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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Central Events Organization: https://discord.gg/XNT5hfV Everyone is invited!
  2. Donator: Terry Transaction ID: 4434-9195-3139-9425 Donation: 5.00 GBP Requested rewards: Vice City beta pass & Donator spawn. oh and my 500k. :)
  3. @iramine your beard grows more now and it seems like you got a better haircut, it was about time that you changed your barber :D
  4. Looks awesome but is this going to be a seperate server like you guys did a few years ago or is it going to be a map extension (Like Cuba) in San Andreas map?
  5. @PUNCH Joined and left too many gangs lately, that's a no. If you want to re-apply you will have to wait at least 2 weeks. @chemist Seems like you are a popular one amongst Turkish community, it's weird that I haven't heard of the nickname 'chemist' until you applied. Your application is well written and let's see how you will do ingame. Try to be around AA members until we come to a final conclusion.
  6. Terry


    I'm sorry to hear that, hope you get things back in their rail as soon as possible Tilong.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgKAFK5djSk
  8. @Don welcome back pal! @Limonov your application isn't bad, now let's see how you will do ingame. Stick around us until we make our final decision. @heshamthhbest your ambition to join AA is that something we appreciate, yet we still have some doubts about you, so keep hanging around and prove yourself. @pazoo your effort was good, however we still doubt your loyalty, sorry but not this time. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks if you want to prove us wrong. @Conway-01 You should stop applying for us and removing it within an hour, then re-applying a few days later and removing it once again within an hour because you've been denied for the next century.
  9. When it was possible to have modded skins for organizations, Green Berets had one of the coolest skins! It was when Nikolai just got into SAES clan, 2012 summer. You can also spot SAES>Yuu, SAES>Byars, [HS]BobGitt, [G.B]DieBrave[L], SAES>Razvan, MI6|Ranger and many more... Super GT was the fastest car, it was only 3m, oh and you could actually use /me in mainchat xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL5GDbb3IUE __ Selling my Super GT for 2,7m because I think I was in need of money. Captured this video as a back up to my story just in case I get scammed (happened before and guess it was the only time I have ever been scammed on SAES. Learnt my lesson very well). How could I even know that I'd look at that video one day and miss these days ? In mainchat you can see, zZ logs in and everyone loses their mind, Afrojack has just created the legendary La Morte Nera gang... On top bar we had release messages and meanwhile Ikzelf is trying to host a LWS event xD This is from 2012 too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NiTwrA1rAA __ When I won my own gang's, HS' Last Man Standing event (ye, you could participate and nobody would bat an eye) and the prize was a squalo! I still have that one stored in my safedisc. You can spot SAES>BigMike in the background, [HS]Nick420[VL] was playing back then too and Rebels were one of the greatest motorcycle clubs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBjQYBuQEUI __ Avoiding cops like a boss! xD Good SoA times, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44DzALcRJF4 __ Back then I found a bug and uploaded this video to report it. 2014 as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGmBPPMvcI __ Throwback to the times when you could arrest with taser! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXDeg5CXGx0 __ Back when I was training for DE-Airborne tests... 2014 This one must be after I joined Airborne, somewhere in 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VUG_6cClxI __ Troyano tried to accuse me with arresting as DE but he failed, back in 2016 xD Anyways we both look at that video nowadays and laugh together that's why I asked him not to delete it from Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXJYUqnXDcU __ This one is from Woxayd, the video speaks for itself. Crazy AA times back in 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pnu-CH0_ts __ Me when I realize how fast time passes
  10. @ikzelf said in G/S Leaderboards: This way 'core' activity should also be easier to monitor for GM. I agree. It was a little bit odd for me to login yesterday and see FBI with 8 online holding jail and not letting anyone escape just after a few days that they had a GM warning. This way GM can monitor ingame activities of a certain organization and compare it with media archive to see if it's a match so that gangs can't fake the activity on forums that they dont even have ingame and the level results would be more accurate. @ikzelf said in G/S Leaderboards: Could also be tied with rewards for gangs/squad. I think level 2 and above should be able to get it. Overall, great suggestion. Thumbs up.
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