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Everything posted by Lartsa

  1. Nickname: Lartsa Age: 19 Country: Finland Languages spoken: Finnish & English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 9 How long have you been playing on SAES: Since summer 2012. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins are the ones contributing the weaponry around the country, and the majority of the population are depending on them. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): HS ; Was leading the HQ team of the gang, due to Akyz going inactive with the rest. With no activity shown from my part HS died. O ; Left due to being inactive, not really providing anything for the gang. B~B ; It's been three years since I left B~B and I must admit I don't really remember the complete reasoning for this act, but I guess I had some argument with a fellow member. Rebels ; 2012, some dumb shit lol. LMN ; Died. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: 2012 abusing the housing system. Name 3 BR rules: Committing suicide after the bank robbery by jumping off the roof is prohibited. Healing your teammates. 2 BR's a day max. Name 3 GR rules: Nading along with using other vehicles as explosives, animations and spawnkills are prohibited. Name 3 Turf rules: Do not use unclimbable roofs. Gang & hospital spawns are only usable during this act. You're not allowed to gain health by your own teammates. People who are not in your gang, may assist you by healing or selling you food. What is Roleplay?: Acting realistically by having a realistic conversation or putting out an act, that is not superhuman. What is Deathmatching?: Shooting / Destroying someones belongings. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Report, whenever I'm feeling like grass. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Just pass by them, they mean no harm. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Plenty. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Currently serving in Military, therefore I'll only be active on weekends, if my schedule even allows that. Also, Finland doesn't exist. https://www.reddit.com/r/finlandConspiracy/comments/ah9669/evidence_driving_with_bf_from_turku_fareastern/
  2. @Ardron @Fyrr @Hesha fr
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O148yUGIElo&feature=youtu.be
  4. @Odorian said in Use of Trainers: buy tt trainer best times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnuPNk20_Ao 2:50, where the fuck is my snus
  5. Scrubbledubble one or two, just take ite easy,
  6. wait so i cant dupe nades no more? that's lame
  7. Oh. Yeah. Also. if you want to be my friend, fill this. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1z_p-lYzEUZuklfuLXrNlMOvVbqKImIogNFBIlPTI1CE (im lonely)
  8. So, as I promised back in 2016 here they are. (https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88632-question-form-for-everyone-to-fill/) Brophy's answer, by the way. And we also found out what he's using the money he receives from donators for. ::: ::: See, Omar wasn't that bad afterall. We need justice. ::: ::: Now people like this, are part of the team. Not to mention he's 57. insane. ::: ::: Cba to go through rest of them.
  9. solid meme that @Rennie made http://captiongenerator.com/1177492/Siddmens-2-Drunk-Again
  10. Thank you everybody. You don't know how much this means to me. Sincerely, yours. Lartsa.
  11. Everyone is so thirsty these days.
  12. @Felix said in Rebels MC -Applications are OPEN: @Judyes thanks! @Lartsa it was 6 years ago I cant really remember, was all Black Army transferred to Rebels back then? :D Indeed!
  13. lmfao remember back in 12 or so, got added from black army to this gang. started a random ass br n shit. fun stuff.
  14. Holy shit this topic gave me chills. Never really knew the folk, but shit that's unfortunate. Take it easy Faker.
  15. @moenesmjaid said in Show us yourself V3: @human_ said in Show us yourself V3: @lartsa said in Show us yourself V3: @human_ what if i told u i use both. 99% of smokers die. 1% has godmode. You're not one of those 1%. Boy you gonna die DIE DIE Larasta DIE DIE please kys cunt
  16. @ganja said in Show us yourself V3: no memes pls !! nice nipples
  17. @human_ what if i told u i use both. 99% of smokers die. 1% has godmode.
  18. @teddy said in July Updates: @tefa said in July Updates: Great new things will get the exciting part of saes back again , but what is KATLA? -> when you realise 2.0 was in development for so long most most of modern players don't even know what it is When you realise that he's not even talking about 2.0 but katla.
  19. @teddy said in [POLL] Kill arresting in interiors: The only original arrest system SAES had is the arrest by one-hit taze. Which is gone. oh boy, that's the last time I actually enjoyed arresting.
  20. all of these r from 2016 or be4
  21. oh yeah, I nearly forgot. This is my setup, I was playing 1v1 with a cunt who killed me whilst I was stunned, that's not allowed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJxzbnlXvSE
  22. I feel betrayed. I remember participating like rtech live recruitment, that was a race. I won the fucken race m8 but didn't get added, cunts who finished second and third got added. feck u.
  23. @kipt said in Corrupt the Wish [GAME]: Granted, but will have to be used dildos. I want this topic to get closed. Granted, but someone will make two even worse topics. I want old forums back.
  24. @thing said in Show us your setup: i7 4790, GTX 1070, 16GB DDR3 RAM that's fucking neat tbh.
  25. @joshbond said in Official Quote Wall: Havent got a picture but this was said by the HQ team 5-7 years ago. But biggest meme quote ever on this Server. 2.0 is coming soon gold.
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