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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Address: 8 Wankers Lane Sorted, thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  2. Address: 1 1 Church Road. Sorted, thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  3. Sorted, thank you for reporting. Please next time include the house gui within your screenshot. Address: Shag Shack In Vinewood -Locked and archived.
  4. Sorted! Thanks for reporting. -Locked and archived.
  5. @martinJames said in Selling Business in TR: Business Solded to MI5|Luffy|R Thankyou! -Locked and archived.
  6. Sorted! Thank you for reporting. -Locked and archived. ::: :::
  7. The owner has agreed to sell the said property for 150m. I'll be buying the icon in a few days on behalf of AA. -Topic locked and moved to archive on current owner's request. ::: ::: EDIT: Property has been bought. ::: :::
  8. Account name of the said property's owner is: 'earthshaker5' meanwhile you checked the last seen of 'earthshaker' Please re-check last seen with the correct account name and edit your post if he too is inactive, if not, I guess you are not having it.
  9. @KiCKeR said in Kicker's rewards change: @jonas13362 I lost my donations due to server restart i guesss. It wasn't a server restart what caused your vehicles to disappear. If you don't log in for more than 30 days, your donation vehicles get automatically erased so that unused mapped vehicles wouldn't occupy the server. I'm guessing admins are going to add them back, but bear in mind you need to log in at least once a month to keep them.
  10. Yall are getting trolled by Ardron, my birthday was 2 months ago. Still accepting gifts though :p
  11. @Resistant @Will & @ANARCHY both old members, welcome back.
  12. @Zei said in SAES Vice City - Beta #3 - Thanks!: If i donate is there another beta soon ? @Brophy said in SAES Vice City - Beta #3 - Thanks!: it looks like we will have one final test (a test run of the final gamemode) and then we will go live. I don't have any dates for the next test, it will be purely when the code is ready. (I'll make sure its a weekend) Had a great time there! Looking forward for its public release. Here are some of my screenshots ::: :::
  13. Your ingame username: rizacem Your ingame alias: Terry Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey Language skills: Turkish & English English Proficiency: I make people think it is good until Kain shows up and ruins it! How long you have been playing: I have been playing for more than 6 years. Your strengths: I have been frequently playing on SAES, regardless of the status of staff recruitment, my daily activity within the server is high as you can see from my gang's media archive. I guess I can call myself as an old player when compared to most of applicants. I consider myself as a forward-thinking person, I am that guy in the squad who is most often right at the end of the day, but never listened to. I am not afraid to admit my own mistakes, I criticize myself with all honesty. Your weaknesses: I am a stubborn person but never a fanatic, it just takes some effort to convince me. I also think I make a very serious person image from outside because many people keep telling me that but I do not agree, I do know when to joke and when to be serious. Other than that my close friends tell me that I am a very ambitious person. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): CS Teamspeak Installed: Yes. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Yes. Reason for application: After taking a look at other applications I decided to apply, because among all these people who came out of inactivity cave just to apply for staff, who just copy pasted their previous applications, who were banned until a week ago, whose membership list is longer than the application itself, I believe I am one of the very few people who deserves a shot and I think I do stand a great chance. Unique qualities you can offer: Since I believe being in 'community staff' team is more about solving and fixing ugly things between players, I think a staff member who is dealing with a report is similar to a judge and I believe I would make a good judge. I do also know how these things work in the game itself, at least from my experiences of running a gang which needs you to be a fair and accurate with your words and actions. Server Memberships: Arms Assassins HQ - Brothers of Metal - Centrino Honorary - ZIP Worker Additional information: You know me, I am your friendly neighborhood Terry! I am an active player on SAES as it is the main game I play in my free time. SAES/BASTAGE is like a hometown community for me, not only for MTA but for games such as GTA V, CS:GO, Rocket League and so on. I most often play with familiar faces from SAES. I think what keeps me playing here is the community, the joy I get while chatting with people. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I can not think of a recent punishment but over the years I have spent playing, it is for sure that I have been muted and adminjailed for various reasons. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned for taking a part in WSS clan back in 2013 but after a couple months there I left the clan so I was unbanned. Other than that the only situation that I needed to appeal my ban was when Danny banned me thinking I was SheraP but that was just a misunderstanding and I was unbanned the same day. Also, if we were to count bans with a certain duration, Sam-B banned me for 3 days as I needed to cool down and Hobopie banned me for 2 hours because I simply fake PMed him from System's mouth causing him to get muted. It was fun seeing System muted!
  14. @Bas said in Official Quote Wall: ??
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