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Posts posted by Ikzelf

  1. Assisting in turf wars

    As of now a new command is added (/assist) for the official gangs and criminals teams to assist in turf wars. This command allows you to see the turf wars on the map and allows others to see you are fighting in the turf war. Hopefully this will help people to distinguish random bystanders from actual turfers. When assisting you will also receive the modifier present in the current turf. (E.g. headshot)

    alt text

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Xdi4T8mgI

    As an experiment we added the ability for head shot to the SF turfs and bayside turfs. This experiment will run for 2 weeks. Afterwards we will evaluate if we continue, replace or stop with it. A poll will be created somewhere near the end of the experiment to let us know your opinions.

    This hopefully brings some new challenges in turfing and more activity to SF.

  3. As a reminder due to recent events:

    An organisation should manage the access to the organisation bank and funds themselves.
    SAES will not involve themselves in situations where a user spends the organisations funds, steals it or gets banned while having it.

    Organisations should therefor decide for themselves who they will allow access to deposit and retrieve funds in there organisations bank.

    It is also highly recommended to not keep gang funds in a players bank account to prevent the gang from being robbed.

    Gang money is your own responsibility and not SAES's.

  4. @Tut-Greco said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

    @ElRastaMan17 said in Public Event Hoster spawn:

    @Tut-Greco I never said that so i dont know why are you saying that. but there is a problema, i could make my application cause of not i dont have 1 years in SAES but i know one thing for sure, i could do new events instead of spamming the same everytime

    you're saying that there are people who has awesome event ideas but can't make them <implying it's too difficult to join LWS>. am I wrong? if not, I would recommend you bring it up with the group HQs and see if they can go softer on applications/recruitment.

    I don't wanna join a group just to make 1 event for myself every once in a while tbh..

  5. We would like to start with thanking the groups who filled out and sent us their activity from the month of May.
    Please continue this behavior of a monthly update to us as it really shows how active your group is and
    why it still deserves to continue to progress.

    Sadly not every group has done this yet. Those groups include:

    • @San-Andreas-Interceptors

    • @ZIP-Planning-and-Construction

    • @Cunning-Stunts

    • @San-Andreas-Fire-Department

    • @Cuban-Cars

    • @SAPA

    As for now any request made by these groups are on hold until they can provide an activity update before the end of this month.
    Next to that we will be looking in the coming months to align rewards with activity for all groups involved (Bases, spawns, vehicles, jobs, etc.).

    Any feedback regarding this topic or in general is greatly appreciated!

    -- GM Team

  6. So to answer some of your comments:

    We are using a private discord to post activities
    We aren't gonna join every single groups discord to see there activity. Rather have it a simple form with an overview of there activities. When we require a more detailed view it will definitely be nice to have a place to look for more detail.

    Every 3 months
    Positing an overview of activities done in the month should be a relative low effort. This should not take that much more time then reviewing a single application (If tracking is done correctly). Next to that 3 months is a big iteration time to check changes made and overal activities. @DROT summed this up nicely in his post.

    Missing groups/inactive groups
    HLS is also considerd a special group which is not under GM but HQ.
    Enternia and SAF are both considerd dead/inactive and are scheduled to be removed. In SAF case they can definitely still live on as a group but there in-game rewards are not required anymore as nobody actively uses it.

    The point of these changes is so we, as group managers, have a beter feel of how a group is performance and can beter decide on changes they request. (Additional spawns, bases, etc).

  7. For the people who rather use an online discord converter instead of installing a resource locally.


    Follow the instructions in the #get-started channel.

    Currently supports:

    • Scale

    • Breakable

    • Double Sided

    • Collisions

    • Alpha

    • RemoveWorldModels

    • Setting Interior

    • Setting Dimension

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