Roleplay #357 - The Deal Participants: @Judyes @DocPizza Story: When I was at base, I got a call from a peaky blinders guy with the THC and he told me in this call that he needs to buy some weapon from us, I was happy with this news, and we agreed where we will meet and how the process will be completed, and after an hour and a half the customer came and we stayed in the garage to talk about The type of weapon he wants to buy, And in this conversation he told me he needs a sniper, and luckily the sniper was there, then we went to the base armory The customer check the weapons and their quality, and he loved the type of quality. Then we agreed on the price. The peaky blinders guy took his requirements, shook the hand, then he took the weapons, charged them in his car, and drove off and we greeted him with