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Everything posted by Bodo420

  1. SAES players : please fix the server Nanobob: the server is completely fine the server : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzoid3AmIy0 credits to @brotherhoodman
  2. you guys literally posted the same pictures from his last bd topic , do something creative ! hbd @Terry :party_popper: :birthday_cake: !
  3. hbd ya 3amenaaa @ESO :heart_suit: :camel: :party_popper:
  4. Candidate Name: Bodo Candidate Region: SF north Incase you voted for me , I promise to pull a public event in which I achieve people's dream and execute @Versace , so we can finally live in peace without getting 20 tags on discord daily .
  5. Display Name: Bodo Username: bodo88 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19862/donation-bodo420-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20014/donation-bodo420-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26080/donation-bodo-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26213/donation-bodo-amount-10-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 80 points probably (didn't really focus on the event things)
  6. Starting Bid : 8.000.000 $ Minimum bid increase : 500k Close to both Jail / swat base (incase you wanted to bully some twats) has an income of 1600 $ daily you will be a neighbor of @kingsmoke there incase you wanted to bully him . more screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/FI7NpLW The icon is already on sale for a buyout of 18m
  7. Sad to see such a chad gang dying , I blame @BurakO klb
  8. HBD cheetah slave @Jay , jester remains the best !
  9. ~[I'M GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]~ @Arms-Assassins @Black-Bullets @JUMBO-Klan
  10. ~[I'M GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]~ @Arms-Assassins @Black-Bullets @JUMBO-Klan
  11. gz @Versace staff
  12. hbd my latino amiga @Cristian :heart_suit: :birthday_cake: :party_popper:
  13. We all know about the suffering of starting raceflag with cops raiding it , which is literally impossible to start . So I suggest some few adjustments to the raceflag to make it possible to participate in such activity with cops raiding . 1- A command should be given to racing groups to start the raceflag immediately , also in case some cops camp with their stingers on the RF start , this has to be forbidden . 2- Another solution to this issue . remove the wanted stars from the race start , there are already speed cams which would punish us incase we exceeded the speed limit . rTech has been suffering from cops with autism camping the race start for 12 hours a day like the guy in the picture ......... 3- give rTech HQs/ Veterans the ability to restart raceflag script incase it bugs , so we don't have to call an admin to restart it every 20 mins , and to prevent the abuse , give it a 10-15 mins cooldown not to be spammed/abused . 4- Lethal force against rTech members should be prohibited incase they've less than 5 stars . We are just normal racers , not criminals/terrorists 5- Camping the raceflag start point for more than 5-10 minutes should be forbidden , since doing so literally kills the whole activity ; thus killing the server activity even more . 6- Give us the ability to start the raceflag with 3 racers and make a timer of 3-5 minutes incase a 4th racer didn't attend . these are the suggestions I collected from people racing daily about what should be added / fixed about such activity . Would be appreciated to see such improvements in-game .
  14. A command should be given to racing groups to start the raceflag immediately , also in case some cops camp with their stingers on the RF start , this has to be forbidden . Another solution to this issue . remove the wanted stars from the race start , there are already speed cams which would punish us incase we exceeded the speed limit . rTech has been suffering from cops with autism camping the race start for 12 hours a day like the guy in the picture .........
  15. Actually it would be better if you count all squad members whatever is their spawn for example : if there are 8 official squads spawned and 4 are spawned as other class , the net result would be 12 as those 8 can inform the others about the bankrob . @Daryl
  16. When you see such a great gang closing , you know that the server is gonna die soon . RIP @Tuga-Thugs chads :heart_suit: :crying_face:
  17. yeah and make it a bit thin , I don't want to play with a guy as fat as @kingsmoke everytime I break out of jail
  18. Bodo420


    I actually like the fact it's wider . Now we can corner shoot without 20 criminals blocking our aim . :thumbs_up: @bazuka36 hope we can see you in-game soon ......
  19. @marso said in HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERSACE: Here is your birthday gift, I'll ship it right away ! make it x2 hbd broooo , can't wait to see u hit puberty :honk: :heart_suit:
  20. hbd @Adistar
  21. I totally agree with chad @Cappo . Even though the server is dying gradually , those shit recent updates kill it even faster . Why the hell banks are robbable only 2 hours in a day when there are +10 gangs ? SR / VIP and even jail are dead . Please stop those dumb updates saying you're trying to balance the server and create a poll for the game community when you do something before you kill the game even more . I know it's out of context somehow , but I thought it's best to mention this here .
  22. hbd @Adistar
  23. so basicly there are a UE guy and a GSF guy sniping together from the same point outside the zone and they can't kill each other since they are afraid of getting reported , nice logic https://streamable.com/2tnw04
  24. So I guess we all know that some HS guy got admin jailed for a thing almost every gang does , which is holding 1st door marker , so why don't you make a timer ? , like 5-10 mins max for the marker ? and after that period , the cracking pad closes instantly . Also on the other hand we can make a 30 mins interval when BRs can occur after cops count going below 10 , since there are some cops who logs off intentionally (together) to prevent any upcoming BRs or even during a gang BR grouping , also talking about the time from 3 AM - 9 AM when cops count is below 10 , the threshold can be decreased to 6-7 so late night latinoos (whether cop/crim sided) can have some fun in the server at that time (ofcourse with more time-delay on doors)
  25. I strongly agree with this since there are some spots outside the zone that are almost makes the shooter un-hittable without getting rushed , just like the car dealer in SF and CC zone (pretty sure most of you know how cancer is it ) , and guess what once you kill them outside they report you , so yeah better delete that rule .
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