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Everything posted by Cheess

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 260 pounds. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 6 july 2020 Why do you need this change? Because I want other placements. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22775/donation-cheess-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21471/donation-cheess-amount-100-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20017/donation-cheess-amount-40-00-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94982-cheess-donation-tracker/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21472/cheess-reward-change/2 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20119/cheess-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19342/cheess-reward-change Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Sultan Vehicle 2: Sultan Vehicle 3: Stratum Location: At my house in Los Santos ::: ::: Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Sultan Vehicle 2: Sultan Vehicle 3: Sultan Location: At my prop in Los Santos ::: ::: ~[all done as requested rish bish - illusion]~(red)
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 88634003RV863001R Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle 1: Stratum Vehicle 2: Stratum Location: At my prop in Los Santos ::: ::: Please add v8 and AWD. I dont need any wraps. There are also some public cars located at my prop. To help new players out, you can leave a public vehicle over there too. ::: ::: money rewarded, two stratums added, no wraps added though you could get two wraps for free. - sorted by illusion
  3. Solved.
  4. Starting bid: $5,000,000 Minimum increase: $100,000 Buyout prize: $6,999,999
  5. Happy birthday man!
  6. ^[27-10-2020] ^[] ^[Camels being smart and starts turfing the entire map on a boat during the flood! You won't get rid of the camels with a flood!!] ::: :::
  7. ^[26-10-2020] ^[] ^[Las Venturas bank rob. 8/8] ::: :::
  8. ^[26-10-2020] ^[] ^[Turfing] ::: :::
  9. ^[26-10-2020] ^[] ^[Las Venturas public bank rob. Ofcourse Black Bullets is involved.]
  10. ^[26-10-2020] ^[] ^[Morning activity! Doing storerobberies] ::: :::
  11. ^[24-10-2020] ^[] ^[Turfing San Fierro] ::: :::
  12. ^[24-10-2020] ^[] ^[Some morning activity. Doing Storerobberies and delivering VIP's.] ::: :::
  13. ^[~[Helping our lovely brothers from Black~Bullets with a bankrob]~(#99004d)] 23-10-2020
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Well, that property blip (for sale) is for the house you are standing on. I give you 10 minutes to fix it, otherwise I will bring you down in Rennie's basement.
  16. Jailbreak #1672 Outbreak Members: Me Other Outbreak Helpers: @M9co @Nordo & Fahtom4uk Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Car got placed by noob> @Teddy . Remove it
  18. Someone requested a donation car (black sultan) at my property, and somehow an admin even placed it. I never gave permission for it. It blocks my stratum either. Any admin remove it please!
  19. Haaaaappy birthday!!
  20. Happy birthday @Siirtuga !
  21. Haaaaaaappy birthday @Stark !!
  22. ^[] #activity 8 Roleplay with ALT Story: Another morning, morning, morning. I got up early. Today my work was important for people and Q-Dance. After Q-Dance bought a new base and new cars. I took their job. So I got up early and I went to the company. I took my trailer and I set out. When I arrived at Q-Dance base they were so happy. I gave their cars and we talked a bit then I back to my job. Thanks to @FoxZilla https://saesrpg.uk/topic/365/all-load-trucking-media-archive/1931 Screenshots: ::: Link: https://imgur.com/a/jQlz3xC :::
  23. Nog gefeliciteeeeeeerd!
  24. Happy birthday bro!
  25. ^[] ^[] ^[#build 8] ^[08-10-2020] ^[Another high class club at Las Venturas Cross. For our richest customers only. screens]
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