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Everything posted by Bangas

  1. @Bone said in SAES Discord services: Discord is all-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's completely free, secure and works on all platforms. It's something like Team Speak 3 and IRC combined into 1 and you can even use it from your internet browser, if you don't want to download desktop/smartphone application. Link to Discord website, where you can learn more about this great application: https://discordapp.com/ List of all Discord servers we use, that are related to SAES: Official SAES, Bastage Network & MTA:SA Discord servers Bastage: https://discord.gg/pc4dumT (invite not working) Multi Theft Auto: https://discord.gg/sKj8MM6 (invite not working) Servers used by SAES Groups/Gangs/Squads/Companys Black Syndicate: https://discord.gg/5mqF8ah (died) (invite not working) Confero: https://discord.gg/zHefuwB (invite not working) Cuban Liberation Organization & Cuban Cars: https://discord.gg/e3kdFQY (invite not working) Drunk and Disordered: https://discord.gg/jz94ErJ (died) (invite not working) Federal Bureau of Investigation: https://discord.gg/Mrsx2qn (invite not working) Homeland Security: https://discord.gg/mD4mUC (invite not working) Invest Arms corporation: https://discord.gg/fYKamse (invite not working) Overdose Crime: https://discord.gg/u7tq5UW (died) (invite not working) San Andreas Highway Patrol: https://discord.gg/R2RwpHC (invite not working) San Andreas Parkours and Climbers: https://discord.gg/6bDWnRf (invite not working) Sky-Diving Organization: https://discord.gg/NZ5e6ez (invite not working) S.W.A.T discord: https://discord.gg/Wyf96v (invite not working) The Company: https://discord.gg/d5ABh93 (invite not working) The Strike Team: https://discord.gg/myktVZx (died) (invite not working) ZIP Planning and Constructions: https://discord.gg/yAUrFVr (invite not working) Leave comment here if you have your own Discord server and want to get it added to list above. this ones are not working, maybe we should do an update?Since there is a lot of people looking for it.plus there is more servers to be added to the list.
  2. @IG8820 pls tell us that you are only retiring from DE :(
  3. @PinkyyyTinkyyy said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Siirtuga said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: #BRINGBACKTHEOLDHR :hype:
  4. @JojoDb me JojoDb|Bangas|HQ?
  5. @AkyZ let kirosa go after you this time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  6. @Khal1kulov said in [SUGGESTION] Pay for drift: @Siirtuga if not why are there drift cars? :waitwhat: currently the drif is cool the way it is if you are looking for something specific, try to find a server dedicated to drift
  7. I know that might be quite annoying want to refill and have to walk or grab other car to go to an ATM, i don't think its a big deal where admins should put some effort on, maybe improving the gas station and scripts related is the way.
  8. @JojoDb said in Share your old SAES screenshots: Who doesn't love some nostalgia, right? As the title says, share your old SAES screenshots with us! Include the date on which the screenshot is taken and perhaps a small description about what was going on! Spoilers are not required but feel free to use one! To start off, this picture was taken on 13/07/2011 while we were on our way to the wedding of Blade and Venus! HOLY FUCK THE OLD INFERNUS, it was so cool it turned the 4 wheels i miss it !
  9. @jonas13362 didn't you scripted something like this?
  10. TRAINING #6 Description: Prepairing Officer.Remp for his possible future duties, to be precise it was divided in 2 parts. First: Dogs relationships with Instructors and dogs discipline (theoric part) then discipline training(pratic part) . Participants: Bangas, @Remp05 Screenshots: lHere.
  11. @JohnnyEnglish said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: @Bangas said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: @JohnnyEnglish said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: I did make substantial process on such a script. Perhaps I'll finish it in the future just asking because maybe you guys could make this 2 scripts as one since you (JE) have the mining script and this gentleman have the deliver part The one I have is my own project from scratch. I took the random ore locations from John's code. I'll also make the delivery part if I ever work on it and finish it And this two scripts would fit together in the server?
  12. @JohnnyEnglish said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: I did make substantial process on such a script. Perhaps I'll finish it in the future just asking because maybe you guys could make this 2 scripts as one since you (JE) have the mining script and this gentleman have the deliver part
  13. @JohnTurner @JohnnyEnglish , you guys were working on something related with the quarry weren't you? but yea +1 to me
  14. @Bodo420 said in DESERT EAGLES RECRUITMENT - NEW DATES - 5TH AND 8TH OF JULY: Aight @AkyZ , don't waste our 2 hours para training in vain , you can't fail this time !!!!! it is some hall of fame material !
  15. ^[~[Arms Assassins RAGGEDY ASS Las Venturas Bank Rob]~(#99004d)] ^[] ^[~[Arms Assassins Red County Rob]~(#99004d)] ^[]
  16. @fenter said in Cargrab to criminals: @SNome said in Cargrab to criminals: @fenter said in Cargrab to criminals: I'm not seeing any reason to disagree with this Suggestion. Yes from me. (If there is anyway to abuse this feature, SAES Developers can fix it, right?) cops used to abuse stopanim on it, which was disable already. So there is not way to abuse /cargrab :thinking_face: scorpyo fixed that bug just like i mentioned in my answer to stoner
  17. @Toreno said in Cargrab to criminals: It would be a cool feature to everyone, but I don't see any reason why criminals would need it. As far as I'm considered they would not use it in a tactical way like the police does right now. So yea.. I know guys you all love each other and criminals like gang bangs and to fuck around, but it wouldn't be an issue to get another car if there's already four people inside right? Re-taking Sr in example, would be useful to us and would be used in a tatical way
  18. @Hotfire said in PINKYYYTITS APPLIES FOR CLO: Man I just wanna see some titties and some ass have you ever checked porn sites? they are prety cool
  19. @xDarkMan said in Cooldown on /war /assist: the persons with "No" vote they are all abusing it Once a wise man told me! it's not abuse it's game play features
  20. @SAFP-Stone said in Cargrab to criminals: @Bangas I would be okay with anyone having car grab as long as it did not make it easy to avoid arrest. Thats basically my only issue. Well as cop you are i think you are completly aware how cargrab works, i also belive that if you are chasing somebody and somehow he uses the cargrab to avoid, you are more then able to take decent screens and report, ofc that making the number of reports increase is something not much positive, i think we all agree on this point. The thing is that after a couple people get adminjailed or punished somehow by using it to avoid the other ones will clearly avoid to get punished. Also, if you look at it from an RP point of view, it would be illegal for anyone but government and state officials to car grab onto vehicles. I know you guys say this server is not even realistic so thats why I didnt point it out before but if you wanna start throwing the word common sense out there then here you go. Well lookin in the RP side you said... clearly only gov etc etc etc uses it. At very start of this script it was only avaiable to gov units, cop side abused the cargrab so much! otherwise scorp wouldn't need to fix the stopanim bug while somebody is cargrabed, and just to be stated i am no saint ... well i think that it's wise to remove the script from the cop side taking your words in consideration since even the most renowned poeple on the server abused it ... make it only for gov again because seens like they are the only ones that will use it properely. Also, please encourage the rest of the server to practice common sense as well. When you generalize people it is redundant and youll never get anywhere. Dude i apealing to everyone. if you listen my apeal or not that's with you i can't do shit. As a community we should not be divided and I simply express my opinion from my own point of view, not as a police officer in SAES. I have friends in both side of the server and I dont seek to ruin anyones fun. you can be sure that i am doing the same, but just like an old wise man said once "i can't please everybody" A small add, every wanted criminal grabbed should get arrested when cop get's inside the car just like happens with passager sits
  21. TBH i was expecting cops to complain but not this much... Also if you are trying to leave your opinion on a topic like this one make sure you read all the posts done, because during the discussion some small things from the base sugestion might change(which is the case). So the current sugestion is: CARGRAB TO EVERYONE, LIMITED AMMOUNT OF PEOPLE ALLOWED TO GRAB AND ONLY IN CERTAIN CARS. Once again i apeal for yall comon sense. Regards.
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