@durby said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to select previous weapon ammount you take.: I agree with the "having a button to deposit all weapons". That'd be sooo useful. Taking out weapons tho? I don't know about that. I don't want to have 35k M4 on me while spawned as an official gang. :D What could be done is, you could have preset weapon load-outs that we could prepare. There could be a screen that we enter amounts like "500x m4, 500x CS, 100x sniper, etc..." and save that. And whenever we want to take that amount of weaponry, we could just choose a preset and get weapons so much faster. I don't have an idea if that could be scripted though. No you got the idea wrong,im talking about taking the same amount of ammo,something like CS:GO's.You can take the amount of ammo you took before