Results time, @Kaisa , your application has been Accepted, welcome to the gang, decent activity and good feedback overall. Watch it with all the pervs inside the gang including @Hotfire and @Pazoo , homosexuals at their peak. ^[ ] @Kratos , Mixed opinions regarding your application, the reason you left ThC is really vague, I don't get how could you leave your gang because you wanted to join us, suspicious if you ask me. Denied. You can apply back in two weeks. Try to hang more with our members if you do so rather than HQs since we always receive feedback from them. ^[ ] @ANARCHY ,good application overall, we did received positive opinions from our members, rather say mixed opinions. The HQ team is not willing to take any risks upon the gang's stability. You're aware why I'm stating this. If you're back...try to play, have fun, and settle things up before you apply again. Denied. Don't apply too soon or the answer will be the same. ^[ ] @LastKing , you've been playing this game for less than expected, however that's not the problem, since we've gave chances to people like you in the past. I admire your courage after being denied once, you applied again. The reason I'm denying you it's because you haven't showed enough effort to make it in, you've rule break here and there, so we honestly don't think you're ready to join AA at the moment, you're denied, gain more experience before applying again. ^[ ] ^[ ] ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)