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Everything posted by Bodo420

  1. Event: #14 Type: Chicken Knifer! LWS member : useless @Solrac ! Winner(s): @Vayran Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/x1dA32s Event: #15 Type: Chicken Shovel ! . LWS member : @Solrac :honk: . Winner(s): @Mackey . Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/r9LSWJU Event: #16 Type: Attackers vs Defenders ! LWS member : @KARIM Winner(s): @ @Manny , @Hero , @BurakO , @Versace , @MohA , @Remp05 , @Beckham , @Witti and other 3 Prize: $2.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/gRIgGkc
  2. Event: #11 Type: Last man standting LWS member : @Filippo Winner(s): @Petrow Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : ::: ::: Event: #12 Type: Running Marathon ! LWS member : @Colo Winner(s): @DarkMan Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : ::: ::: Event: #13 Type: Hide & Seek ! . LWS member: @redlive122 Winner(s): @ANARCHY Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/EFeXavg
  3. Event: #10 (Huge prize) Type: TDM (3 per team) LWS member : @Honer112 Winner(s): Jews team aka @Element @Benny @Dudi Prize: $15.000.000 Screenshots : ::: :::
  4. Event: #7 Type: 2v2 Tournment LWS member : @redlive122 Winner(s): @Colo , @Beckham Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/BBlLWSe Event: #8 Type: Hit the Mole event ! LWS member : @KARIM Winner(s): @Vernox Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/B7Ll3wb Event: #9 Type: Last Pirate Standing ! . LWS member : @koko Winner(s): @eagle Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : ::: :::
  5. Event: #4 Type: Hunter Shooter. LWS member : @Colo / @XpooKs Winner(s): @Memati Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/VWHqo1x Event: #5 Type: Bus Race from CLO base to SF airport. LWS member : @XpooKs Winner(s): @Keo Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/h3gQD6D Event: #6 Type: Last pirate standing (mapped by me) . LWS member : @XpooKs Winner(s): @Versace Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Qxw1If5
  6. Event: #1 Type: Deagle 1v1 event. LWS member : @Colo Winner(s): @Dead Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Bu7OQEG Event: #2 Type: Hide and Seek. LWS member : @Niklaus Winner(s): Cripz>Ekk0 Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : ::: ::: Event: #3 Type: True or false . LWS member : @Niklaus Winner(s): @Zac Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : ::: :::
  7. About me : Hello , my name is Abdelrahman Noah , I live in Egypt , I play MTA since 2011 (pretty sure most of you've heard of me) , I like racing / shooting / strategy games , I'm a member of a decent gang called Black~Bullets , also I am a member of other groups such as : rTech / ALT / OB/ ZIP , that was a short introduction about myself . Explain why you want to join LWS: to abuse my powers on JK|Velo and [B~B]Versace I want to join LWS since it's one of the oldest / elite groups on SAES and I actually admire the idea of the group itself of hosting events/ helping people / creating such competition between the server players makes me feel satisfied inside , also the atmosphere of the group is pretty cool and chill , ofcourse I would like to be a part of it ! Events you see yourself doing if you get to join LWS: I'll be hosting different events depending on community's demands , and ofcourse based on the people's interest . I'll try to host events based on participants skill such as : 1v1's / races / LMS / TDM / AvD / parkours , and ofcourse other funny events such as : simon says / musical chairs / true or false , I'll always try to be creative in the way that I host/run these events to prevent boredom . Explain what you understand by our motto, "Quality over Quantity": the concept of "quality over quantity " is simple , it's just not to spam same boring events that doesn't attract people's attention and increase participants boredom , it's to try to be creative , and by creativity I mean to be creative in almost everything (advertisement / map building / events type / event procedure ) so , in my opinion , hosting 1 interesting/creative event is much better than hosting 10 casual events . Event Format Event Number: Event Type: Prize : LWS member: Winner(s): ScreenShots: Number of Events hosted : 18. (till now) Total Money spent : 39.000.000 $
  8. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 80GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? July 25 Why do you need this change? just to update ..... Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26213/donation-bodo-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26080/donation-bodo-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20014/donation-bodo420-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19862/donation-bodo420-amount-30-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20651/bodo-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: wrapped glendale Location: in B~B base Part III: What I Want to be added i'll to tell the details in-game if possible . also there are some unsorted vehicles / interiors that i want to add
  9. Camels BR BC (19/6/2021) 8/8 !
  10. @afufu said in [Question]FPS Problem: buy graphics card
  11. It would be really hard to balance , like imagine 1 gang member turfing with about 15-20 helper . he can turf whole the map solo then , I like the idea actually but pretty sure it's hard to apply
  12. Camels Robbing one of RC stores (28/05/2021) ::: ::: Camels Robbing one of TR stores (25/05/2021) ::: :::
  13. Camels BR LV (28/5/2021) 8/8 !
  14. HBD @baphomet kanka , have a nice one :birthday_cake: :party_popper: !!! ps: return my 5m scammer !
  15. Happy birth day @I-Gun the best of rtech men @Jokerulty @Nuno both suck .i.
  16. I made 2 designs to explain my ideas, first one is public and everyone in our gang can access it, the second one is just like the punishments sections, you need a specific level to access it, like sHQs and HQs only. Credits to @Niklaus :heart_suit:
  17. Camels Robbing one of SF stores (14/05/2021) ::: ::: Camels Robbing one of Bayside stores (14/05/2021) ::: :::
  18. Camels BR LV (14/5/2021) 8/8 !
  19. Camels Robbing one of SF stores (12/05/2021) ::: ::: Camels Robbing one of LS stores (12/05/2021) ::: :::
  20. Camels Robbing one of TR stores (08/05/2021) ::: :::
  21. Camels Robbing one of RC stores (12/05/2021) ::: :::
  22. Camels Robbing one of LV stores (11/05/2021) ::: :::
  23. Lately i've been thinking ...... Why checking a player's playtime is something restricted only to admins/SAHA , like there should be a command "/playtime <account name>" which displays the player's playtime for the last 30 days which would be useful for gangs/squads , they can use it to check their members activity and their active members hours played and to check the recent activity of their applicants also . it could be used to check if someone is hoarding his properties or not . Anyways I posted this based on many people's opinions , so pretty sure all here agree with what I am aiming for . I hope this command can be used by the public soon ......
  24. @rampage said in Show us yourself V3:
  25. Camels Robbing one of LV stores (01/05/2021) ::: :::
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