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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Participants:Crash Date:18/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/pFjFs86
  2. Participants:Crash Date:15/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/HP5c0Tr
  3. Participants:Crash Date:12/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/tyIM1Bj
  4. 14 days passed since the beggining of this auction therefor this will be archived if you have not sold this icon yet you are free to start a new one
  5. over 7 days passed since the last bid therefor this will be archived if you have still not sold this you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  6. over 7 days passed since the last bid therefor this will be archived if you have still not sold this you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  7. over 7 days passed since the last bid therefor this will be archived if you have still not sold this you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  8. You can also select a small interior from our list
  9. I will be in-game today around 10:30 pm @wolferx Edited: sadly won't be able to show but tomorrow will be available
  10. Something like this then ? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7849/ingame-auction-for-houses-and-vehicles
  11. I guess you use the "pay with card" method since i do the same and aparently the bot dosent detect such payment method :shrug:
  12. over 48 hours passed since you failed to claim it , this icon is on public sale now
  13. over 48 hours passed since you failed to claim it , this icon is on public sale now
  14. same request as https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11890/inactive-lv
  15. Participants:Crash Date:10/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/0AR60i8
  16. 7 Days passed and since no bids were placed this auciton will be archived in order to keep this organized, if you wish to you can start a new one #archived
  17. You can also get 1 small interior Or 1 medium
  18. You can also request a Special interior Or 1 large interior Or 1 medium and a small Or 2 small ones
  19. Participants:Crash Date:03/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/rsAw1OY
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