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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Sorted. 2nd request this week, you can request another house on next Monday.
  2. Sorted. 2nd request this week, wait until next Monday to request another house.
  3. @Combine @Steve @Griffin @Tantawy @Denis @MaRoO @Villain-R @Karma
  4. Start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet. Archived.
  5. This house belongs to SAES>Magnus, and it's SWAT base (lol) therefore it won't be sold. Request denied.
  6. This house belongs to SAES>Magnus, therefore it won't be sold.
  7. Sorted. Second request this week, you can't make any other requests until next week ( Monday 00.00 )
  8. The owner of this house is SAES>Rennie, therefore can't have it. -Request denied.
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