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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Congratulations. Contact a SAHA agent ingame and claim the property within 48 hours. @Negan1498
  2. Congratulations. Contact a SAHA agent ingame and claim the property within 48 hours. @Hetler
  3. @nishki my offer of 56m stands. If you're unable to find higher lmk. But my offer will stay for another week. Then back to 51 <3
  4. @nishki said in Groove Street 7th: @versace said in Groove Street 7th: @Nishki 55 and I will take it off your hands rn ez. Arab discount 65 and it's yours. Oil doesn't run in the family bro
  5. @Nishki 55 and I will take it off your hands rn ez. Arab discount
  6. Failed to claim within 48 hours. Property has been set to public sale.
  7. Failed to claim within 48 hours. Property has been set to public sale.
  8. Address: Cluckin Bell East LS Business Starting Price: $5.000.000 Minimum Bet Increase: $1.000.000 Buyout Price: $25.000.000 8k income Disk right next to prop A lot of space for donation vehicles Extremely close to SR's
  9. Been a week since the last bid. Archived
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