~[ @Cuervo ]~(99004d) Although the majority of members rely on one of our AAs feedback, we'd like you to show yourself to the rest of the gang, be more participative and show more interest, Pending. ^[ ] ~[ @Skinner ]~(99004d) We've received generally good feedback from you, therefore we're willing to go forward with your application and see what are you up to, don't let us down and display how much you've improved throughout the time in LE, Pending ^[ ] ~[ @Twenta ]~(99004d) As stated on the interview, activity is your Achilles heel, so we'd like you to prove us wrong, and show us you're really active, willing to join AA and stay for good. Pending ^[ ] ~[Whoever applied within the past 24/48 hours will get a reply next week, unless you pm a HQ (illu specially) ingame you'll be insta denied.]~(99004d)