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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. @Silence Hey, taking time to aim and shooting is enough to get killed by 3 shoots in the head, there's the headshot in sniper only for CLO/DE and noobs like @Teddy mentions Hydra and Hunters, like if we can use it 24/7 in bankrobs, storerobberies and more criminal vs cop activity. Well, not even headshot we can use in our normal gameplay because of people crying about that. I like your idea of making skill>random 10 shoots with m4 but I don't like the part of your idea that makes DE/CLO less special ;)
  2. Wouldn't that make CLO/DE headshot less special? The respected and special groups already lost most of its special things... I would vote +1 but just because of CLO/DE special things, I have to vote no aaaaand, imagine that in jailbreaks/bankrobs with kill-arrest script(hhhhh anything with kill-arrest script is op)
  3. Sorted, thanks!
  4. haykel92 was last seen 20 January 2019, sorry but your request has been denied! <3
  5. Sorted, thanks for reporting, love! <3
  6. Sorted and archived, thanks! <3
  7. Sorted and archived.
  8. Thanks for requesting! You requested some properties 3 days ago but rules says calendar week... Archived & Sorted!
  9. Thanks for requesting! You requested some properties 3 days ago but rules says calendar week... Archived & Sorted!
  10. Sorted and archived, thanks! <3
  11. Sorted and archived, thanks!
  12. User already requested 2 inactive properties this week, therefore, your inactive property request is denied :(
  13. Sir, post the pictures of the property correctly please ;) Upload it to imgur or somewhere you can get link and then paste link here. Nobody can see the SS of property, therefore nobody will bid... fiiiiiiiiiiiiix!
  14. Sorted and archived, gracias!
  15. Sorted and archived, gracias!
  16. Sorted and archived, thanks for reporting! Last seen is 19-11-2018 btw
  17. @Zwolle Now I like it <3 There was a bank like that... I only remember Rennie using satchels to kill cops... Don't know if it was removed due to a bug or something, hhhhh. Pro mapping zwoo
  18. You would destroy the Camionero/Fuel trucker, nooooooooooooooooo
  19. 14 days passed and nothing happened. We have to lock and archive.
  20. 14 days passed and nothing happened. We have to lock and archive.
  21. The walls to make cops safe are really good, but, 3rd door is eeeeeh, gotta change it to something else :dog: Epic Boris
  22. Checked myself and user was last seen 21st October 2018. Find any SAHA member ingame to sort the property for you. @Rondaw , Edit topic name to something we can archive and look back if needed and take another screenshot or put username in the topic, plies plies plies
  23. User last seen 17 November 2018. Property sorted!
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