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Everything posted by Angel.

  1. is going to get adminjailed again soon
  2. Still adminjailed amk
  3. adminjailed
  4. one word:gay
  5. Katksz Gerizekal
  6. We shall not intervene gang's turfs,which includes removing their sprays as a COP.If you mean that a gang member just sprayed the wall and a police came up and removed that graffiti with a special spray can be good.But in turfs,why would we want to do it when we cant even see the progress of Turf.
  7. I love you :heart:
  8. Type:Chicken Arrester LWS/G6: @AdemBygt Prize:1,000,000$ Winner: @Melou Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. @Spicey hhhhhh :heart:
  10. @Spicey :drooling_face: i thought those days were "hours" lmao xD but anyways hbd again :D
  11. Hbd
  12. Rest in peace.
  13. He betrayed us
  14. Main characters: @flora06 Story:Location:East Los VacueltosI was chilling and eating donuts right of the road.Then i saw a car which it's door is broken and suspicious.I pulled the driver right on the road and asked many questions.When i say that do you have a License to drive a car,she halted.For riding on the road with a broken car and with no license.I brought her to base.After searching her documents in computer i saw more different things like she was a drug dealer and an arms supplier.I pulled her into the prison. Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Main characters: @Phinixofhel, @TaffyC Story:Location:Los Santos Maria Beach. In a sunny day i was hanging with my friend Phinixofhel.We noticed there is a black suspicious car stands right of the road.We stopped the car and talked with the driver.He was a member of The CripZ gang.After searching his trunk we found tons of guns that he was delivering to other organisations.We cuffed him and brought to the Los Santos Police Department. Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Type: Chicken Arrester LWS/G6: @AdemBygt Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Ilya116 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Mein love :heart:
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