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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been put up for public sale.
  2. @Griffin said in House Removals: Account Name: zafer305 Icon Name: 1 Groovy Grove Store Done.
  3. Shit ending, season 8 itself doesn't make much sense, it just feels like it's incomplete.
  4. Donated 30 GBP in total so far with this one, I'll post a reward change soon in a single post, for now I'd just love to be added back to donator spawn. Thanks.
  5. This is an automated post TXN ID: 43723924RX6682023 Donation: 5.00 GBP Requested rewards: Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
  6. ^[] Hello folks! As you are aware we had a live recruitment today, and I can tell it went better than expected. We are happy with the interest people have shown towards our group, and we would like to congratulate the following people for making it into Centrino as probationary members: @Bartman , @JohnnyEnglish , @Exile , @Pegasus , @Elegant , @ChasinTLSN , @Lightning , @Dodoo , @redlive122 , @thunderwing I must say though, this does not mean they have become full members of Centrino yet and they will be required to fulfill various tasks to become a full member, and those who fail to do so will be removed from the group. I also would like to welcome an old member among the group: @TaJ , now our dreams of building an Indian farm inside our base is almost complete! If you haven't succeeded in the live recruitment, please don't let this discourage you because you can still try joining Centrino by simply showing up at our ingame RPs & events, or if you like doing freelance work, here is the right place for you so we can notice your efforts easly: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8622/centrino-public-media-archive ^[] Please do not hesitate to share your opinions about our recruitment, we want to receive any feedback to improve our methods for the next time. You're more than welcome to share any screenshots you took during the recruitment, here are some from my perspective: ::: ::: Centrino HQ Terry Mootje StayAlive VinnyBL Anas
  7. @Zei said in Centrino Live Recruitment: MAN PRECISE THE TIME PLEASE. 19:00 GMT OR 19:00 BST ? https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/uk/london
  8. The last bid was more than 7 days ago, therefore this is archived, feel free to create a new topic if you haven't sold it yet.
  9. Sorted. 2nd request this week, please wait for next Monday 00.00 for another request.
  10. mierburns is SAES>Henry. Request denied.
  11. @JohnTurner said in GM Notice: Isn't CIA a squad? I think he wanted to tag Centrino
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