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Everything posted by ChasinTLSN

  1. #UnbanJoshbosh
  2. What a journey it's been, even if I've been just part of the community for a small time, compared to how old it is generally, feels like I've been here from the start. Happy birthday!
  3. @Spectre1 said in New forums theme: dick ICE ICE baby.
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 39P3338630548710G Donation: 1.00 GBP Requested rewards: Brophy's leftover chicken and Ronseal's used undies with a brown stripe back on it.
  5. Happy birthday boss!
  6. Yes Brophy we believe in you, unfortunately not more than a fart that may come from my arse in any time.
  7. @Tapi
  8. Who was it exact person I met first time, not sure. But I do remember that one of them who is active so far is @Julio, used to be in unofficial gang together back in 2013 created by Seminov. After that I got few relationships from the AA, Exile was the guy who basically got me into the gang, after that I met @Smokey187 who is still a proper slav for me! Good old days, can't get them back unfortunately.
  9. @Sanek
  10. Canserbero it's time to show us your dick.
  11. Happy birthday.
  12. @hesha said in Official Quote Wall: @Fyrr pwahahaha, love u Furr
  13. Another, these days rare 'carshow' has been hosted by us. Done by Blade, Chasin, Rubik. Prizes were 3M for 1st, second place took 2M, and third place took 1M. Winners: EasyGame, Deez, Curvy. Location: One of our gang properties at north LV, train station parking lot, must known place for a tyre burners since it has a plenty of free area.
  14. Note: I want to have this interior removed from this house, since I'm not the owner of it anymore: https://i.imgur.com/eprTXza.jpg Instead of that I want a large '23' interior to my LS house.
  15. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 350 pounds. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 19th june 2k 18, change was done by Mrwan, not me personally. Why do you need this change? Because I need some proper vehicles and something to fly around the map with, haven't done myself a change for a while aswell. Links to your donation topics: (In the order of the date, 2014-2017) http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/50746-chasin-20-donation-rewards-to-be-chosen/#comment-914673 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/53536-donation-chasin-amount-10000/#comment-978733 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/55688-donation-chasin-amount-3000/#comment-1027691 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/55870-donation-chasin-amount-100/#comment-1030860 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/64606-donation-chasin-amount-1000/#comment-1198426 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72238-donation-chasin-amount-1000/#comment-1352086 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72239-donation-chasin-amount-6000/#comment-1352091 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/79199-donationchasin-amount-10000-gbp/#comment-1489029 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88705-donationchasintlsn-amount-1900-gbp/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: (In the order of the date, 2014-2018) http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/60634-reward-change/#comment-1122693 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/64012-big-reward-change/#comment-1188079 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/67589-reward-changes/#comment-1256339 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/69833-reward-change/#comment-1302574 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/74039-chasins-donation-change/#comment-1388159 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/74456-chasins-donation-change/#comment-1397456 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/93487-chasins-reward-change/#comment-1742108 http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95041-chasins-reward-change-made-by-mrwan/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/98762-chasins-reward-change-made-by-mrwan/?tab=comments#comment-1806395 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/931/chasin-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Dodo Location: LV Aiport. Vehicle 2: Admiral Location: Blueberry, RC. Vehicle 3: SGT Location: Same as above. Vehicle 4: Glendale Location: Whetstone, near Angel Pine. Vehicle 5: Burrito Location: Same as above. Vehicle 6: Vincent Location: BC. Vehicle 7: Burrito Location: Same as above. Vehicle 8: Sabre Location: My LS prop. NB: There's one vehicle missing, so far what panel shows there's a second SGT somewhere in RC, which I'm not aware about and can't find it, would like to sort that out aswell, if that's not a bug. https://imgur.com/a/Ii0tfLk ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Turismo Location: To my prop @LS. Username: decrypter1 Vehicle 2: Infernus Location: To my prop @LS. Vehicle 3: Alpha Location: To my prop @LS. Vehicle 4: Shamal Location: Somewhere around to LS airport. Vehicle 5: Maverick Location: Ye, same as above. Vehicle 6: Ambulance Location: Somewhere around the hospital. Vehicle 7: MTB Location: LV, near cross, will show the exact place. Vehicle 8: MTB Location: Same as above. Vehicle 9: Kart Location: Same as above. Vehicle 10: Tanker Location: LV trucking depot. Vehicle 11: Sparrow Location: Heli dock near ex HS base. Vehicle 12: Shamal Location: Somewhere around the LV airport. Vehicle 13: Stuntplane Location: Same as above. Vehicle 14: Maverick Location: SF heli dock. And I guess that's it :p 14 vehicles in total out of 35. NB: Will show every exact location of vehicle that has to be removed & added at ingame myself, so no prob with it, thank you.
  16. Street racing carshow, hosted by ToB, mapping & management done by Blade and Chasin. Prizes: 3M for 1st, 2M for the 2nd, and 1M for the 3'rd. Winners: Blaxe, Jokerulty, Scorpyo. Location: Right next to car shop parking lot @LV. Screenshots: Was fun!
  17. Username: decrypter1 Nickname: Chasin Age: I am 24. Nationality: Estonian Date of Birth: 27.06.1994 Community Join Date: Around 2013 july. What are your unique qualities you can offer: There isn't any to be honest. Maybe a bit more experience then a casual player base. What difficulties would you face: I don't know really, maybe someone else could tell that, hard to rate myself. Additional Information about yourself: I am Chasin, 24 year old cunt who likes to fuck around and have fun, I am ex SA-MP player back in the 2008-2009, did retire for a long time from the game until I found SAES, been here over 5 years with my ups and downs, I've been through everything.
  18. Didn't knew him much, neither talked. But I've seen him around alot of times and this nickname is very familiar for me, he's been in the community probably longer then me. Even if I didn't knew him much then my sincere condolence to his friends, in-game and especially real life friends, and ofcourse to his family. I really hope this is a hoax but seems to be not probably, even though I've been really suspicious about topics like these. May his soul rest in peace.
  19. Retired completely, will withdraw my application therefore.
  20. @sara said in Show us yourself V3: @blade said in Show us yourself V3: ANIMAL ABUSER Mens abuser.
  21. @psyghost said in Hi good, I play SAES banned because?: @ar48953 said in Hi good, I play SAES banned because?: Hi good, I play SAES banned because? Man, when you login in to the server there a red warning that if you will break rules (in F1 menu) you will get banned from the server. First what you should to do - read rules and follow them. Ignorance of the server rules is not an excuse. Follow terrys guide. Take it seriously. Peace. @terry said in Hi good, I play SAES banned because?: Create a topic in this section: https://saesrpg.uk/category/23/banned-from-saes-rpg-server Use the following format: Nickname: Username: Ban Date: Banned By: IP: Serial: Ban Reason: Why should we unban you?: Next staff recruit.
  22. Just had a joke on you before on the topic where you disliked my post, now reading this. I don't know you a lot but you feel like the one who have to talk about what interests myself aswell, that means our attitudes are kinda close since what Discord has shown, whatever you do out of the SAES I hope you stay inside the MTA community, since you seem to have a proper knowledge what really interests you, take care TheK, hope we're gonna have a talk time by time if I'm not overkill for you.
  23. @TheK no need to dislike, you're the man too mister LUA senpai.
  24. We need more developers for things like these, we basically have Bone and Nanobob only who are the main mans.
  25. Add me to the harvester too you fat breasted dump.
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