Roleplay #403 - Global Dealing Participants: @The-Company December Twenty-nine, two thousand and twenty. Was a busy day as usual and It was a cool night I went out to inhale some air and light a cigarette. usually, at this time I don't get phone calls, But this night I got a call from an old friend that I had dealt with three years ago I got amazed honestly, then I asked him if he wanted anything, He answered me reassured he is in need of a specific drug called heroin to continue his global career in the drug dealing. I told him to not worry Because what he wants will arrive tonight, and the call ended there. I took some agents from the company In my Range Rover then we went to the airport because the caller lives in another city called San Fierro. After a few hours, we got to The Company's plane. Luckily for us, our private pilot is available and ready to perform the service. I told him where should we go and what are we doing and he understood me then we were ready to go. Our associate KOJJA started transporting the heroin from the Range Rover to the plane carefully. After 15 minutes our associate was done and we were ready to move after checking up the plane's health. After like one hour we took the take-off track. We were talking on the plane about our old stories and we were having fun, I was so afraid of the sale operation hopefully that no accident will spoil the plan, and I was excited to meet my old friend that I was talking with him in messages all the time in the plane. The flight was nearby to be completed, and there I saw the San Fierro airport from afar. Our pilot opened the wheels to start the landing process And finally, we are in San Fierro airport. we find our caller Mr.Lucas Welcoming us, he was happy to meet me and he was asking me about the conditions of his ancient city, Tierra Robada. After a few minutes, he started asking me about the heroin that I got to him. he asked me several questions precisely like heroin quality, and where it was extracted, and how did I get it. I answered Mr.Lucas's questions in all honesty and he liked the type and quality after like 10 minutes he told me to start the transfer of the heroin from the plane to his car. as usual, our associate KOJJA started the transfer operation carefully. After a few minutes, our associate finished his job and started preparing the shamal to go back home meanwhile my friend Mr.Lucas gave me the money agreed upon and we shook hands.