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Everything posted by Bangas

  1. Event Type: ~[Uzi 1vs1 Tournament]~(#99004d) Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Dexter Winner(s): Petrow Screenshots: Here.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ_-tUKT-nY
  3. @Kiroa6Ko said in Cargrab to criminals: @Bangas yeal just like a car with 2 doors only 2 can grab it and car with 4 doors only 4 can grab not u know if y'all gona grab it will be sux and y'all gona be stuck I totaly agree with not allow to have a legion grabed to the car but just a couple people, a fair number you know...
  4. what about make it with a limit amount of players that can cargrab?
  5. @Lightning said in Cargrab to criminals: Maybe for patriot or some sort of vehicles, I don't want to see 8 criminals on one car. yes patriot fbi rancher.... only cop side has swat tank
  6. @RESIST4NT said in Cargrab to criminals: Yes from me, this must be added into the criminal team same as in the police, as a result, both sides have the same RP idea, it should be for limited temporary cars. indeed but not only for criminals i think that atl would use it in example some civs might use it as well, it's a usefull feature for everyone i don't see the poingtof keeping it just for a single team.
  7. @VayraN said in Cargrab to criminals: Nah its good that it got removed anyway, It was like that I don't know why are you mentioning that since we have picador to do that whenever we want. Kinda pointless to argue with that.
  8. After a few more discussions id like to change my sugestion to cargrab for everyone, for the ones who already voted re-think please and sorry for the unconvinience.
  9. Hi there community, Today I was messing around with my mens and we reached a matter wich I think that woud be nice to be discused by everyone. So we sopoke about cargrab for criminals we didn't find anything that says why we should not have it. After this bein said just to be clear i am sugesting the addition of cargrab to the criminal side. Please leave your thoughts, vote and be respectful. Regards.
  10. why are you being muted and baned in all discords! WOW THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL WRONG WHY WOULD THEY MUTE OR BAN YOU
  11. ^[Event #18] ^[Hoster: Filippo] ^[Event type: Fall Out] ^[Winner: Laterary] ^[Prize: 1,000,000$] ^[Screenshots: Here.]
  12. Event Type: ~[Fall Out]~(#99004d) Prize: ~[$2.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Filippo Winner(s): Laterary Screenshots: Here.
  13. Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: Bangas. Username: jmyx. Old nickname/Other used names ingame: none. Age: I am 19 years old. Gender: Male. Current G/S: Gangless. Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): SAFP-it was my first squad so i cant remenber why i left. SAPA-Left due problems with Tut(solved). HS-Dead. MM-Dead. MMC-Dead. BS-Left, because i was going to be inactive for a long time and i didnt wanted to get kicked from the gang(2016 mind set) CripZ-left due problems with Zaza(solved) ThC-Left because i had internal problems with a few members(solved as well and nowadays i am "part of the family") CDC-kicked TST-Left because my duty was completed there so i am looking for others objectives. SWAT-Kicked when i got banned, then i returned and for some time i felt like I was really bored and that i was done with cop side so here we are looking up for new oportunities. How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? Well I am gangless as i mentioned, but I have been swat for more then a year and the highest rank I achieved inside swat was Capitan(sat tester and event hoster). Current groups: SAPA. Prevous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): Ive been part of SAFD where i was kicked due to inactivity and ive been lounge where i left due a lot of issues with the group management. Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: Back in the time, i mean years ago i got banned by multiaccounting and recently I was banned because i became staff in a copy cat server wich i can explain better in pm. Tell us something about yourself: My names Joel Im from portugal and I live in Porto,Im 19 years old and i am a universitary student, i am taking a Programming course. Mainly I like to play computer and hang out with my friends because i can always have fun with my virtual friends and do the same in the real life which is much more fun.I dont like to go to big parties and places where there alot of people because i can stay stressed easly and persons sometimes can be stupid. In my free time I play MTA,LOL,CS GO etc also i like to watch tv listen to music and much more After school, usualy i go home and play some games. My favourite game is MTA because it was my first game i ever played with multiplayer also it was one of my first games so it is kinda special to me. In the future, Id like to become a sussefull programmer have a fammily and be happy thats what matters on my point of view. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes I do. What is your goal within the Fire Department? Return to my unit and keep working just like i used to do. Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? Yes i am. Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? Roleplaying skills, capacity to listen and understand and interact with people. What are your weaknesses? I am a but unpatient in certain matters. Why do you want to join the SAFD? I used to be SAFD and i ha da lot of fun playing the role basecly Id like to return have some fun within the members enjoy the spawn do some acitivities and chill. What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? Id like to learn matters related to the firefighting but i am always open to other options.
  14. @Bodo420 said in The new CEO is here | LoungeVC: Scammer ! don't believe him ! @AkyZ tought the same, pls bodo for CEO
  16. Username: jmyx. Age: I am 19 years old. Country: I am from Portugal Languages spoken: I able to speak portuguese english and some low quality french. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I would say 8. How long have you been playing on SAES: I can not be precise but I started around 2014 so it would be around 6 years. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins are a criminal organized group as main role dealing guns, AA (Arms Assassins) have been delivering weapons since longe time ago, 2011 I belive, since there they have been coquering mroe and more respect among the whole gangs of SA. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): SAFP-it was my first squad so i cant remenber why i left. SAPA-Left due problems with Tut(solved). HS-Dead. MM-Dead. MMC-Dead. BS-Left, because i was going to be inactive for a long time and i didnt wanted to get kicked from the gang(2016 mind set) CripZ-left due problems with Zaza(solved) ThC-Left because i had internal problems with a few members(solved as well and nowadays i am "part of the family") CDC-kicked TST-Left because my duty was completed there so i am looking for others objectives. SWAT-Kicked when i got banned, then i returned and for some time i felt like I was really bored and that i was done with cop side so here we are looking up for new oportunities. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: Back in the time, i mean years ago i got banned by multiaccounting and recently I was banned because i became staff in a copy cat server wich i can explain better in pm. Name 3 Bankrob rules: It's not alowed to Solo Bank Rob, also to Marker kill and Jump from the roof of the bank in order to comite suicide. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Well mainly you should not do anything that interfere with their plans and work there, like, blocking a safe, DM other people... To avoid this type of things we just got to use the comon sense. Name 3 Turf rules: The player is not alowed to spawn as paramedic or police group to benefit his gang in any way. We can not spawn inside the turf zone using private properties neither we can go to unclimable roofs during the turf. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is most likely what the word says, you create a character with a background history and will act just like in real life taking in cosideration every aspect that makes it more and more realistic inside the game in order to accomplish a high quality roleplay performance. What is Deathmatching?: Is deadmatch when you kill somebody without any reason or when you demage others properties with a decent reason as well. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: If it is a new player i will try to reach him out and tell him that what he is doing is wrong and that the server has rules, but if it is a old player he is more then aware of the facts and he should be punished by what he have done, I would take a few screenshoots and report it in /report, note that I would never react or pay back to a dmer since it is not allowed as well. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I just keep going straight. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Well ive spoken before with Canelas, Licano, Illusion, Yoko, Hotfire, Masterwind, Velona, Sirtuga, Ho0ps, Couves and Rasta but these are not very close relationships it's just people from AA that ive already interacted or have some fun with. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I feel like there is nothing I could tell you to make up your minds, because you have your own opinions and will decide taking that in consideration, but theres something i can do, i can show you who am i and what i capable of in game. Best Regards, Bangas.
  17. That's a huge no... You want to make the server even more boring
  18. @Petrow said in Lounge is looking for CEO.: Time to scam Lounge's money taking in consederation your past history the only thing that you will scam is another ban kek
  19. I can smell the macro boys smiling
  20. @Crash just found out that making memes is kidna fun
  21. @Filex said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @x-Liyones-x said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: what the hell is this meme his thoughts are to far beyond our minds filex
  22. Hbd DJ O
  23. @Asexyno said in Gangs alliance chat: @Bangas a fact lol Call me ignorant but its so so dead that Ive playing in SAES since 2014 and not ever knew about a Country Chat :$ Well Mr asexyno same goes around here, i play here since 2014 too and my intention was to mention that country chat is one of the most useless tool that weve got on server, didn't mean to offend you at all. After this being said id like to apolagize for getting off topic. Best regards.
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