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Everything posted by Cheess

  1. 23-07-2020 AA BR LV ::: https://imgur.com/a/gDdRk2f :::
  2. Happy birthday @Donna !
  3. ^[] ^[~[Accepted:]~(green)] ^[@Max-you12 @Gonza @Orten1 @Darude @KillZone ] ^[~[Pending:]~(orange)] ^[N/A] ^[~[Denied:]~(red)] ^[ @Rykila & @Velona]
  4. ^[] ^[] ^[#built 1 & #activity 1] ^[A showroom has been set up at LV X. It includes a Bar, DJ and a VIP area. Watch our customer services at our main topic for more info! And don't forget to party! In honor of the start of our group we are having a 3 hours party being hosted at LV X. screens]
  5. ^[] ^[] ^[Find our official topic here:] ^[ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20478/q-dance-parties-festivals-and-more?_=1595267763768 ] ^[Festivals build: 14] ^[Activities: 37] ^[Events: 10] ^[_______________________________ +] ^[Total group activities: 61] ^[] ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/rRnNOkg.png?1)] ^[![main picture of the build](image url)] **Build #number** **Additional info:** **Screenshots:** ^[] ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/pMTlQpu.png?1)] ^[![main picture of the activity](image url)] **Activity #number** **Additional info:** **Screenshots:** ^[] ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/YCg5e1r.png?1)] ^[![main picture of the event](image url)] Event **#number** Event type: Prize(s): LWS Helper(s): Winner(s): Screenshots:
  6. ^[] This group is founded by Cheess. Back in the days, we used to be part of ZIP as a ZIP subgroup with the name 'ZIP Party Branch'. However, since ZIP doesnt have subgroups anymore, this is a seperate independant group. Our members use construction panels from other spawns, but members must respawn something else in order to host the party. Since we got no contracts with ZIP or LWS. The group is here to bring some fun living to SAES. With our ability to special objects, we are here to serve the SAES community. We hire ourself to every citizin. Got something to celebrate!? Barbecue, birthday, beach party...? We can make everything for you! ^[Q-Dance Staff: Cheess & Turbo] ^[Tags: [Q-Dance]Name] ^[Discord: https://discord.gg/CrmRUDA] ^[Spawn: Party animal] ^[Founded at 20 july 2020] ^[Q-Dance base: At Las Venturas Cross at the arms dealer spawn] You can hire us for anything that has to do with parties. This goes from barbecues, birthday parties, beach party and anything you like! Services: Small party: Barbecue, backyard party Medium party: Creating your own g/s/c party Big party: Festival area Security: You can hire security at your party Party Animal: They will sell alcoholics at your party Radio DJ: He will give your mate an unforgettable evening. Prize list builds: Small party: .........$250,000-$500,000...........[DJ set + bar + chilling area] Medium party: ...$500,000-$1,000,000...........[DJ set + bar + chilling area + stage/vip area] Big party: .............$1,000,000-$2,500,000.....[DJ set + bar + chilling area + stage + VIP area] The prizes stated above are guidelines. When you would like to request a build, join our discord and tell us you want to make a request. Then we will make a private channel to discuss about it. There is a 'request-your-party' channel at our discord. Please fill in the request format there and we can't wait to get the party started! Showroom: (This is just a showroom for the Bar, DJ and VIP. The sizes of the parties are discussable. The bigger the size, the bigger the prize.) As in a normal company, members do get paid. The minimum wage for a party you've worked on is $5,000 with a maximum wage of $500,000. That depends on the work you have done. Waiters and security guards will be outsourced. We will set up a contract with the regarding group. We will give an amount of money to the group HQ to help us out, and they spread the money to their members themselves. 4 Staff Q-Dance Director =Leader= (1/1) Cheess Q-Dance Radio DJ Manager =HQ= (1/1) Turbo Q-Dance Stage Building Manager =HQ= (1/1) Cheess Q-Dance Party Animal Manager =HQ= (1/3) Avanger Q-Dance Assisting Staff =subHQ= (1/3) Foxzilla 17 Members Q-Dance DJ (7/infinite) Radio program appreciated Jonas Blue Thing Fenter Tweaks Speed Mystic Q-Dance stage builder (4/infinite) Construction panel appreciated Rick Guard Jasper Toreno Q-Dance party animal (6/10) Nothing needed. Max Gonza Grim Remp Skrillex Skyler Q-Dance Honorary People who did special work to the group Jasper Toreno If interested in coorperating, join our discord and a private channel will be set up there. https://discord.gg/CrmRUDA . ^[https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20483/q-dance-parties-festivals-and-more-media] Summerland festivals are the biggest events being hosted on SAES. These are enormous events with all luxury and a mega size of space included. The stages are enormous and overwhelming. DISCLAIMER: Summerlands can be hosted by Q-Dance HQ+ ONLY. All rights reserved Summerland edition 1 (Credits to Cheess & Jasper) Summerland edition 2 (Credits to Cheess & Jasper) Summerland edition 3 (Credits to Cheess & Jasper) STAGE BUILDER Account name: Ingame name: Your age: Do you got acces to a construction panel? (zip, lws, etc.) If yes, which: Show us 1 party you've build to convince us (including imgur link): RADIO DJ Account name: Ingame name: Your age: Which DJ progam are you using?: Party Animal. Account name: Ingame name: Your age: You must join us on discord in order to make a chance to get accepted: https://discord.gg/EjVwW2b
  7. 16-07-2020 ::: https://imgur.com/a/BCdgmTB :::
  8. 16-07-2020 Assisting B~B with their BR ::: https://imgur.com/a/MA7CBfN :::
  9. 16-07-2020 ::: https://imgur.com/a/aOBCj7z :::
  10. 16-07-2020 ::: https://imgur.com/a/Gf4QfS0 :::
  11. 13-7-2020 AA activity, doing some storerobberies ::: https://imgur.com/a/3fKuzvg :::
  12. @Cheess said in ZIP - Cheess' Portfolio: ARCHITECT PROMOTION #3 RENOVATING BRIDGE #Construction_number: 13 Number of objects: 290 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): https://pastebin.com/Uf4pFtZm Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/QKfMmg2 RP story: NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: MEGASTRUCTURE RENOVATED This megastructure, as 'Worker Cheess' stated, have been totally renovated by governments order! Read more.. This goes about renovating a bridge between Tierra Robada and Bone County. The local Mayor did make a statement to the nationwide government last winter because he was in the need of money to renovate this important transport route from Bayside to Las Venturas North. So, this summer it was finally there! The bridge was undergoing a big renovation for at least a month. The renovation is done already, but it isn't officially opened yet by mayor Tenry. But you will find out in this newspaper soon! Our interviewer have spoken to a local worker which worked on that bridge. Interviewer: "So, mister....? You worked on this bridge?" Cheess: "... the name is Cheess. I worked on this bridge yea." I : "And how did it go?? Tell us more..." C : Well, I am Cheess, a worker around here. I'm an old worker. So I do not work that fast. I actually built this bridge when it was new. But that was last decade. I : Oh okey Mister Cheess, thanks for the info. But the renovation, how did that go? C : Well, it was a though job to renovate this bridge because it size was enormous. We had to bring lots of extra steel and we used lots more of scaffolds then normally. The asphalt has been renewed either and also some extra steel has been added to the bridge. "This bridge gets much used by local truckers, because this bridge is a shortcut from Tierra Robada and Bone County and Las Venturas. The Southern highway is pretty busy, so much truckers and also farmers use this bridge a lot", Mayer Tenry said. The local township still considers to make this a toll bridge. But they won't do it as long it doesn't get that busy there. More news about this comming soon!!....
  13. Happy birthday mate!!
  14. Feliz Aniversrio you old slug faggot!! @Brazz
  15. Jailbreak #1483 Outbreak Members: @Law @koko & me Outbreak helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/293smjo
  16. Gefeliciteerd maat! @Jasper
  17. You patrolled with MrGamer, not with me xd
  18. Happy birthday man! @Smokey
  19. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3FP61080H5217060X Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. I would like to have my custom wrap at my landstalker. And 1M ingame monies ofcourse. screens: https://imgur.com/a/J9NIXml custom wrap request: https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/106 Locked to: cheessoufle Wrap name: cheessoufle_1
  20. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 140 pounds. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 30 days ago Why do you need this change? Because I want other veh's. Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94982-cheess-donation-tracker/ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20017/donation-cheess-amount-40-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19342/cheess-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1 & 2: 2x NRG-500 Location: At my house in LS https://imgur.com/a/yFqlkpf Vehicle 3 & 4: 2x NRG-500 Location: At my house in SF https://imgur.com/a/D1TlrBP Vehicle 5 & 6: 2x Stratum Location: At my prop in LV https://imgur.com/a/S161JSD Vehicle 7: Pony Location: LV delivery man spawn https://imgur.com/a/NDm4NZC Vehicle 8 : Shamal Location: LS airport https://imgur.com/a/Ywy0qxZ ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1 & 2 & 3: Landstalker, Sultan and Stratum Location: At my prop in LV https://imgur.com/a/0cgti8z Username: cheessoufle Vehicle 4 & 5 & 6: Sultan, Sultan and Stratum Location: At my house in LS https://imgur.com/a/fDC6svx Username: cheessoufle Vehicle 7: Stratum Location: At my house in SF https://imgur.com/a/GgOeekX Username: cheessoufle Vehicle 8: Burrito Location: LV arms dealer spawn. Same place as de Pony has been removed https://imgur.com/a/NDm4NZC Username: cheessoufle
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