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Everything posted by McNulty

  1. Top shitposter
  2. mwl - approves, good luck
  3. Address: Mint Account name: POCCKYE Last seen: 24th of December Screenshots:
  4. @Markus, as @Tut-Greco said, this problem most likely occurs when there is an excessive amount of text inserted in a post. With that said, it is unlikely to see this problem occuring in a short post like yours.
  5. @MatizZ Good to see that you fixed your problem, Props to @Howlze.
  6. @Howlze By trying your method, the spoiler no longer works
  7. @alex0107 As I assumed, Im not the only one.
  8. This thing had happened to me for the 2nd time now - as you can clearly see in the 2nd spoiler instead of the images showing the text just repeats iteslf as above plus in the 3rd spoiler the images which I inserted are completely different from the ones which should be appearing. Has anyone experienced this thing ever and if so any solution? Thanks in advance.
  9. Federal policemen
  10. 101
  11. DJ MWL Broadcasted on 17/01/2020 Duration - 1 hour ::: :::
  12. It sucks to afk in the jail for 7mins straight, but won't the time reducing affect the frequency of jailbreaks?
  13. Friend and bully at the same time
  14. An armed assassin
  15. I'd like to see the katana being added, I can't see why it has been removed in the first place.
  16. Has large amount of ingame kills
  17. Greatest thing s1 has ever said about me
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