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Everything posted by Cheess

  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28684/donation-point-balance-cheess When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 24 March 2021 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Newsvan Location: At my prop in LV. ~[Remove the one at the right. Than replace the left one in the middle in front of the garage.]~(orange,orange) [s=] [/s] Vehicle 2: Stratum Vehicle 3: Tractor Vehicle 4: Kart Location: [s=] [/s] Public vehicle 1 & 2 Location: At my prop in LV [s=] [/s] ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Roadtrain Vehicle 2: Roadtrain Vehicle 3: Tractor Vehicle 4: Kart Vehicle 5: Jester Vehicle 6: Sultan Location: At my prop in LV. Exact same spot as on the picture. Username: cheessoufle [s=] [/s] Vehicle 7: Maverick Location: LV Airport Username: cheessoufle
  2. @alessio Im not @Chezzy lol. Im Cheess, a different player
  3. Happy birthday simp!
  4. Address: City Hideaway 4 Account name: acabsanta Last seen: 28 July 2021 Screenshots:
  5. Happy birthday @Ronseal And happy birthday @sushii with your dad ofc
  6. Display Name: Cheess Username: cheessoufle Link to ALL Donation Topics: (300GBP) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25999/donation-cheess-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24213/donation-cheess-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22775/donation-cheess-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21471/donation-cheess-amount-100-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20017/donation-cheess-amount-40-00-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94982-cheess-donation-tracker/ Total number of Donation Points: 320 points
  7. Happy birthday bro!
  8. Noob @Bodo420 just use the format correctly lazy ass.
  9. Cheap Whetstone house for sale! Starting bid: $1,000,000 Minimum increase: $1,000,000 Buyout prize: $4,000,000 ~[GREEN ICON ON 4M]~(green)
  10. @nulgath @Proton @Ferthis @Cristian @Orten1 @AntiRug @Judyes @JoGe I'm not going to bid higher. So, if you want it....
  11. Wajoow, jij ook jarig? Gefliciteerd pik @Toreno
  12. Thaaaaanks guys! < 3333
  13. @scaletta said in TST - The Strike Team - Media Archive: Roleplay Number #11 Story: In Today's morning, we had an operation going on, our main job was to take down a whole drug factory gang, We were following one of the members, he was rolling in Los Venturas, exactly north Los Venturas, near a store, Zane Jackson and Joe Nuts, the 2 officers were sitting inside a black undercover car, waiting for the moment, basically the deal was giving a supply, We have already arrested the guy who was going to give the supply and We replaced with Zane Jackson, an undercover cop who went as undercover unit to do his role as the boss who is about to give the supply, with a mustache and a fake hair, the look sweets him, the moment has came, a van has parked in the same area Officer Joe and Zane were waiting at, 2 guys quit the van and kept waiting, Officer Zane Jackson opened the car's door and left it, walked to the both of the fellas out of no where, greeted them and started the deal, everything went smooth on our side, They actually believed that Jackson is the true Boss, anyways, the supply has been giving, Officer Jackson left the area the same way he came, none noticed him, none saw him, he went quickly to the undercover car where his next job was taking down one of the men who came to take the supply, since Zane noticed that one of them left the area immediatly after the supply was given, he had to go for the one who was driving the van, he was alone so the job was easy, this guy is named ''Mark Baller'' they call him cheess, a gang fella of one of the most dangerous gangs in San Andreas, anyways, the 2 officers quickly drove after the van after catching it then they blocked the driver's way, of course he was shocked and couldn't believe what he was seeing, took him couple of minutes to understand the situation, We basically knocked him off the van, took the supply, it was fake tho, then I called a towtruck with an order to take the van to Los Venturas Police Department, then We drove to the our HeadQuarters where we started investigation, the suspect refused to say a word to us, We threated him, then we set him in the jail, he is new able to call a lawyer after spending 1 week in the prison, our next mission is taking down the one who is after this drugs traffcking. Members Attended: @Joe @Scaletta Other players: @Cheess @mystic Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. So sad to hear @WenDo and @MarksMan ! I really liked M!! RIP
  15. Chilling with @Dead and @Ardron
  16. ~[! Own event type + self made construction !]~(green) Darts: This is a new type of event I created! I thought about the type of event and either build the construction myself. So, this is how it works: People get in line. Then will do the rounds 1 by 1. People have to throw 3 grenades into the tubes. Rule 1. Throw 3 nades in 3 DIFFERENT tubes. Rule 2. If you miss a grenade or throw 2 grenades in the same tube, you FAIL. If you throw 3 grenades in 3 different tubes you pass the round and move on to next round. Last one that stays wins! Event number: ~[#52]~(green) Event type: Darts Prize(s): $1,000,000 LWS: @Judyes Winner(s): @Smokey Screenshots: ::: :::
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