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Everything posted by Bodo420

  1. They said "aDd 25% bOdY aRmOr fOr cOps pLz" "cOp liFE iS uNfAir"
  2. Too much to say but 2 words are enough "gay felona" <3
  3. The sexi 7oda @M7mod
  4. Alright, That's kinda depressing , i guess he forgot both his Email/password so there is no way to get them back , anyway Thanks for your time .
  5. So , There is no way to get them now ? They are kinda much , you know that .
  6. a man that have to live with teddy in the same gang
  7. my gay beloved boi <3
  8. @Daryl , Well he is my brother and he has been inactive since 2015 , he forgot his account password as he changed it several times , any old SAES player knows the fact that we are brothers , also i requested those donations 4-5 years ago and i got my request accepted . @Bone already knows that he is my brother and that Kato agreed to move them to my account before .
  9. Sad , It was great squad tho .
  10. Well , My brother Kato had donations for 120 Euro which i payed in it too ^^ , it was like 8 years ago , He went fully inactive and won't play again because of his Study and work , may you please move the donations to my account please ? @Bone already knows that we are brothers and done this to me before . I asked many admins this is possible they said "Ye ask it on forums " so i am here today . https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/13936-kato~/
  11. @Moley said in Crouch sync is completly broken: sad I can't even try to use c anymore without being called a "abuser" Well , That's true @Moley nowadays every time i use C while using sniper (not to get Head shotted ) they keep saying "stop abusing it bodo " "omg bodo abuser" meanwhile they do it with M4 and other weapons ...... Even my gang mates told me "Stop pressing C " .
  12. @AkyZ akyzzzzzz<33333
  13. @Cornelius said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION: @Bodo420 said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION: Well , I don't agree with you , headshots in turfs finally shows some skills instead of going in close range and spamming shotguns . and as you said , it finally adds some fun to turfs . I can downlaod porn and be better than you in headshoting Ugh , Kinda true mate .
  14. Well , I don't agree with you , headshots in turfs finally shows some skills instead of going in close range and spamming shotguns . and as you said , it finally adds some fun to turfs .
  15. Both Ideas are great , would great if something like this happen , this will encourage gangs to defend their territories instead of leaving it for other gangs .
  16. Happy birth day Tuna thugs !
  17. Happy birth day bro !
  18. Nice idea , buddy .
  19. he is chips friend
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