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Everything posted by Angel.

  1. ~[T]~(#0962b0)ype of the activity:Order and Parachute Training. ~[M]~(#0962b0)embers online: @Rick @LandShark @Near @laminee @mi.06 ~[S]~(#0962b0)creenshots Officer.Rick=25 Officer.Landshark=35 Officer.Mi.6=35 Lieutenant.Laminee=35 Cadet.Near=20 ::: :::
  2. ~[M]~(#0962b0)ain characters: Me & @fadi-semre12 ~[S]~(#0962b0)tory:I was chilling near of the bridge in my car,eating all the donuts.Then i got a call from the LVPD about some Black and Red SGT car.This car was wanted by Las Venturas Police Department.Reason,this car was escaping from a Store Robbery happened in Come-A-Lot 4 hours ago.With all of the money bags inside of it.However this car popped up infront of me while im chilling near the bridge.When he saw me,he turned his way and instantly go to the way he came from.I chased him to the Camel's Toe.He crushed his vehicle and hit to the Street Pole.After he got out of his car injured,he started to run and tried to escape from me.I tazed him from his back.I aimed him with my Shotgun and escorted him to my car.Then i put him in cells after we have arrived to the base.His car was taken by the mechanics i have called for it. ~[S]~(#0962b0)creenshots: ::: :::
  3. ~[T]~(#0962b0)ype: Chicken Arrester ~[L]~(#0962b0)WS/G6: @AdemBygt ~[P]~(#0962b0)rize: 1,000,000$ ~[W]~(#0962b0)inner: @Smurf ~[S]~(#0962b0)creenshots: ::: :::
  4. ~[T]~(#0962b0)ype: Fallout ~[L]~(#0962b0)WS/G6: @Duff ~[P]~(#0962b0)rize: 1,000,000$ ~[W]~(#0962b0)inner: @Bagetto ~[S]~(#0962b0)creenshots: ::: :::
  5. @Terry said in The compromise: @brotherhoodman are you incapable of reading? What does it have anything to do with criminals losing power? Criminals are not the only ones using drugs in BRs, cops use it as much as crims do. Stop posting here without even bothering to read what was mentioned. I'll apply a Bartman method for your brain to be able to perceive my point. This is what we have right now: And this was the motive of removing the speed drugs: @Rzz0 It's only 3 seconds of slowing down to be correct, not 5. My point and motive of proposing to get rid of speed drugs was more about being sick from people being able to empty an entire combat shotgun clip in just 2 seconds, rather than it being about people being able to run faster, hence I suggested to nerf it so that it only affects your running speed, but you said it'd bring a disadvantage to criminals in BRs, I said I see your point. Rubber bullets shotgun comes in handy only in 1v1 situations, which are on FOOT, and it can easily be countered if criminals are more than just 1 and most criminals don't go around on their own, do they? Hence I don't see it being a problem tbh. This suggestion can still go forward, I'm not voting against it, but only if the speed drugs effects could be somehow fixed because as I early mentioned that in its current state, speed effect is an overpowered gamebreaking feature, and it's up to us to think and debate on how it could be less game breaking, hence I'm asking your opinion on how to nerf it rather than just making it effect the running speed. that drawing skills tho.
  6. What the hell is wrong with every cop and crim in SAES.Crims and Cops used to fight against each other in past and they still doing it and few peoples comes up with saying "remove killarrest "remove speed" "add criminal spawn limit" "delete guns from crims".This shit went too long for both sides and each of them have to chill a bit because it will be out of control. In my opinion peoples who opens suggestions against other side is way too selfish crying baby.Cops are opening when they are bored from crims' advantages in SAES like guns and something to decrease crims activity.Crims are opening it when they get too angry of getting kill arrested in Jailbreak and Bank Robbery.What will their next suggestion towards each other? Remove tazers from cops and remove guns from crims ? This is bullshit.I have career in SAES for a long time and i know many times when cops loved to use speed for their own benefits.However it still doesn't suits with cops Role they are doing it. So here is what im thinking,for a long time both side shall not open a suggestion topic against each other because nobody will get out of this thing with getting its needed
  7. Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6: @RadiO Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Horm Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: :::
  8. ~[T]~(#0962b0)ype of the activity:Order and Parachute Training ~[M]~(#0962b0)embers online: @Lopez @nsoder ~[S]~(#0962b0)creenshots: ::: :::
  9. ~[T]~(#0962b0)ype of the activity:Order and driving training ~[M]~(#0962b0)embers online: @jonathan959 @Seals @Raf0 @Lopez @SAFP-Shadro ~[S]~(#0962b0)creenshots: ::: :::
  10. @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @Tut-Greco said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: @DeepK said in [SUGGESTION] Cooldown of 30 seconds for respawning at properties: We gonna wait 30 second to respawn back for what we paid $ ? Let's hypothetically say the cooldown would incrementally increase if the player respawns within x duration multiple times, so not a static cooldown, wouldn't that be bette if this is possible, would be great why do you have to agree with everything i disagree ? :smile:
  11. @Rzz0 said in Disallow/cooldown suggestions about CopSide from non-copsiders: I myself dont care about thr balance or bankrobs failing as you say, its mostly about the hypocrisy and a few admins changing the rules to benefit themselves A good example is the pizzaboy getting wanted for selling to criminals, while cops can freely buy drugs, how does that even make sense? Another good example is rules being changed very often in favor of cops, an example of that is criminals that are outside of the bank when a bankrobbery is ongoing cannot shoot cops which are entering the bank? Why? The cops who are entering the bank are attending a criminal activity which they are obviously going to try to stop. Also another thing which i heard but might not be true is lvl 2 squads being able to have combat shotgun while gangs cannot (correct me if im wrong) Emergency Task Force is level 2-3 i dont really remember but They have got MAC-10,Tazer,nightstick and shotgun as far as i know.About shooting at entrance,imagine how that would be unrealistic,they are looting the money from inside and you are holding the door. It breaks the fun of robbing.Some gangs and persons taking it way too serious.
  12. @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @VayraN said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it with the actual arrest systhem/killarrests & rulechanges (better for cops obviosly), the copside already became equal to criminals there was a time when one hit arrest was not a thing & cops still managed to arrest criminals, nowdays all cops are just used to have easy life with long distance tazer + onehit arrest & alot more shit.. what triggers me is for 3-4 months crims have ruled the SAES with their great activity.Like Crims 43 Gangs:56-64 and when it comes to the squad side and we rise to the 27-30 gang side starts to cry about it.The bank robberies and jailbreaks triggered by criminals is supposed to stop just like in real life and other gangs opens weird shit topics about how they cry.Thats actually what makes me angry the thing is, many shit got on copside easyer over the years, & almost every shit for copside was accepted, for crimeside not even one thing got accepted, i agree remooving kill arrest shouldnt happen. but atleast bringing back the rule "not allowed house spawn using to come faster for br" or respawn timer. cops are used to use they house spawns near banks to stopp br, earlyer cops stopped brs without killarrests & without using theyr houses, and activity was smiler to the one nowdays (atleast evening activitys). and on top the br rewards was about 2-3mills. what do u exept? that crimes dont react at all? that all op stuff on copside should stay as it is? hls having armor + nightstick, an group wich was used to be only for rps... Do you think cop side is op more than crim side ? when we open the tab and we see like 45 gangs and 30 criminals online and they do BR's, How can cops stop them at br without kill arrest ?? criminals are always crying and crying about cop side while their side is more op, if you say that 1 hit with nightstick is op then what do you say about a grenade ? When a crim throws a grenade on me and only 3 shot M4 or 1 shot CS, That's not op ? and if you will talk about HLS at BR with armor, Don't you see CLO comes whenever they wants to BR with their armor ? Don't you remember when Cartel El Muertos were coming to BR with their armor and dual ? Please stop crying crims about cop side because your side is op more than us lol duuude, use your brain pls -clo comes whenever they want to br & have armor too? since de got killarrest & only allowed come when clo present, most brs you dont see clo -duals are shit at brs, cshotgun better in any way, first thing clo is doing at arriving bank is buying cshotgun -clo armor is a joke, u have once armor & rip, de/hls can respawn 1000x times with fresh new armor, its alone logicall to not call clo for brs alone for this reason -what have cem in any of this to do? this group was awesome & remooved for bullshit reason, whilest they did more rps than hls/de & clo togheter, now looking on an old known "rp group" hls only used for stopping jb & brs + chanching rules only to use them more + abusing ufo wich was only for rp asaell (out of topic but just to know how much bullshit it was remooving cem considering what old group does.. -stopping br without killarrest impossible, are you serious? how do you think br was stopped before killarrest became a thing? they just killed deffenders & arrested others in a mix between using brain & skills, difference was that crimes was able to come back to bank after got killed, but camping cops made only ~1/3 of crimes coming back to br, still cops was able to stopp brs without killarrest & without using houses (because there was this rule of not using houses). now we have kill arrest = every crime rip at br = no coming back. whilest cops/de/hls can easely respawn near bank, using theyr houses because the old rule is remooved. and kill arrest (wich tend that crimes cant go back to br after rip) + usage of houses near bank (wich leads to faster coming back for cops & groups) = double rip, one thing should be remooved, in my eyes only the house spawn rule should go back and one hit arrest vs nades with cooldown, are you jking? you need to place the nade prefectly, to damage cops, one hitarrest (specially hls with armor) is nothing compaared to nades. cops was earlyer able to arrest crimes with one hit only when 75hp or below, later it was 90hp or below (when beeing clo gave u real advanges), nowdays onehit.. (thought i just wrote it as example) its just i have been playing saes from 2009 & i saw changes at crime & copsides + groups, copside was deffinitly more skilled than most are now, swat was known as the best squad & had even for a short time armor as reward. untill ~1-2months back every squad was the same, there was no squad where u had the feeling like swat earlyer, only after terry did his job with 5O + this etf (forgot the leader), both of them used teaming & tactics instead just doing dumb 0815 arrests. sadly crimes got lazy aswell, from dez2018 till now i saw how cops almost never used tactics or teaming, gone one by one to brs, crimes have been trolling crackers & shit cuz cops couldnt do a shit coming 1 by 1, crimes afking at sr because everytime chilling on roof, unlike the old hr. both sides got in my eyes lazyer & dumber, till now, but after finally cops started using teaming & brain like earlyer, we should remoove se op stuff (yes it is op, just becauee in the past cops didnt teamed like crimes, doesent mean its not op) As i said,we can actually wait until both sides activity are equal and after that probably kill arrest will be removed.Criminals still has the advantages of jbing,bank robbing and turfing on their own. So let both side rest ^^
  13. @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it with the actual arrest systhem/killarrests & rulechanges (better for cops obviosly), the copside already became equal to criminals there was a time when one hit arrest was not a thing & cops still managed to arrest criminals, nowdays all cops are just used to have easy life with long distance tazer + onehit arrest & alot more shit.. what triggers me is for 3-4 months crims have ruled the SAES with their great activity.Like Crims 43 Gangs:56-64 and when it comes to the squad side and we rise to the 27-30 gang side starts to cry about it.The bank robberies and jailbreaks triggered by criminals is supposed to stop just like in real life and other gangs opens weird shit topics about how they cry.Thats actually what makes me angry the thing is, many shit got on copside easyer over the years, & almost every shit for copside was accepted, for crimeside not even one thing got accepted, i agree remooving kill arrest shouldnt happen. but atleast bringing back the rule "not allowed house spawn using to come faster for br" or respawn timer. cops are used to use they house spawns near banks to stopp br, earlyer cops stopped brs without killarrests & without using theyr houses, and activity was smiler to the one nowdays (atleast evening activitys). and on top the br rewards was about 2-3mills. what do u exept? that crimes dont react at all? that all op stuff on copside should stay as it is? hls having armor + nightstick, an group wich was used to be only for rps... I would give you rights if some squads wouldn't replace their new place with older ones which is infront of a Bank. But im not asking or commanding them to not open a base infront of a Bank.May the age of crims are over after eternities Bartman and the cop side will rise again we dont know. At least of all we already know which side is the most powerful when we consider as "Activity" in Tab
  14. @Bartman said in Remove killarrest: @DeepK said in Remove killarrest: Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it with the actual arrest systhem/killarrests & rulechanges (better for cops obviosly), the copside already became equal to criminals there was a time when one hit arrest was not a thing & cops still managed to arrest criminals, nowdays all cops are just used to have easy life with long distance tazer + onehit arrest & alot more shit.. what triggers me is for 3-4 months crims have ruled the SAES with their great activity.Like Crims 43 Gangs:56-64 and when it comes to the squad side and we rise to the 27-30 gang side starts to cry about it.The bank robberies and jailbreaks triggered by criminals is supposed to stop just like in real life and other gangs opens weird shit topics about how they cry.Thats actually what makes me angry
  15. Just dont delete this shit already until the cop side becomes equal to the crim side.Thats it
  16. Nothing comes bad from a little change.Also we can crack codes which any cop or squad member cannot in Server.(Afaik)
  17. @Vennelle said in New on the server: @DeepK said in New on the server: @Vennelle multi accounter? Who this guy was @Brophy said in New on the server: Then hello to your alter egos @Haivan @MarwinL1 ^ ooooo...
  18. @AntiRug said in Remove killarrest: This is quite frankly the dumbest suggestion I've seen on this topic ( No offense Adi, we love you). Seeing this being suggested actually triggers me in so many ways.. The Cops get memed about not being able to stop any BR's and that we are inactive as fuck.. The next day, two squads rise and the cops become hella active, and the criminals decide to go suggest bullshit like this..? We all know damn right, that the vote is going to be in favour of the criminals, due to them being alot more active. The criminals have so many more advantages.. They have the advantages in JB's and BR's because they can just hide and shoot, the cops actually have to work their way inside the bank, get through the criminals WHO I MIND YOU ARE ALL ON SPEED. Now please tell me, how would SAES be any fun if there were no more cops left? The cops died for a period of time, but we've gathered out thoughts and have made our comeback. Now that we are actually getting closer to being as active as the criminals, Yall wanna nerf us ONCE AGAIN and take away what we've built back up. Many nerfs have been added to the cops side, and they have impacted us tremendously, but we have overcome them and found other solutions to conquer the criminals. Once the criminals see a slight glimps of hope for cops, we get FUCKING NERFED. Yall gotta sort your shit out criminals, and start thinking about that outcome and future of your suggestions. @Adistar This is not okay. I knew that when there was maximum 13-14 squad members criminals was making memes about the cop side yeah.We haven't opened a topic about giving more buff to the Police Side even due to inactivity of cop side.But when we rise to the 27-32 a day they open a weird topic with a weird title about removing it.
  19. @Vennelle multi accounter? Who this guy was
  20. @Griffin said in Remove killarrest: I think the killing arrest should be remove. Basically, cops have many advantages with in the bank. In the entrance lobby, many cops can shoot without being targeted (corner shot, I guess I'm not sure). As a result, at least 4-5 of the defenders were automatically arrested. As we cross the corridors, HLS with body armor and combat rifles run towards us, and at least 2-3 people are arrested there.Of course we kill them, but they have 10 to 15 seconds of access to all the banks, so they can come back easily. I'm not going to blame the police side for this, but by doing so, you're blocking the criminal side's greatest source of activity.I hope you can find a solution to this problem. You know Griffin Cop side has increased when we comparise it to the last 2 months but the crims still has the big advantages against to the cop side.Which is their great amount of Activity In Game.I dont really know what to say about HLS' advantages in Bank Robberies.
  21. @Joshbond What do you expect from a corrupt admin anyways
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