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Everything posted by Lartsa

  1. Granted, but it's going to include a set of premium drilldos by marksman's choice. I want @Tombaa to l2p siege.
  2. I'm honestly so down for this, already sounds better if everyone had to move from second room to third in order to receive any cash, and it's logical too. @scorpyo said in [FEEDBACK] Bank Robbery Balance: I think after increasing the difficulty, there should be a money increasement too, right ? Why though? I don't see a reason for criminals to have more income due to just making cracking harder and moving players from second to third room. Anyhow, supporting this completely, and I'm glad to see developers to actually discuss about new chances to the server with the community. + Making changes after everything has been the same for years, just some scripts here and there that no-one actually cares about. Guess It's time to move forward. PS: Don't you think the third room is quite open for squads to even move toward the safes? There is plenty of space and time for criminals to shut them down - just a thought.
  3. @human_ said in RIP O.... again (sorry Joe): Still shit gang couldn't agree more
  4. @filex said in Fixing the jail: the warden spawn is there, no fun if u arrest him before it even happens -1 Think about it realistically, that area is prohibited from civilians - area like this would never allow anyone to walk in.
  5. @omar It's fine as long as you say no homo. In all honesty, who wouldn't?
  6. @nicus I'd try that for sure, but I don't like nutella. Any other recommendations?
  7. Congratulations, well deserved.
  8. never really knew you, but take care bud.
  9. josh, just give up. i told you ice sucked.
  10. thanks guys
  11. It tends to be real challenge for people to pronounce my name correctly, It's Lartsa. Not Larsta or Larsza or any other stupid thing that people come up with. I guess it has some influence from my irl name as it's Lari - I didn't come up with Lartsa myself, it was a friend of mine who did. It's not that rare to see people being called Lartsa here in Finland, happens often.
  12. Lartsa


    Why though?
  13. Anything that would make the server not so boring should be fine.
  14. Lartsa

    Kymani Watson

    Kymani Watson at age of 19, S Hoover Street. Despite having a Jamaican heritage, Kymani Watson was born on Hoover Street and was immediately thrusted into the gang lifestyle. His father known only as Wats by those around him including his own son, was a prime drug dealer who knew nothing else about life besides drugs. The first actual memory Kymani has of his late father was him shooting up heroin in the family home like it was nothing. At the age of 15 Kymani learnt how hard life can be, when a SWAT team kicked down his front door and arrested his father on multiple drug arrests and one murder charge. Kymanis mother was never the same afterwards, and due to that Kymani never forgave his Father for ruining the family. By the age of 19 Kymani found himself in a gang on Hoover, where he learnt how to survive on the streets, gaining enough money to get himself his own place along with a small drug supply he could push out to others to make some more cash on the side. After a few months Kymani realized he was beginning to attract the wrong attention when he caught one of his hangarounds talking to a detective who immediately begun to stick around the street in order to gain more intel. After his house eventually got raided, which Kymani knew was going to happen thanks to bribing an officer, he decided to leave Hoover street for good and start a new life elsewhere.
  15. i literally had an erect when i noticed this feature in mafia 3
  16. Don't @ me, he's going to be huge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07tFOl-9Av4 "Now my soul dented, pulled up in a Ghost tinted In a drive-by, where niggas shooting shit like Cole Bennett" gave me chills.
  17. @blade said in Show us yourself V3: you've grown, may god bless you.
  18. @combine go neck yourself
  19. who?
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