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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Yoko

  1. This topic makes me want to fly over Brazil and see what the hell is going on out there, wheres the decent people like Brazz, Pitoco, @kipt who thinks hes special but hes just another macaco fdp! The idea is just vague, retarded and pure nonsense, No.
  2. Its this a failed meme for you or what? Definitely no.
  3. @Canelas is too busy watching Lord of the Rings for the tenth time so here we go. @ANARCHY , another turk holy fuck...it's Turks Assassins now days [TA]! The interest displayed was really good, we trust you'll do a better job than last time. No more opportunities. ^[ ] @Juan , decent application, we're glad you came back to activity, however we don't think you're ready to join us just yet. We've faced many issues with people that came back just to fuck around, and that will certainly not happen again. Not saying you are one of them don't get me wrong, but we're not willing to take the risk. If you feel like applying again do it in 3 weeks or so. ^[ ] @BigSky , sadly no feedback from our members. The application wasn't the best as well, if you're interested hang around with AAs more often and next time you apply show more interest! You're free to apply again, doing so too early will guide to the same result. ^[ ] @Ardron , this is your last shot, don't miss it, there won't be another one! Welcome back. ^[ ] ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)
  4. @Ikzelf
  5. Outbreak's freak
  6. Ive been waiting for something like this for a long time since MWs cracking one
  7. ^[~[ILLUSION !!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!]~(99004d) ] ^[ ]
  8. ^[ ] ^[ ~[AA late night activity/early morning]~(99004d) ] ^[ ]
  9. @Juan & @BigSky , your applications will remain under review for the time being. Btw Juan edit your application it's a mess. ^[ ] Quick note For our future applicants please check the main topic, the application has been updated. You can check here: ~[https://saesrpg.uk/topic/602/arms-assassins/2?page=1]~(99004d) If you're too lazy here you go: **Username:** **Age:** **Country:** **Languages spoken:** **From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10):** **How long have you been playing on SAES:** **In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay:** **Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving):** **Previous bans on the server and reasons for them:** **Name 3 Bankrob rules:** **Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should** **absolutely NOT do?:** **Name 3 Turf rules:** **What is Roleplay?:** **What is Deathmatching?:** **Someone DMs you. What do you do?:** **You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:** **Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:** **Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us):** ^[ ~[Please copy the application as displayed, not doing so will decrease your possibility to join.]~(99004d) ] ^[ ] AA HQ
  10. Happy birthday @Exile you still a kiddo...
  11. Yoko

    I'm back.

    Welcome back AkyZ!
  12. ^[ ] ^[ ] ~[AA]~(99004d) Events ^[ ] Event: ~[Maze LMS]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$1.500.000]~(green) LWS/G6: Mua / Winners: @ReaperBF Screenshots: ^[ ] ^[ ] Event: ~[Boxing Event]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green) LWS/G6: Mua / Winners: @mazen Screenshots: ^[ ] ^[ ] Event: ~[Hydra Shooter Event]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green) LWS/G6: Mua / Winners: Don't remember lul Screenshots: ^[ ] ^[ ] ^[ ]
  13. Does the topic looks like the blackhole to you @Trap , stop posting like a retard on every gangs topic. @dark_hunter youre denied...denied...denied...denied denied. ^[ ]
  14. @Lynch1 , Not very good feedback overall, questionable loyalty as a good friend of mine would say. On behalf of ~[AA HQ Team]~(99004d) we've decided not to go further with the application. We don't believe you're ready to join AA. Don't apply again, Denied. ^[ ] @Skomorje , we've noticed your participation, we received general feedback from one side only, so I'd expect you to get closer to every AA member so they can know you better, Pending. ^[ ] @madrazo , we don't think you're ready to be part of AA, don't bother in applying again. Denied. ^[ ] ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)
  15. Stay strong Laza, hope to see you again really soon.
  16. Even with a huge amount of players you shouldnt be facing such issue, although the problem might be your connection to the host or just the fact you time out when you try to log in, try restarting your MTA if it still causes the same issue, check your internet speed and/or restart your modem/router. I faced this issue when I had a really bad internet service provider.
  17. Dear Chasin, I admire your courage, writing a topic regarding your personal health/issues is not easy, youre a good lad, and I hope everything goes well for you, stay strong, life can sometimes be really tough, but we need to overcome such life scenarios and try our best to move forward. I truly hope you get better.
  18. @barras & @Bones unlocked.
  19. Happy birthday @Groove El Salvador is waiting for such a fan to enjoy your vacations there! :birthday:
  20. Results time, @Kaisa , your application has been Accepted, welcome to the gang, decent activity and good feedback overall. Watch it with all the pervs inside the gang including @Hotfire and @Pazoo , homosexuals at their peak. ^[ ] @Kratos , Mixed opinions regarding your application, the reason you left ThC is really vague, I don't get how could you leave your gang because you wanted to join us, suspicious if you ask me. Denied. You can apply back in two weeks. Try to hang more with our members if you do so rather than HQs since we always receive feedback from them. ^[ ] @ANARCHY ,good application overall, we did received positive opinions from our members, rather say mixed opinions. The HQ team is not willing to take any risks upon the gang's stability. You're aware why I'm stating this. If you're back...try to play, have fun, and settle things up before you apply again. Denied. Don't apply too soon or the answer will be the same. ^[ ] @LastKing , you've been playing this game for less than expected, however that's not the problem, since we've gave chances to people like you in the past. I admire your courage after being denied once, you applied again. The reason I'm denying you it's because you haven't showed enough effort to make it in, you've rule break here and there, so we honestly don't think you're ready to join AA at the moment, you're denied, gain more experience before applying again. ^[ ] ^[ ] ~[AA HQ]~(99004d)
  21. Hermano, happy birthday! Hope you enjoy your birthday with some putas! :birthday:
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