Participants: @Gonza @Poxiran @Ocelot @DALIO Story: ::: It was a windy night in whetstone, we had a lead about a truck going from San Fierro to Los Santos carrying guns, ammunition, and bullet vests, so it was on our best interest to intercept the shipment and make it ours. We set up a blockade on the tunnel with vehicles to stop the trucker in its tracks. And so, after waiting for 30 minutes, we had visual on the objective. The truck was ours. The driver didn't put up a fight, he surrendered as soon as we made contact with him, we tied him up and left him on the floor, while we went to the back of the truck to take the loot and load it on our car. We were ready to escape. And so, we escaped. Banished, as if we never were there. After we got to our base, we heard the local radio talk about the incident. They had no leads about who was behind the robbery. All we had left to do was to celebrate, for another successful hit, and our newfound loot. :::