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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Been a week since the last bid. Archived
  2. Congratulations. Contact a SAHA agent ingame and claim the property within 48 hours. @Toreno
  3. User is not inactive. Request denied(corresponding days. 31st Jan would mean he goes inactive 3rd of March)
  4. User is not inactive. Request denied(corresponding days. 31st Jan would mean he goes inactive 3rd of March)
  5. User is not inactive. Request denied(corresponding days. 31st Jan would mean he goes inactive 3rd of March)
  6. @skulion said in [SAHA] Flint County King Ring: 8.5m re; SAHA auctions / auctions in general. If you increase the bid by a tiny amount, it will not count. We do not want to encourage a spam post war of increasing by $1 every post. You have been warned. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 - whichever is the lower figure. Increase it by 10% or 1m. This current bid is invalid
  7. Added interior id.11 to property "7. creek_way"
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