@Asexyno said in Gangs alliance chat: @Moley Mmm... I think you are mixing Team Chat and Country Chat. How ever here doesnt even exist Country Chat (but a CC in squad or gang, im not very informed of what CC really means in gang/squad). According to your reference, you might refer to Team Chat. TeamChat is not very useful when you see urself as Criminal or Polices (gangless or squadless) because most of these people are beginning in the server, but its yet usefully for those who has certain experience either Criminal side when assisting to public bank robberies or Police side responding to br/sr. Affecting others chat is not the propuse of this suggestion, I mean here we are requesting (including me myself) an Ally Chat that only can be used by those Gangs who are fighting in turf war, in order to make strategies on the battlefields Country chat is so used that some don't even know about his existence