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Everything posted by Angel.

  1. Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6: @Filex Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @ElPadrino Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Lots of lucks
  3. iyiki dodun kardeim ^ :heart:
  4. Leader of the Seals :heart: rest in peace :'(
  5. Main Characters:Pirus|Jaster|vL,SAFP|Deepk Story: 4 October,15:42.Cross road of Plane Cemetery. The request was given on arresting a criminal which robbed a store with MAC-11 and killed the peoples who was in the store.Cameras was able to see his plate,877-9CL:South Carolina.The wanted person came infront of me with a black alpha.I pulled him over and then checked out if there's any weapons on it to be sure this was the person.His body was clear but when i was checking the car he ran away.I followed him and then he covered himself when i aim at him with a tazer.Suspect was given to the LVPD. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. ACTIVITY CHECK ::: ::: To protect with gourage to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-
  7. Main characters: @RyZe , a.k.a CripZ>RyZe Story:Unit L-991,hanging around Los Santos,near Verona Beach.I saw a car that was all dark green.I pulled him over and asked if he has any ID card or not.He didn't managed to hide that he has not a card from me.Also i found some drugs in his trunk.We went to the Los Santos Police Department. ::: Screenshots: :::
  8. Arrested
  9. Happy birthday zaza :hearts: ^^
  10. ~[Hoster]~(maroon): Underground Empire ~[ZIP/LWS:]~(maroon,maroon) @KARIM ~[Prize]~(maroon): 1.000.000 $ ~[Type]~(maroon): Survivor ~[Location]~(maroon): LV ~[Winner]~(maroon): Jeaven ~[ScreenShoot]~(maroon): ::: :::
  11. soon blacklisted from pirus
  12. pirus sex slave
  13. Discount NSA High ranked member
  14. Best gay alive
  15. All i know a fact about him he is Venezuelan :stuck_out_tongue:
  16. Using wrong words with "he"
  17. Ingame name:215|Russ Ingame username:kelogglu Previous organizations and leaving causes: FBI-Because of the Huge inactivity i leave it. NSA-Demolished. SAFP-This was the organisation i thinked to step to criminal life.Left it like 1.5 years later. OC-However good peoples is there,OC was not the suitable gang for me so i decided to left it. CripZ-After the OC,i move to this organisation.Good and Funny peoples was there,but there was discussions which caused inactivity inside of the gang also. So i left it. Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate.Similiar to La Cosa Nostra but the different part is that UE doesnt has ethnic limits.Like most of the organized crimes,underground empire is supposed to do drug trafficking and money loundering etc.Most of the peoples there also known as "People From High Society" since 1866. What binds you with Underground Empire:I tried UE for once and refused because of my impatience about somethings. To show loyalty,i decided to Re-Apply to Underground Empire for second time.During my first period,i had lots of friends there.which talked and smiled to me,so i will not choose to go like that easy. What do you know about organized crime:Organized crime is created by many or fewer people.The crime that gains the money with the bloody ways.Refers to criminal activities and ruled by highly ranked members out there. Its also means ganging for material interests and power.
  18. horul horul pezevenk
  19. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Jim Prize: $1.000.000 Type: Rhino Shooter Winner: @kajobecha2 Screenshots: ::: :::
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