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Posts posted by Ikzelf

  1. @TaaviLaudur said in Police Support Suggestions:

    a group of 6 organized cops can take down a SR with 20 crims, cops can also respawn after they die - criminals cant come back after being arrested.

    Basicly this. Yall have squads right. Start acting like one instead of going around solo and be like 'Damn this is hard, must buff'. Personally i don't like being a cop alone but love going out with a couple of people because that way you are just waaaaay more powerful.

  2. I see your point but it has been part of the game for many years and so I see no reason to remove it from the general population.
    Yes some people abuse them but that is just a small portion of the server which, when misused to avoid or death match, get punished accordingly.

    As for the second part, Molotoves would be a great addition but would even cause more chaos then grenades. In the current state(as SAES disabled the damage) there is no point in having them to gain an advantage against your opponent.

    Also they aren't quite as regulated as you think: https://www.google.nl/search?q=handgranaat+gevonden

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