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Everything posted by NORI91

  1. Section I: General Information In-game name: nori Account name: nori999 Real name:nori Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr Date of birth:19-10-1995 Origin country: Algeria Country in residence: algeria Timezone: GMT 01+ Spoken languages: arabic , frensh English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): 6 Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: i have discord Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: summer 2017. Previous organization(s): FBI & TST Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain: i left FBI after 7 months because i want to try some thing new , i left TST because some friends called me for help . Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: yes when i was newbie, the reason : breakRules . Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: No If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: N/A Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: SAFD cadet [Under-review]. Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): well i can say i am good in driving , shooting ,arresting and team work ,but everyday i learn more and more . What is your greatest weakness?: land with para Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: i liked NNB Role (fight against drugs) , i am interested to join and i wannabe NNB agent , i want learn more and improve more , i want give more help in game/media archive . Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? i think i am active/loyal/helpful/respectful, I am friendly to people I like and that are nice to me ,I'd feel better in this squad as there are many skilled players and i wanna be agent from them and i want prove my self/skills , . What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: NNB role is protecting citizens and cities from Narcotics/drug traffickers and taking care of all Drugs activity around SA . How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: role play means acting like a real life and making some action for get more fun in games. What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: mean Teamwork is when u cooperate with your partners to responding any call : (SR ,JB, BR and Raiding bases) and making RPs /event, making some plan and give every one his role in tasks. If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: I will talk with him by telling him that he DMed me and I will take an SS and (/report) him to an Admin/Staff How would you describe marker arrest?: arresting a wanted person when he can't move at the marker, like arresting in marker BR . How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: my real name is Mokhtar nori form algeria i have 23 years old , i'am working in Municipality Library i love play (football, video games) and some times i love make videos about saes . ( i hope make one with NNB ) :) In addition; a screenshot of you, while doing an animation in front of NNB billboard. Post your screenshot inside of a spoiler ::: :::
  2. This topic only for stats , can't talk more.
  3. Not yet @Jamal420 , i will post my stats after beating TaaviLaudur .
  4. Mr. @Mickey after reading your application , you makes us laughing hhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow i liked that ,i see you believe in miracles and i think you love joking , like @IG8820 , however we love clowns and we need other one in our group , you got accepted , meet any HQ and show him more jokes . ............... Bring your friend Limonov and try make some friendly with @IG8820 with love your Caliph archived ::: @mickey said in DZTG |DZ Terrorist Group: -Part 1-Personal information: -Nickname: Mickey -AccountName: magicalman -Real Name: Maik -Age: Yes. -Nationality: Estonian -Primary Language: Estonian -Your english skills:/10 9/10 because nothing can be perfect, but I can speak good enough to be an international terrorist. -Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES: -How long have you been playing MTA: Uh, I started in March 2013 -How long have you been playing on SAES: September 2013 -How many hours do you play in day: hm, 2-13 -Previous gang/squads?: FBI, SAPA, TST, RDMC, SS -currently gang/squads?: ThC -previous gang/squad/groups: SS, RDMC, TST, SAPA, FBI and Alzheimer Group -Part 3-Questions: -Describe Roleplay: Roleplay is when you take a character for yourself, like a truck driver called Mahatma and you start driving a truck and living your life as a truck driver. -What does mean DM: When you shoot somebody just because they exist. -Strengths: I am a pro racer and i've won my every race except for the one where a guy called Limonov took part with Darth Vader spawn and whooshed past me 500kmph -Weaknesses: I am a bad police officer -why should we accept you: Because I believe in miracles. I am a simple man, I see a miracle and I try to realize it. I look past all the other mistakes and search purely for the miracle, miracle here is this group. -why do you want to join us: I consider myself to be an inconspicuous person who goes unseen in crowds. I would be the perfect addition to your crowd of professional terrorists, I could do inflitration missions for you and fulfill my deed infront of my Caliphs. (RP) Thank you for reading my application. ......................................................,...... @ig8820 said in DZTG |DZ Terrorist Group: -Part 1-Personal information: -Nickname: IG8820 -AccountName: IG8820 -Real Name: Terrance Dicks -Age: 25 -Nationality: British -Primary Language: English -Your english skills: 9/10 -Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES: -How long have you been playing MTA: Since the dawn of time, or 2010. Whichever happened first. -How long have you been playing on SAES: Same time I started MTA. -How many hours do you play in day: Not enough. -Previous gang/squads?: SAPA -currently gang/squads?: FBI -previous gang/squad/groups: SAPA -Part 3-Questions: -Describe Roleplay: Pretending you are doing something in real life in a game. Like pretend I wanted to get a piece of chicken. I will go roleplay my ass into Cluckin Bell and be incredibly rude to the catering staff like someone in real life. Because you know, fast food workers aren't real people. Right? -What does mean DM: Right, let me lay the scene out. You see a trainee in the distance and he's driving happily along in his golf caddy. Being the evil bastard you are, you decide to run up and shoot him in the face for no reason killing him. But, it turns out after you DM the trainee it's an undercover admin like @Hesha with a dumb name. As a result, you get sent to admin jail for the eternity of time. And that is DM. Killing the wrong person at the wrong time, or you know just killing someone for no reason. -Strengths: I have the power of God and anime on my side. -Weaknesses: I can be a very poor driver sometimes. Like let me tell you, one time I was driving the FBI enforcer to a bank robbery and it was near SF airport. I was driving too fast, I flipped the car and all the FBI online ended up in the water. As a result, we all agreed a strange suicide pact and drowned ourselves so we could meet back at base. Also, another time I was chasing someone down the LV strip and I crashed my car. That made me very sad. And on another occasion I was happily driving along and then a random SAFP member violently rammed me from behind on the LS-LV highway. :::
  5. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 21-10-2018
  6. Thanks lord @SheraP
  7. Thank you guys i love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  8. SAFD Members: Carter, Soulfly . Participants: , RolePlay :Legend, Glayd, Asgal today after received orders to assemble in SAFD Los Santos .We received a call about a train in an accident in Las Venturas , We took trucks and our equipment After we arrived in the location we checked the place And find an easy way to stop spreading flames , One member of SAFD ( Soulfly) was injured in his leg ,we gave the first aid to the victim and we took him to the truck before calling an ambulance from LV hosp , and after Then we continued to extinguish the fire. Screenshots:
  9. Sir. @PUNCH thankyou for application , after thinking with our HQ we decided to give you a chance you are ~[accepted]~(green) , meet me or anyone from HQ DZ-TG for tests. DZTG Discord link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2U Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  10. thankyou @Object <3 <3 <3 Thankyou all <3 <3 <3
  11. 19-10-2018 / 02:03 Members : @Wolf @Chepanii @drack . Explanation tonight we decided to bombing base HLS , we took our bombs and we gone to the location , After thinking about the plan to enter the base ,we blow up all the cars/planes of the HLS . 19-10-2018 / 02:03
  12. Explanation : jailbreak & SR 19-10-2018 / 00:50
  13. Attenders : TT members & DZTG & other criminals Explanation : Helping gang ~[Tuga Thugs]~(sienna) in bank robbery / Las Venturas 19:14 ![alt text]https://i.imgur.com/cmyxMiB.png)
  14. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 17-10-2018
  15. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 16-10-2018 ~[(JB)]~(maroon,maroon)
  16. Funny video , good luck .
  17. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 15-10-2018
  18. banners updated : Activity Role play Event Mission
  19. Sir. @Mr-Leon I think this second application , and you got accepted before by the leader @Sniper , well meet anyone from HQ DZ-TG for tests. DZTG Discord link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2U Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  20. Sir. @SheraP Thankyou for application ,our HQ decided to give you a chance, you got ~[accepted]~(lime) , meet anyone from our HQ in game for your tests. DZTG Discord link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2U Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  21. @RAMPAGE , DZ-TG is Terrorist group. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2060/dztg-dz-terrorist-group?page=1
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