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Everything posted by Terry

  1. ^[] Hello everyone, it's that time of the week again! Considering the amount (15) of applications we have received, we were kinda spammed this week, we appreciate the time you took to apply for us, so let's not make you wait any longer and get to the results! @J-a-x We don't like the fact that you keep changing gangs way too often, we are pretty sure that you couldn't even be arsed to list half of the organizations you were a part of in your application, for that reason we doubt your loyalty. Your previous ban list makes it even worse, you also were never seen around AA members ingame, sorry but not this time. @Griffin Application is okay, effort shown ingame is great but we have our doubts about your loyalty, considering the amount of organizations you have been in, and the ridiculous reasons of why you left them. We don't think you are an AA material, therefore you are denied. @IsoHunt You are a newbie and you applied for too many organizations at once, I guess that says it all. My personal advice to you would be to stick to trying to join a single organization and build your reputation there. @Lartsa We don't deem that you are the kind of player we would like to see in AA. @IsLeMou223 Poor application, also applied for too many organizations at once, same as IsoHunt. Take my advice. @Sniper Poor application, never seen around AA members ingame. @M7rezz You have been way too annoying with your non-stop PMs to AA members. My advice to you would be not to bother AA members that much. Simply locate and go to them or PM them only once if they want to chill around together. Also, don't kill me at the base, I hate it. @TheRoyel 7 adminjails this week ? What the... @Frenchy Application is not bad, ingame efforts are good enough. I have already spoken to you ingame with something that's been bothering me for a while and I'm happy to see you understand my points. Let's see how you will do from now on. @Combine Good old Combine, decided to come back active. It took a long discussion to come up with an answer to you, considering those things you did before you went inactive. For the sake of you being an old member, we would like to give you one last chance to be re-considered, don't waste it. @Hoodie Not a bad application, could do better but I like the way you kept it simple. I can say that you were my most favourite applicant, I used to enjoy these early morning chatters with you. We also have @Essa up our asses asking for another Australian in the gang, so you are pending! @Prophet Know you for a long time, I'm happy to see you get more involved within the community and keep busy with other things rather than PoS. I'm pretty sure you will enjoy life of an Arms Assassin if you can manage to get in. Let's begin with a pending and see how you will do. @TheClaw Not a bad applicant, we had our doubts about you but we love the way you sound more mature than your equals. Let's see how you will do now, don't waste it. @ClasicGhost & @Elite21z You both have been on pending for a long time, we have now come to a conclusion to move forward with your applications considering you spent a good effort around our members ingame and were successful in our interviews. Standart [AA*] tags and please see any HQ+ ingame to get your invitations, welcome aboard! Also, fix that typo in your name ClassicGhost! For those who were denied, we don't have a specific time limit about when you can re-apply again, but obviously making it too soon won't change anything. Please don't let these results discourage you, everyone is free to prove us wrong. I was denied for AA tons of times too back then! -AA HQ
  2. You have reached the request limit (2) this week. Please re-request these houses after 00.00 server time. Request denied.
  3. You have reached the request limit (2) this week. Please re-request these houses after 00.00 server time. Request denied.
  4. You have reached the request limit (2) this week. Please re-request these houses after 00.00 server time. Request denied.
  5. You checked the last seen for 'pasquale' meanwhile the owner is 'pasquale12' and he's active. Request denied.
  6. I'll do the correct format for you this time so you learn how to do it, next time do it yourself or the request goes denied. Address: Ls Electronic Store Account name: kaanreis Last seen: 1st December 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/K2439X4 Sorted.
  7. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5910/inactive-ls Don't create multiple topics for the same property, only one is enough.
  8. Feel free to re-create another topic if you haven't sold it yet, locked.
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