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Everything posted by Bodo420

  1. you can check "help-and-support" channel on SAES discord and post a ticket there,i am sure right people will find a solution to your problem , use this link https://discord.com/invite/MR64u4T (i think it's valid)
  2. Event number: 565 :honk: :bonjour: Event type: TDM (3 per team) Prize(s): ~[15.000.000]~(lime) LWS Helper(s): @Honer112 the catto :cat: Winner(s): team JEW :flag-il: ( @Benny / @Element / @Dudi ) ScreenShots: ::: :::
  3. 9 years passed , damn, time goes really fast, i still remember those old days B~B got created at as they were yesterday, i have always been admiring such perfect family even when i was in HS , HBD my gang <3 :birthday: :tada: bitches !
  4. Camels RC BR 8/8 - 14/09/20
  5. hbd SAPA|Jonass133|CPT :birthday: :tada: , now go revive SAPA :honk:
  6. hbd step bro :honk: :birthday: :tada:
  7. Event number: 562 :honk: :bonjour: Event type: LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Filippo Winner(s): @Petrow ScreenShots: ::: :::
  8. hbd my fav russian cyka blyat girl @Maksim
  9. Event #552 :honk: Type of event: Marathon Prize: $1.000.000 LWS member(s): @Colobria Winner(s): @DarkMan Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  10. The apartment is just behind LS pizza & paynspray area with a car spawn and a place for donation vehicles , max 15 secs to jail with any vehicle STARTING PRICE: 3.5 m BUYOUT PRICE : 5m screenshots : ::: :::
  11. This house is kinda close to SF Bank (only 1 straight way to the bank) which maybe 15 secs on nrg and close to a turf zone (china town) STARTING PRICE: 500k BUYOUT PRICE: 1m screenshots : ::: :::
  12. it's SAES>Dequ , you can't request those people's properties ( https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members )
  13. 38 :honk: :honk:
  14. LS BR 8/8 - 03/09/20
  15. forgot to add the details :honk: Address: 3 Little havana street Account name: ka0z Last seen: 3rd august
  16. it all started when my shaz @Halo left me alone in HS , but he made a great squad then , HBD SAFP !
  17. I wonder from where do you get all those properties @MrSolrac :thinking_face: :honk:
  18. hbd king of simps <3
  19. he grows up fast @Terry , anyways :hearts:
  20. Black~Bullets RP with The Company Story Title: Weapons Deal Describtion: @Manny said in The Company | Activity Feed: Roleplay: #395 Gangs participating: Black~Bullets Participants: @Bodo420 Roleplay Story: Making deals with gangs: I woke up in a regular morning drank some coffee and went to watch some TV. I looked at the clock and it was almost 9 am, the time were i was told to take some of our weapons and take them to Black~Bullets. So i got to work, i moved downstairs and got in a boxville and made my way to our warehouse in Las Venturas called ''Twin Factories'' I parked up near the garage opening, loaded up the guns in the trunk and started my way now to Black~Bullets base where i was told, there would be someone waiting for me. I arrived at the destination safe without any incidents. There was a Black~Bullets member waiting there and his name was Bodo, we made our deal as quickly as possible, he checked out the 4 boxes of ammunition and loaded them in his van. After the trade was done i got back into my vehicle and drove away back to our base awaiting my next duty. Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Camels Turfing SF in the early morning 8/30/2020 ::: Before: After: :::
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHbhWfoGAeo&feature=youtu.be
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