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Everything posted by Yoko

  2. @Darius Questionable application :face_vomiting: decent feedback though. Don't vanish out! Pending ^[ ]
  3. ^[ ] Date: ~[06/13/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Arrest Event]~(99004d) ~[Target Yoko and Kikas35 $10.000.000 each]~(grey) Total Prize: ~[$20.000.000]~(green) ~[Note:]~(maroon) Only ~[$10.000.000]~(green) paid since the second arrest was outside the event. LWS: @ColdPlay Winners: @hessan210 Screenshots: Thanks to the helpers!
  4. ^[ ] Date: ~[06/06/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Protection Event]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$40.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Yoko @Colo @ColdPlay @Judyes Sponsors: ~[Cripz / AA / TT / B~B / JK]~ Winners: @Leb Screenshots:
  5. Happy birthday Sushii enjoy!
  6. ^[ ] Date: ~[05/28/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[LMS Deagle only]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$10.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Yoko Winners: @Silveer Screenshots:
  7. ^[ ] @weeevils My future wife :united_kingdom: @PinkyyyTinkyyy is really happy to have you around! Anyway on a serious note, positive feedback overall, let's hope your stay last for a long time. Accepted ^[ ]
  8. ^[ ] @juanes12 Positive feedback, decent application and you passed @Canelas ' profsnal probie test! Accepted ^[ ]
  9. ^[ ] Date: ~[05/04/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[GT LMS]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green) & a free Stratum. LWS: Yoko Winners: @Petrow Screenshots:
  10. You should probably create a new steam account as well, getting access to your private information was quite easy after all, adios!
  11. ^[ ] @juanes12 You've apparently improved since the last time, try to bond with our members, don't pm everyone...Instead just casually hang around etc..Pending ^[ ] @AdemBygt Terrible application, the feedback received from our members is overwhelmingly bad, don't bother trying again Denied. ^[ ] ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  12. ^[ ] Date: ~[04/30/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Tube LMS]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$10.000.000]~(green) LWS/Admin: @Yoko , @ANARCHY , @Niklaus (useless) Winners: @kiraa Screenshots: ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  13. ^[ ] @Ovallees Decent feedback...though you haven't answer Canelas' translation request "I need to see gas" pm him whenever you're free, anyway....Accepted welcome aboard. ^[ ] @Boody There's no feedback about you recently. A bit of ghost here..application will remain pending for now. ^[ ] @Nishki Well, you have proven yourself worthy of a place in AA for now, welcome aboard and don't waste this opportunity...there will be no other. Accepted. ^[ ] ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  14. ^[ ] Date: ~[04/24/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Arrest/kill the Targets]~(99004d) @Gui / @Mackey Prize: ~[$30.000.000]~(green) ~[$15.000.000 per head]~(orange) LWS/Admin: @Yoko , @ANARCHY @Terry @ColdPlay @Velo etc... Sponsors: JK / AA & @Ovallees Winners: @KiroSa & @hessan210 Screenshots: Overall Prize: ~[$30.000.000]~(green) ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  15. Tombaa being a nice dude for once
  16. ^[ ] Date: ~[04/23/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Fallout LMS]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$6.666.666]~(green) LWS: @Yoko , @ANARCHY Winners: @RiKkI Screenshots: Date: ~[04/23/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Fallout LMS#2]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$10.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Yoko , @ANARCHY Winners: @MohA Screenshots: Overall Prize: ~[$16.666.666]~(green) ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  17. ^[ ] Date: ~[04/22/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[AA/B~B Event Kill Curny for a bounty]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$10.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Yoko , @Niklaus & @Judyes Volunteer: ~[[B~B]]~(ff4500) @Curny Winners: M7 Screenshots: Date: ~[04/22/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[AA/B~B Event Kill the target @Jefferson Motel]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$15.000.000]~(green) LWS: @Yoko , @Niklaus & @Judyes Volunteer: ~[[B~B]]~(ff4500) @Curny Winners: @Colo Screenshots: Overall Prize: ~[$25.000.000]~(green) ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  18. ^[ ] Date: ~[04/21/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Face 2 Face LMS]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$2.000.000]~(green) LWS: Yoko Winners: @Zodiac Screenshots: Date: ~[04/21/2021]~(sienna) Event: ~[Face 2 Face LMS#2]~(99004d) Prize: ~[$2.000.000]~(green) LWS: Yoko Winners: @Bodo420 Screenshots: ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  19. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8JC640031T280033U Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  20. ^[ ] @Ovallees We appreciate your interest in joining us, surprisingly we received some positive comments / feedback on your behalf. Your application is good for a 2/10 level skill which makes us wonder if you really wrote it. Anyway you're Pending keep hanging around with our members. ^[ ] @juanes12 Same as above we're glad to have new blood interested in our gang, however there was unfortunately almost no feedback about you. Applying and fading out does not work at all. On the other hand we value our members feedback so same as above you should show yourself to them instead of constantly trying to contact the HR's. Denied ^[ ] @Hitler Never thought I'd be answering an application of yours Tiago, time goes by fast! No introduction needed, welcome back! ^[ ] @Boody Decent app, try showing yourself and we'll see how it goes from there. Pending ^[ ] ~[AA :p]~(99004d)
  21. Feliz cumpleanos Rocoso mocoso, disfruta!
  22. Happy birthday amigo, already told ya on clo dc but ENJOY IT <3
  23. Cubanos fdp https://youtu.be/QsQldxWGzNk
  24. CLO random stuff https://youtu.be/EtTLj-CMnhk
  25. ^[ ] @Rodriguez We're happy to announce we finally decided to give you a shot. Welcome aboard! Accepted. ^[ ] @Nishki It seems you're really interested huh? Even after being denied a couple of times...an Under Review should do it for now. ^[ ]
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