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Everything posted by Ocelot

  1. Address: Domins Smelly House Account name: donna Last seen: April 30th Screenshots:
  2. Activity type: Trucking Information: Refilling the refineries Screenshots: screenshots here
  3. CC Member(s): @Asexyno @Trevor n0vis0ry @Westbrook Participants: @Ocelot @Beckham @Cruz @Versace @Godzilla Story: Opening the Cuban Cars garage in San Fierro for costumers, doing checkups and repairing cars! Screenshots: screenshots here
  4. CC Member(s): @Asexyno Participants: @Ocelot Story: I was in Las Venturas driving to San Fierro after receiving a call that there was a damaged vehicle in need of repair. Apparently the driver had lost control of the car and the car crashed into a vehicle and was upside down, only to get hit by another car. I called a friend from Cuban Cars to have the garage ready, since the crash happened in San Fierro, and my garage was in Las Venturas. My friend was already there, and we started inspecting the car to see the damage it had received. After the inspection, we get to work. I was in charge of the back of the car, while he was working on the front. Both of the back wheels were punctured, as well as the exhaust being broken beyond repair, so I had to place a new one. After finishing with the exhaust, I got to work with the back wheels. They needed to be replaced, so I searched the garage for replacements. Once I got them, I started working on getting them onto the car. Once I finished with the back of the car, I stood up and saw my friend already finishing his work with the engine and front wheels. I talked to the client on the phone, and told him about the costs. He would come pick up the car as well as pay for the services later in the day. Screenshots: screenshots here
  5. Activity Type: Mechanic services on LVx and responding to /mech calls CC Member(s): - Participants: @Ocelot Screenshots: screenshots here
  6. Activity Type: Impounding / Keeping the streets clear CC Member(s): @Trevor @Anas_ Participants: @Ocelot @Cruz Screenshots: screenshots here
  7. Activity type: Trucking Information: Refilling the refineries Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Participants: Ocelot District: LS, LV Shift period: Night Shift (30/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 23 Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Activity Type: Mechanic services on LVx and responding to /mech calls CC Member(s): - Participants: @Ocelot Screenshots: screenshots here
  10. Type: 1v1 Deagle Tournament Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: @redlive122 Winner(s): @shivaaaa Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Participants: @Ocelot @Asexyno Information/Story: I received a call from a client that needed a delivery made urgently. I finished my cigar, as I was taking a break, and got on the job as soon as I could. My truck wasn't available, as it was being repaired by other ALT members, so I had to use one from the company instead. The delivery point was Whetstone, the caller identified himself as Jonathan Locke. As I was going to Whetstone, the truck's engine broke down in the middle of the road. With no tools at my disposal, I couldn't fix the issue on my own, so I ended up calling a mechanic to come and help me get back on the road as soon as possible so I could finish the job. @Asexyno said in Cuban Cars :: Media Archive: Participants: @Ocelot @FreshCoffee Activity type: Roadside Assistance Story: 1st Roleplay: Very early at evening I went attending to mechanic's assistances. The first customer was a trucker, he called to Cuban Cars line so I answered the phone. The trucker explained me which was his situation, later I drove straight away to the location he shared with me.. The @All-Load-Trucking member was waving at me in the distance when I immediately recognised him. I parked a side of the road and greeted him. He led me to his truck and showed me what he was dealing with , basically the truck broke down on the middle of the road while he suddenly stopped because he needed to piss off somewhere, he told me when he came back to the truck it coulnd't start up the engine. I managed the situation in order to able him to carry out his job. I inspected the hood of it... then I diagnosed the battery had poor power so this why the truck couldn't start. I give it some charge for like 10 minutes, afterwards I told him to start it, luckly this time it started up! ::: :::
  12. Activity Type: Impounding and repairing around LV/LS CC Member(s): @Filippo Participants: @Ocelot @Pogba7 Screenshots: screenshots here
  13. Hey, I'm Ocelot. I'll post my activities for Cuban Cars here, and I'll leave some info about me below: Name: Sebastian Age: 23 Country: Uruguay Languages: English, Spanish Time playing on SAES: At least from 2012. Had several years of inactivity, came back a couple of months ago
  14. Participants: Ocelot District: LS, LV, BC Shift period: Night Shift (26/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 20 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Type: Rock, Paper, Scissors Prize: $1.500.000 LWS: @redlive122 Winner(s): @ItzMoha Screenshots: screenshots here
  16. Adding a wage to players inside groups such as ALT, Cluckin' Bell, GXT, RadioSA, Centrino, etc. depending on how much of their role they perform (as in, depending on how many deliveries the player made, or how much time someone streamed live on RadioSA) or maybe even make them compete for a daily reward that could be split among active players that contributed to their group, would make civilian side more interesting, and I personally think it would be a good addition.
  17. Participants: Ocelot District: All around San Andreas Shift period: Morning Shift (23/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 20 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Activity type: Trucking Information: Filling up gas stations around San Andreas Screenshots: screenshots here
  19. Activity type: Trucking Information: Filling up gas stations around San Andreas Screenshots: screenshots here
  20. Participant(s): @Ocelot @Flippy10 Information/Story: ::: I was resting on a couch on our base when I heard my phone ring, it was the chief of police of San Andreas, asking me to deliver new HPV-1000s to San Fierro's police station. We had those bikes sitting on our base for around 2 weeks, waiting for the client to tell us where to take them. I accepted the job, and I started making sure my truck and the trailer were in good condition before going on a trip to San Fierro. I checked the trailer, the engine and the wheels of my truck making sure that everything is okay before going. As I finished double checking the state of my truck, I open the gate and I turn on my engine to start going to SFPD. When I got there, I was met with a police officer at the gate, I asked permission to enter, and was allowed to come in to drop the bikes on the parking lot. When I made my way there, the police officer talked to me about the delivery. The bikes weren't painted blue (like all of the vehicles they have in SFPD), because at the moment we got the bike shipment we didn't know to which station they were going to be sent, so they weren't painted with the corresponding color. After talking to him and the chief on the phone, we made an arrangement, I had a contact that could paint all bikes for $500, but they would have to be the ones to do it, so I discounted that amount from my payment. After that, I gave the police officer our contact number and my name so he could stay in contact if he needed anything else, and I made my way outside the station, back to our base. ::: Screenshots: screenshots here
  21. Activity type: Trucking Information: Refilling our refinery from 1% to 100% Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Participants: Ocelot District: Los Santos / San Fierro Shift period: Night shift (18/05/2020) Number of vehicles: 23 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Activity type: Trucking Information: Delivering around San Andreas Screenshots: screenshots here
  24. Activity type: Refuel Information: Fillin' up gas stations around SA Screenshots: screenshots here
  25. Activity Type: Repairing cars at LVX Participants: @Ocelot @Gonza @Asexyno ScreenShots: Screenshots here
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