep its status of a respected criminal gorup that triggers activity from both sides in the jail. That isn't enough though. I think that we all have to agree that 2 groups aren't enough for the criminal side, considering that one of them is closed to public, the other one is completely based on the jail only. Here comes my idea. As every single criminal group that has been created in the last year has been denied by the group managers, as they were called "gang looking like" or "copy of other groups" (meanwhile there are cop groups that are legit squads, they have the same functions as well, but i wont comment it further), my idea is a group to be created, that will be lead by one (or two) SAES admins (criminals), they will choose their HQ team and the group will start with only a base, two spawns and 4 skins, logically some guns as well, just like every other regular group Yes, this sounds completely impossible, I agree, but this is the only way to bring something fresh to the server, as there are barely any new scripts or any new feature at all. Some people might like it, some people might not, but let's take SAP for example. SAP was not a special group, it basically was a regular group with a katana and it was attracting amazing amount of people, we were holding massive recruitments in 2020, we were making massive activities with great amount of people involved, almost every group was getting involved, including DE, CLO, HLS, SS, OB, IZC. SAP was the great example of what a third criminal group can do, if the people inside it are willing to have fun and willing to find ways to attract people. I doubt that anyone can disagree with me at this point, including our "enemies" from the cop side. The cop side is monotonous and doing that kind of massive warzones between groups, where every single one can take part kept everyone interested. That's exactly what the new criminal group should be based on. Now, what the group should do, in order to look more different from every other group or gang... it's simple. SAP, while it existed, proved that the scripts aren't the most important thing, in order to have fun. The new group can raid bases (criminal and cop baes included) for the sake of stealing and DMing, where cops can always appear as third side (if it's crims vs crims) to shut down the dangerous activity, the new gorup can take over different zones in SA, it can kidnap the VIP (similar to what we were doing months ago), etc. New ideas could always show up. This group is supposed to be different, due its leadership. If the leadership is based on admins, every problem would be handled a lot faster, thats the idea of it. The whole idea isn't to have just another criminal group. The idea is to have a group that is more open to the public, of course, isn't even close to be as special as the other groups, but its there to trigger activity within every group of the currently existing "lethality" groups. Yes, I know this happened in the past, but considering the current state of the server, this would appear to be a lot more useful for everyone, it would get the cops off the monotonous spamming of nightstick and it would give the gang members a break of the turfing. At least there will be something else to do.
Cappo replied to Law's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
simply get back the old jail lmao. there are no changes needed, simply get it back, if it happens again there to be 120 gang members and 10-15 official squad members (which i highly doubt), start thinking for changes, but at this point, simply get back the old jail with no changes at all. there are 80 people in server peaks, which is sad. we all have to thank the changes that have been happening for the last ~10 months for that, your hard work payed off! thanks for making the server a better place! keep taking so long to do such a thing and i wouldnt be surprised if the peaks go under 50. -
wouldnt it make sense to add a live leaderboard (for squads and gangs) that gets updated every 1 hour?
SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Milan 2- Ingame name: Cappo 3- Age: 18 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: 8/10 6- Native language: Bulgarian 7- Other languages: English, French and a bit of Russian. 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No. 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started actively playing back in 2018. 10- Total gameplay (hours): 4325h 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): 2-5h 12- Average FPS: 50 13- Average Ping: 45 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: SAFP - it was the first organization I was part of, the squad was decent, though I had some problems with a HQ that was being way too cocky during that time. Had to leave, because of that. TST - it was a great squad, honestly. Unfortunately, it started dying, the quality of the members dropped and I had to leave. SWAT - it was a decent squad till one point, after the change of the leadership I started feeling weird in it, didn't feel like before. I was getting further curious about the criminal side, so at one point, I decided to try it out. OC - it was a decent gang, but the reputation of it was way too low. The members weren't as quality as needed, plus I felt like I could try out a bit bigger gang. TT - the best gang that exists in SAES. I left, because I got bored from the criminal side, as the only thing that kept me in the criminal side after SAP died was the turfs. Turfs died, as usually it's literally 10 vs 50, so yeah. As I said, TT remains the best gang for me, I am still friendly with the most of the TT members, as I am still in TT private. TRA - it died. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes, I am. SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): FOX is a squad that has its base positioned in Las Venturas. The squad's role is to secure San Andreas from any kind of crimes, prevent Bank Robberies, Store Robberies and simply every kind of crime within the territory of San Andreas. FOX uses every kind of equipment to help itself to secure the civilians of the state. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arresting is basically arresting someone that is at the marker in a Bank. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 stars. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: No deathmatching No marker arresting, camping in hospital and that kind of stuff. English only in mainchat. No cheats or trainers or whatever allowed. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: The server requires it, thus it's part of the server. SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: My name's Milan, I turned 18 years old on 5th January. I'm still in highschool, I will graduate next year. I'm studying French and Russian. I'm into sports, I also like going out with my friends. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are teamworking, communication, combat skills, I also have a nice sense of humour, I am rarely serious. I'm incredibly bad at flying shamals (or anything else lmao). III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: FOX is the only squad that has quality members at this point. It might sound weird me saying it, considering what I was thinking about it a year ago, but it's the actual truth. While I was the leader of TRA, I had the chance to get a bit closer to some FOX members and honestly, compared to the rest of the squads, you guys are the best opportunity. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I have quite a lot of experience in the server, I went through a lot, I was a HQ of SAP for a year and half, I was part of a good amount of squads and gangs. I am also decent at the game, I know the most (if not all of your members) pretty well, which will surely help me fit in FOX a lot faster. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? All I would like to say is that I apologize to anyone that felt way too offended from what I ever said. As I already mentioned in this application, I have a sense of humour, though I can be quite offensive to people without actually wanting to be that offensive. By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. ::: https://imgur.com/a/N1tlzgN :::
Tactical Response Agency - Official Topic
Cappo replied to Cappo's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
Hello everyone. After a month and a half of presence in the server, T.R.A. decides to close. The reasons aren't difficult to guess, the first one is the fact that the last wannabe that we had appeared on 15th April, as the squad got created on 11th April, obviously people prefer to be part of already official squads, rather than a squad that is getting built from the ground. We had stable 10 members, till the point when some people got bored (that's understandable, can't blame them for that), some got busy, etc. I'd also like to point out that the fact that the server's players amount strongly decreased could also be considered as one of the reasons on why we couldn't get bigger. Also, every player seems to be strongly attached to their own g/s (which is also understandable), so yeah, creating a squad at this point was a tough task. I'd like to move on with the reasons and state down that what T.R.A. did just in April was some great work and well shown efforts from our members and not only from them, honestly. Our agents showed that just with 5-6 cops, we can do basically everything in the server, and honestly, this was the most important part of the squad. We weren't a lot, but our members were definitely high quality - combat and communication wise. We did turf raids, SR raids and even one base raid, that went great, it showed the community that there's other things to do, other than the monotonous and boring activities. I'd like to thank every T.R.A. agent for being part of the squad and showing their best potential to improve the name of the squad, every Honorary member that helped the squad by any way. There were massive amount of people that contacted me offering money and help, there were even more people sending me offers for help after the base raid that we did. I'd like to thank you all for offering your help, we appreciate it. I'd also like to thank FOX for being part of the first (and unfortunately last) base raid that we did. The raid wasn't planned, we just contacted a member of their squad and a great amount of FOX agents appeared, ready to raid side by side with the T.R.A. agents. Shortly, some other cops and official squads appeared, which we strongly appreciate. SAFP and FOX were the two squads that were informed about a possible second raid (that unfortunately never happened, due to us not being that active to host it), both of those two squads were ready to help again, which we are thankful for. @Fox-Operations-X & SAFP (couldn't ping you lmao) & every other squad that showed up in our raid - once again, thank you. In the spoiler you can find some screenshots & videos of the raid ::: https://streamable.com/fmscdj https://streamable.com/ngq61u ::: Once again, thank you all for being part of this. Every T.R.A. agent now is free to go in their own way. theres a surprise in the second spoiler :flushed_face: ::: for a final, hail the bulgarian qveens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV53iHpyJWA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqvCKRuyrIU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSG4clX8pIc ::: This topic may now be closed. -
Public method to check playtime
Cappo replied to Bodo420's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
ive said it before, i say it again, if the activity is completely based on gangs and squads (which have monotonous and boring activities), the server will be dying. it is common sense, groups carry something fresh and new in the game, once they cannot do that, the community simply realizes how boring and monotonous the server is ( cough sap cough ). as we see, all groups are dead, so is the server, thus once again, people realized that doing the same exact thing everyday feels more like a full time job than an actual game. same thing goes about the requirements. yes, people will afk hours so their g/s stays alive thats true, but if they don't, their g/s will close and like 80% of the members will simply stop playing. very simple. why its working like that? the answer is in the start of my post. its all common sense, obviously. -
^[Evening activity, patrolling, securing SRs, a BR and VIPs] Activity Number: #44 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Alfred, Rick Date: 09/05/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] ^[SR #2] ^[VIP #1] ^[VIP #2] ^[Secured M Bank Robbery (7/8)] :::
^[Stopping a SR] Activity Number: #43 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Alfred, Rick. Date: 08/05/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] :::
bro when you crouch your bind is "Action" bound to mouse 2 ; a ; w ; d thats why noobs cant hit you in turf and bazuka bat files meme Combine that with a key to crouch spam with , and youll take no damage with cs, sniper etc Space for example atleast tell them to stop posting this stupid shit on discord especially in ramadan, last warning or we leave discord for month
^[Patrolling and stopping SRs] Activity Number: #42 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Sunrise, Rick Date: 26/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] ^[SR #2] :::
^[Patrolling, stopping a SR and securing a VIP] Activity Number: #41 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Axestos, Rick Date: 26/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] ^[VIP #1] :::
^[Patrolling, stopping a SR] Activity Number: #40 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, BORA Date: 25/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
^[Patrolling, stopping SRs, securing VIP.] Activity Number: #39 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Fenter, Rick, Axestos, Sunrise Date: 21/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] ^[SR #2] ^[VIP #1] ^[VIP #2] :::
Issues which lead to lack of players on Saes
Cappo replied to beauty's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
I think it's pretty useless to mention it, but I'll do it - yes, the server is incredibly inactive compared to what it was a few months ago. I doubt that this is unnoticed, it's quite obvious. Now, I'd like to point out that I'll share my point of view as an ex gang member and a current leader of a squad. The changes within the bankrobs completely demotivated a massive amount of gang members to log in and play, thus the amount of players that actively play dropped well. But I'd like to point out that the bankrobs changes are just the "tip of the iceberg". Yes, these changes completely caused the inactivity and all that, but there are a lot more reasons that stand behind this one. The server is monotonous lmao. Right now, the server is basically SR / VIP gameplay only, as there's literally nothing else to do. Turfs aren't as active as they were used to be, due to some reasons that aren't really connected with the management (in my opinion), but the bankrobs change just killed it all. The very nice part is that something that has never been suggested and agreed by the community has been added in such a drastic way. The money transport script is an amazing failure, just like the bankrobs changes. First of all, how does it make sense to adminjail people that are "DMing" the Police Van, instead of simply making the Van undestroyable? How does it make sense to add 1 cop group to the script, yet no criminal groups? Obviously, criminals will have no reason of getting involved with the Money Transport, because they'll either get AJed for "DMing" the Van or they will simply get bored, because there's no group based on it. It makes sense to add a criminal group that'd be a rival to the cop one, so there's some action happening... unless you just wanted to make a passive "Cop Trucker" script, which surely is successful. Currently, this script is used for farming activities for like 10-15 minutes and nothing else, really, no action, no fun, basically nothing. You could have just asked the cops to spawn as Truckers more frequently. Basically all groups are dead. Ever since SAP closed, I haven't seen an active group (except OB, partly), also the only group that got an approval for a spawn for the last like 2 years was GTX (the Cluckin' group too, but its dead). I said it before, I'm saying it now as well, the groups are bringing fresh air to the whole monotonous activity in SAES, if you block the way of some groups to get a spawn, you're obviously blocking the way for them to bring something unique and specific. I'd also like to mention the very spicy relationship between the GMs and one specific person in the HQ, the fact that 1 person in the HQ team decides the future of the groups and honestly - the future of the whole server is quite worrying and the results are currently on point. I don't think it's even needed to mention the very nice punishments that we are used to see, excluding the genius AJs for DMing the van in the Money Transport script, there are people that are just looking forward to mute / AJ and ban people for basically nothing. Being an admin and having your gameplay mostly focused on AJing / muting people is just sad. I also don't think it's needed to mention the stunning bugs that we are seeing everyday, the broken sync, the random FPS drops and the ass attitude incoming from some of the admins. Although I'd like to point out that squads having spawn in lvl 1 makes sense and it's a green light for reviving the cop side. This is one of the new things that I'd gladly support. So yes, that's SAES in 2021. The bankrobs changes just finished off the amazing nonsense that has been going all around us for the last 1 year. And honestly, Teddy is wrong, if there are no changes made, the peaks will be no more than 110 till the end of the month, if not even less. Lastly, this is sad. (15:00 server time) -
Activity Number: #37 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Fenter Date: 17/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[Money Transport securing] :::
Activity Number: #36 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Fenter, Alfred Date: 17/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR] :::
Activity Number: #35 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Rick, Axestos Date: 19/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[VIP] ^[SR] :::
Activity Number: #34 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Axestos. Date: 19/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] ^[VIP #1] :::
Activity Number: #33 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Alfred, Fenter, Sunrise. Date: 19/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR #1] ^[SR #2] ^[SR #3] ^[VIP #1] :::
@Macgyver nice bro, @Law approves
^[The first raid organized by T.R.A. agents] Activity Number: #32 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Jasper, Rick, Alfred, Fenter. T.R.A. collaborators: @Fox-Operations-X , @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation , DIA & SWAT members; some other cops took part as well. The raid's main idea: Raiding and shutting down the high criminal activity going on in JK's base. Screenshots: ::: Here are two short videos: https://streamable.com/fmscdj https://streamable.com/ngq61u (lmao failed so bad in the second one, the rest did some great arrests though) ::: Extra information: We're very happy to see that a good amount of the cops are willing to do that kind of somewhat unique and quite interesting activities, even though this one was tough, considering that we were strongly outnumbered, the area was quite tough to take control of as well, especially when the only option is to do so by the air only. Every single cop that came did their best and deserves to be respected for that. Well done. T.R.A. will continue organizing that kind of unique activities.
^[Evening activity] Activity Number: #31 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Rick, Jasper, Fenter, Alfred. Date: 18/04/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[VIP #1] ^[SR #1] :::
^[Mid-day activity] Activity Number: #30 T.R.A. Agents Present: Cappo, Sunrise, Rick. Date: 04/18/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[VIP #1] ^[VIP #2] ^[SR #1] :::