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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Sorted! Thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  2. We currently have 3 banks which I think is not enough considering the number of criminal gangs. My suggestion is to double the count of banks and divide the amount of money you get from a single BR by 2. That way the economy won't be affected since the total income from BRs will still remain the same and gangs might finally stop fighting over banks, that means less bitch fight in teamsay! We could possibly come up with potential new bank locations easily. Also if you haven't heard about the recent suggestion made by Zwolle, check it out here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4903/bank-interior-project Those new banks could also be using that mapping from Zwolle's topic if/after he improves his mapping by the feedback he receives from SAES HQ and manages to get it live on the server.
  3. REQUEST FORMAT Address: Account name: Last seen: Screenshots: ~[Here is an example of how your request should look like:]~(red) Address: Kebabs Restaurant Account name: rizacem Last seen: 20th December 2018 Screenshots: Heres a tutorial if you do still not understand.
  4. Account name: seriallp Address: Tierra Roboda Cafe1 Sorted! Thank you for reporting. Please next time include the house gui within your screenshots. Also bear in mind that this is your 2nd request this week so you will be able to request a new property at 00:00, 24 December 2018.
  5. Sorted. Thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  6. Address: Free Palestine. Please include house gui within the screenshot next time. Thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  7. Address: 8 Wankers Lane Sorted, thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  8. Address: 1 1 Church Road. Sorted, thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  9. Sorted, thank you for reporting. Please next time include the house gui within your screenshot. Address: Shag Shack In Vinewood -Locked and archived.
  10. Sorted! Thanks for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  11. @martinJames said in Selling Business in TR: Business Solded to MI5|Luffy|R Thankyou! -Locked and archived.
  12. Sorted! Thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived. ::: :::
  13. The owner has agreed to sell the said property for 150m. I'll be buying the icon in a few days on behalf of AA. -Topic locked and moved to archive on current owner's request. ::: ::: EDIT: Property has been bought. ::: :::
  14. Account name of the said property's owner is: 'earthshaker5' meanwhile you checked the last seen of 'earthshaker' Please re-check last seen with the correct account name and edit your post if he too is inactive, if not, I guess you are not having it.
  15. @KiCKeR said in Kicker's rewards change: @jonas13362 I lost my donations due to server restart i guesss. It wasn't a server restart what caused your vehicles to disappear. If you don't log in for more than 30 days, your donation vehicles get automatically erased so that unused mapped vehicles wouldn't occupy the server. I'm guessing admins are going to add them back, but bear in mind you need to log in at least once a month to keep them.
  16. Yall are getting trolled by Ardron, my birthday was 2 months ago. Still accepting gifts though :p
  17. @Resistant @Will & @ANARCHY both old members, welcome back.
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