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Everything posted by Ocelot

  1. Type: Kart Destruction Derby Prize: $1.000.000 (50/50 split) LWS/G6: [MG]Epic[=R=] Winner(s): @ANARCHY @Westbrook Screenshots: screenshots here
  2. Participant(s): @Ocelot @iSsoUu Information/Story: ::: I was taking a break from work after I finished a delivery in Flint County. I sit on my couch, and I instantly get a call. It's from a farmer, saying he needs help to carry some heavy machinery from a farm in Red County to Whetstone. It seems like they're going to set up a farm over there, and they needed equipment to be transported there. I accept the job, and drive to the farm to meet up with the client. When I arrive, I'm greeted by the farmer, and we start talking about the job. He's from a new group called World Farming Supply, they specialize in farming and are growing fast, and they needed my help to set up a new farm in Whetstone. I had to take a combine harvester, along with some miscellaneous farming supplies (manure, seeds, etc) from the farm to Whetstone. The client comes with me in the passenger seat. The road was pretty empty that evening, so I made the delivery quite fast. I reach destination in about 30 minutes, I leave the combine harvester with the farmer, some guys from his group were going to pick it up and start working on the land. He thanks me and pays for the service, I let him know that if World Farming Supply ever needs help with another delivery, be it farming supplies or something else, they can always count on us. ::: Screenshots: screenshots here
  3. Participants: Ocelot District: All around San Andreas Shift period: Night (12/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 22 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Activity type: Refuel Information: Fillin' up the gas stations around San Andreas Screenshots: screenshots here
  5. Participant(s): @Ocelot @Flippy10 @Bozi @ALIJR007 Information/Story: ::: After receiving a call from a high ranked police officer, he tells me he needs a crucial delivery to be made. Of course, we ALT workers know how to defend ourselves and know the roads from the inside out, so when he asked me to deliver a Rhino along with a patriot from Desert Eagles' Naval Base to their base in Area 51, I accepted it without hestitating. Once I got to the base, I was greeted by the same officer I spoke to on the phone. He offered to escort me, along with his partner, to ensure my safety. I agreed to their offer, better safe than sorry. The route was simple enough, so we start our trip. After leaving the bridge that connects San Fierro with Bone County, my truck was ambushed by a criminal at high speed, causing the trailer to separate from the truck. He kept ramming at my vehicle until the officers took it into their hands and started firing at the criminal. They chased him, and I took the opportunity to attach the trailer to my truck once again. Once I got the trailer back, I start driving towards the desert, as was planned. I cross paths with the officers and the criminal, he ended up being arrested and taken to the Bone County police station for interrogation. I followed them to the station, just because of the possibility of another attack, since the guy might not have been working alone. After they're done with him, one of the officers stays in the police station, while the client escorts me to the delivery point. Once we got to the Desert Eagles base, I drop the rhino and patriot at the entrance, and soon enough there were two soldiers taking care of them. Let it be known, that no matter how dangerous a delivery can be, ALT doesn't back down. ::: Screenshots: screenshots here
  6. Activity type: Trucking Information: Refilling the BC refinery Screenshots: screenshots here
  7. Activity type: Refuel Information: Filling up gas stations around San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Participants: Ocelot District: LS/LV Shift period: Evening (09/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 30 Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Activity type: Trucking Information: Refilling the BC refinery Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Participants: Ocelot District: All around San Andreas Shift period: Night Shift (09/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 30 Screenshots: ::: more here :::
  11. Activity type: Refill/Trucking Information: Refilling stations and some deliveries around the country. Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Haven't played GMod in a long time, always enjoy playing it. I'll join if it's prophunt :) (for lag purposes)
  13. Activity Type: Fixing vehicles in LVX Participants: @Ocelot @Gonza Screenshots: Screenshots here
  14. Participants: Ocelot District: All around San Andreas Shift period: Night Shift (08/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 32 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Activity type: Trucking Information: Some trips to MC and around LV Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Activity type: Trucking Information: Trips to mt. Chiliad Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Participants: Ocelot District: Los Santos, Las Venturas Shift period: Night (4/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 29 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Participants: Ocelot District: All around San Andreas Shift period: Night (2/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 22 Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Activity type: Trucking Information: Deliveries all around San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Participants: Ocelot District: LS, LV, SF Shift period: Afternoon (28/04/2020) Number of vehicles: 24 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Activity type: Trucking Information: Some deliveries to Mt Chiliad Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Activity Type: Repairing vehicles at LVx Participants: @Ocelot ScreenShots: Screenshots here
  23. Activity type: Refuel Information: Refilling gas stations at night Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Participants: Ocelot District: LS, LV Shift period: Evening (28/04/2020) Number of vehicles: 21 Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. Participants: Ocelot District: All around San Andreas Shift period: Night (27/04/2020) Number of vehicles: 32 Screenshots: ::: :::
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