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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Just because squads are inactive doesnt means you need tanks and minigun to "balance things", DE has more members than CLO but we still keep things balanced without any of the "QQing" Good cops never cried to have op things, learn with Proabel, Roberto and many others. Cop life isnt meant to be easier, its been always hard SWAT asked that spawn for assist purposes, for MEDIC roleplay, never meant to be two classes in one POLICE spawn Just another thing, If SWAT can, others squad will request medic spawn too and then you'll fuck the gameplay for criminals
  2. Parabns viado, tmj, nosso dia
  3. wow, thanks people and thanks OCS e tmj julio <3
  4. @Pitty said in Taking suicide pills is against the rules?: Hey folks, i received a report earlier today from a guy... He took suicide pills (on purpose or not, i don't know)... But i'm wondering if it's against the rules or not, i'm trying to get the opinion from a lot of peeps as possible, please state your mind! :) If I can state my opinion about it, it should be allowed, drugs are allowed anywhere but in events. I know suicide pills is something different because it takes your HP till you die but its a drug, its not abuse or asking people to kill you... I mean, you waste your own money to suicide, you dont lose your jail time for nothing, you pay for the drug But as far as I know, its not allowed, im just stating my opinion
  5. oh fk
  6. Sorted it for you @Crash <3 gay Cristiano Ronaldo
  7. Sorted
  8. Sorted, thanks for requesting! <3
  9. Denied, house is owned by SAES HQ(Magnus)
  10. Sorted, thanks!
  11. Uploaded it to imgur because I can't check turk sites link; https://imgur.com/a/BxzGfZo
  12. Sorted! thanks sir <3
  13. Property requested belongs to SAES HQ(Magnus) and as rules says, you can't request admins properties! Request denied!
  14. Sorted, thanks <3
  15. Sorted, gracias amigoooooooooo
  16. Sorted, thanks mate!
  17. Sorted, thaaaaaaaanks!
  18. Topic locked in request of creator! Thanks <3
  19. Oo, sorted, thanks mate!
  20. Sorted
  21. Sorted!!!! Thanks!
  22. Sorted, thanks for reporting! <3
  23. ^Because if this gets added to game, it will be a big impact that will also affect the speciality of the special groups which are not really that special anymore About the suggestion, as I stated before, I like it but makes CLO/DE less special
  24. @PulaR said in Body damage script: @Brazz DE/CLO got armour thats enough :D That's the point I want to go. DDT and HLS(Probably SS too) have armor and they are not special groups... They already took too much from the special groups, dont you think? @Siper_ We had more things and they got removed from us for being too overpowered, like if a SPECIAL group isn't meant to be overpowered? And as I mentioned, we are limited in usage of any special vehicles
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