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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Sorted. 2nd request this week, please wait for Monday 00.00 server time for another request.
  2. Sorted. 2nd request this week, please wait for next Monday 00.00 server time for another request.
  3. I'm letting this one pass as other houses of nana123 were requested some minutes ago, but please don't forget to include the /seen in your screenshots next time. Sorted.
  4. Sorted. 2nd request this week, please wait for Monday 00.00 for another request.
  5. @AntiRug said in !selling nice house in RC!: Sold to @SideSwipe , Meet me ingame to claim the prop! Locked.
  6. @Reus said in selling base in sf: i sell it Locked.
  7. @Shadro said in Selling a business in Market, LS. Starting bid: 1.5mil: Sold to @AntiRug Locked.
  8. The last bid was more than 7 days ago, therefore this one goes to archive. Feel free to create another topic if you haven't sold your property yet.
  9. Please do not forget to include the housing gui in your screenshots next time, sorted. 2nd request this week, so wait for Monday 00.00 server time for another request.
  10. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it has been put up for public sale.
  11. Are you requesting these ones for yourself or public sale ? If it's for yourself make a new topic for the 2nd house, and this one will stay for the first. Sorted.
  12. @JohnnyEnglish said in Store directly next to BC Bank: Auction will end in 10 hours @MrDeathBoy Leading bid so far Locked. Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  13. The last bid was more than 7 days ago, therefore this one goes to archive. Feel free to create another topic if you haven't sold your property yet.
  14. https://saesrpg.uk/category/193/housing-auctions
  15. @Henrik said in 6K Income Business in SF: Auction is over. @ciann contact me in game :) Locked.
  16. @JohnnyEnglish said in Huge LVX Warehouse[Base]: The property has been sold. The topic has been locked.
  17. Sorted sir. Please wait for Monday for another request since this is your 2nd one in this week.
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