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Everything posted by LightSide

  1. Applicant Main Information: Nickname: LightSide Username: medamine1919 Age: 16 years old Nationality: tunsian Languages you can speak: English-French-Arabic Player SAES Career Information: How long have you been playing on SAES: I created my account since 2 years I went inactive for 6 or 7 months then I backed to saes Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies?(name them): The Company If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: The company, It was a cool gang for me that I loved too much but I'm done and I want to try something new like making new friends and learn new experience thats why I left. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain): N/A What groups are you currently part of?: Rooftop Korean Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it: LightSide#9136 Personality Information: What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you: Well, I'm an active member, helpful and loyal member I can provide my driving skills, but I'm not that good At combating. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: The Black Bullets Role play based on assassinations for a price and also provide weapons repair and customizing for a price ofc Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?: I applied today for Camels family because It's one of the biggest and respectable gangs In San Andreas and I think I will have fun with all BB members especially Tunisian friends Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Yes I have friends In Black Bullets Trap,Beckham,raf,faysal But no one recommended me to join Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]: Thanks for reading my apply <3
  2. Ingame name: Lightside Account Name: medamine1919 Nationality: Tunisian Age: 16 English Proficiency: 8/10 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 2 years but I was inactive 1 year I think Other groups: N/A Current organization: The Company What does roleplaying mean: Rp is acting like real life Why do you want to join us: I liked this group because I saw you doing very well at SRs and I have a lot of my friends in this group so I told them that I liked it and they encouraged me to apply. What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: I'm an active member so I'm gonna join acts and recruit some of my friends. Who are Rooftop Korean: Rooftop korean Is a group who protect srs from roofs against cops Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: yes sKeS, cold, bob,avyero Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: yes i already joined an act with them Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ::: :::
  3. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  6. Doing some SRs: First sr: Second: Third:
  7. Gl <3
  8. RP Number: #10 Participants: @DocPizza @LightSide The Story: ~[The Girl In need]~(purple) One day, I was working as usual and on my way to the workshop, I got a call from a girl she told me that she was going to go to an important night party, but suddenly she found her car broken and she needs a mechanic quickly. I told the customer not to worry, I would be there in a few minutes, and soon after I got to the customer she was waiting impatiently, I rushed to talk to with the girl and I started to work and examined the car's engine I found the problem in the engine oil pump. I changed it and examined the wheels. Everything was fine, then the customer thanked me and gave me money. I got into my car and went back to the workshop to complete my night-shift Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Event Number: #13 Event Type: Fallout LWS Helper: @Blu Winner: @LaZaR Event Price: 1.000.000$ Screens: ::: :::
  10. Event Number: #12 Event Type: Rhino Shooter LWS Helper: @Blu Winner: @HasomY Event Price: 1.000.000$ Screens: ::: :::
  11. Event Number: #11 Event Type: Boxing All vs All LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Casper Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  12. Event Number: #10 Event Type: Simon Says LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Pump Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  13. Event Number: #9 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Mr-Heis Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  14. Event Number: #8 Event Type: Knock me of my NRG-500 LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Pump Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  15. Event Number: #7 Event Type: Chicken shooter LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Pump Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  16. Event Number: #6 Event Type: Last Man Standing LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Acez Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  17. Event Number: #5 Event Type: Fallout LWS Helper: @RadiO Winner: @Disaster Even Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  18. Event Number: #4 Event Type: LMS Jeffrson Motel LWS Helper: @Strong Winner: @Petrow Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  19. Event Number: #3 Event Type: KNOCK ME OF MY NRG-500 LWS Helper: @Strong Winner: @Disaster Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  20. Event Number: #2 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Helper: @KARIM Winner : @Bray Event Price: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  21. Event Number: #1 Event Type: LMS LWS Helper @Expert Winner: @Colo Event Price: 1.000.000$ Screens: ::: :::
  22. Greetings, my name is Mohamed amine in-game LightSide I'm 16yo I'm from Tunisia I started playing SAES since 1 year ago and In this topic, I will post all my events, To be honest, I want to be apart of this grand family and helping ppl in game and I'm willing for it , ~[Welcome to LightSide's LWS event]~(#7cdb00) ~[Thanks for reading..]~(red) ~[My events format:]~(#7cdb00) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/r7O0ZQp.gif) **Event Number:** **Event Type:** **LWS Helper:** **Winner:** **Event price** **Screens** Total number of my events: #13 Money spent on events: 13.000.000$
  23. #899 Event Name: LMS LWS/G6/CEO: @Expert Winner: @Colo Price: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: ::: :::
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