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Everything posted by NORI91

  1. Mr. @Kzar Thankyou for application ,after talking with our HQ we decided to give you ~[accepted]~(lime) , meet me or anyone from our HQ for your tests. DZTG Discord link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2U Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  2. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 11-10-2018
  3. @SniperLyfe saha soolking ;)
  4. Mr @Ak-47 thankyou for application , well our HQ decided to give you a chance to improve your self you are ~[pending]~(orange,orange) , put tag [DZTG-H]name and hang with our members to show us your skills . DZTG Discord link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2Um Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  5. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 08-10-2018
  6. Mr @Ak-47 thanks for application ,you forget last Part ( part 3-Questions) ,however you have 24/h to fix it . Mr @yassin50 thankyou for application , after talking with our HQ so we decided to give you ~[pending]~(orange,orange) , hang with our members and show us your skills . DZTG Discord link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2Um Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  7. Mr @hazy this topic only for applications, if you have any question come to our discord . DZTG link: https://discord.gg/Hnd2Um
  8. ~[The Strike Team Activity]~(navy) 06-10-2018
  9. ~[DZTG]~(maroon) AVTIVITY 06-10-2018
  10. dear @Zodiac Thankyou for application ,after talking with our HQ we decided to give you ~[accepted]~(lime) , meet anyone from our HQ for your tests. Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  11. sir @Douglass thankyou for Application , After discussion with HQ DZTG we decided to give you a chance you are ~[accepted]~(lime) meet me or anyone from HQ Team for your tests. Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  12. mr @Rainy thanks for application , after thinking with our HQ we diceded to give you a chance to show us your skills , you are ~[accepted]~(green) , meet me or anyone from our HQ for your tests in game . Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  13. Training : Shooting (M4) Attenders : @Aspect and @NORI999 Explanation : we decided to do some training with M4 in base TST, cause Aspcet want to get back his skills after 3 months of inactive . Screens :
  14. Mr @JaKeL Thankyou for application and sorry for the late answer , After discussion with our HQ Team we decide to give you a chance you got ~[accepted]~(green) ,meet me or any HQ for your test. Dear @KARIM Thankyou for application , DZTG decide to give you a chance you got ~[accepted]~(green) ,meet me or any HQ for your test in game . Good luck Mokhtar Nori The Caliph
  15. SAFD Members: Carter, Flusha, Laza . Participants: , Bozi, , Nori, Netro, Gabbar, Bas (medic) , sniper (victim) and Firefox (agent FOX). RolePlay : we received orders to assemble in SAFD Los Santos .To receive instructions in the field of fire fighting , After that we received a call about an accident on the road train (car crash) in Las Venturas , The SAFD chief directed us and gave us instructions to go to the location. ( we was group firefighters/SAFD - 01 agent FOX - 01 medic). We took ambulances , trucks and our equipment , After we arrived in the location we found a victim lying on the ground ,The medic examined the victim's body ,The victim was a officer from TST ,We secured area and the FOX agent began to investigate and search for any evidence ,The medic gave the first aid to the victim and we took him to the hospital Las Venturas . 01 02 03 04 05
  16. Gz WA . but @KARIM still miboun ;).
  17. Bank-Rrobbery 01/10/2018 Explanation : Today we were able to stop BR in Las venturas . Thanks to all Units Screens:
  18. You are a fbi agent
  19. @griffin said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive: -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 157 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Our brother's betrayal -=(black,red)Story:=-I was talking to my gang buddy.My phone rang,I found out the other gang guy was betraying us.He's telling the police about our secret information.He took a thousand dollars for it.Me and my friend went there.Our gang friend met with the police in a secret place.We got them.I asked my gang buddy why.He didn't answer.I got angry.We've decided to kill them both.I thought on the road.Should I have forgiven them ? The answer was no.Their punishment was death.I didn't pity them.We took them to a desolate place in the desert.They both cried.My friend wanted me to kill them.I put them down.And I killed them both.We left the bodies there and ran away. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/6zwk4XZ
  20. ~[The Strike Team Activity]~(navy) 13:34 / 30-09-2018
  21. ~[The Strike Team Activity]~(navy) / 29-09-2018
  22. Training : Parachute Training Attenders : @Sniper and @NORI999 Explanation : i decided with major.sniper to do a Parachute Training , The goal is to be ready for raiding bases & store robberies in future. Screens:
  23. HBD revo !!
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