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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Do not tag SAHA members in your topic, we're already monitoring this forum, if you want to directly talk to us use SAHA channel on discord or try PMing ingame. Request denied due to requester already reaching his weekly limit here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6586/inactive-sf
  2. Do not tag SAHA members in your topic, we're already monitoring this forum, if you want to directly talk to us use SAHA channel on discord or try PMing ingame. Request denied due to requester already reaching his weekly limit here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6586/inactive-sf
  3. Property has already been requested by another player. (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6601/inactive-property-los-santos) Request denied.
  4. Make a new post in this topic below mine, and use the correct format. Address: Account name: Last seen: Screenshots:
  5. It's a group base, belongs to San Andreas Filmworks. Request denied.
  6. It's a group base, belongs to San Andreas Filmworks. Next time use the correct format. (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format) Request denied.
  7. Archive due to exceeding the time limit (14 days). Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  8. Archive due to exceeding the time limit (14 days). Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  9. Archive due to exceeding the time limit (14 days). Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  10. Archive due to exceeding the time limit (14 days). Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  11. Archive due to exceeding the time limit (14 days). Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  12. @Louis said in Selling Base @ Whetstone/MountChilliad: This property has been sold. Locked.
  13. Sorted. Next time use the correct format which you can find here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format
  14. Don't crop images like that next time. Property belongs to SAES>Magnus, therefore request is denied.
  15. Don't create multiple topics for the same property again (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6486/inactive-lv/2) Address is the property's name on Gui, do it right next time.
  16. Already requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6407/inactive-bayside Request denied.
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