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Everything posted by Kiraa

  1. Activity #13 Date:18/04/2021 Activity Type: Repairing around LVX Cuban Car Member's : -- Screenshots : ::: :::
  2. Activity #12 Date: 17/04/2021 Participants: @Trevor / @mIKy Story: One day, while sitting in the garage with the others mechanics. The officer @mIKy came with his damaged super gt, and talked with Meister for details. In the beginning, we had a look at the car, after that we replaced the rear exhaust with a new one as it was shot by high wanted criminals as the officer said. After that, we asked miky if he wants to add a X10 nitrous in his car since he's in pursuits tasks, he agreed. I asked one of the mechanics to bring the X10 nitrous from the garage. I started placing it with the help of Dominator. Then, we changed the wheels with a solid ones because tires were popped. At the end, I went out with the car and drove around to test everything in it, and it was working fine. The officer miky thanked us and paid Meister. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  3. Activity #11 Date: 17/04/2021 Participants: @Trevor Story: As usual, While we were sitting in the garage,A customer came to our garage with his old van and wanted a full maintenance The mecanico told us " have a look at the whole van and check what's wrong." We found that we need to fix some cables in the engine and to change the front bumper. We started with fixing the engine as it's the hard part. I took my wrench and my screwdriver and started taking off the old cables. After that i put the new cables and asked Pronubs to test the engine. And it worked. Then, we wanted to replace the front bumper with a new one with the same model but unfortunately we didn't find anyone. So, i went to the CC workshop with the mecanico and he used his computer to buy a bumper with the details that he've put. After hour we got the command and paid the price. We went back to the garage and did our work. Finally the customer came at night to take his car and he was so happy with his new van Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  4. Activity #10 Date:17/04/2021 Activity Type: Repairing around SA Cuban Car Member's : - - Screenshots : ::: :::
  5. Activity #9 Date: 16/04/2021 Participants: @Trevor Story: i was with mr.trevor in cc garage (sf) , one guy brought his Super GT, for repair, we noticed that he was slightly changed, so did the whole service we notice the oil Filter and doors, as well, as he had too much to drink tonight, after the payment, we left the car in ParkerCar in san fierro, so the next day he came to Search Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  6. Activity #8 Date:16/04/2021 Activity Type: Hanging/Repairing around SA Cuban Car Member's : @Trevor Screenshots : ::: :::
  7. Activity #7 Date: 15/04/2021 Participants: @Anas_ @Blackyy Story: Today Mr.anas opened the las las venturas Garage with 3 other mechanics, me and blacky and other new mech so we were able to start the duty together immediately. Not that much took us to wait for the first custumer as he showed up in a minute once we advertised it.his car was sultan since 2010, i entered with the car to the garage and we started to work, firstly engine was very broken and there wasn't any way to fix it,then i removed it from the hood and i placed new V6 engine for the sultan,because V8 engine wont be good there because its 2010 car and V8 will make the car terrible,i fixed the engine and then i called to Worm,he told me its very good but need more oil on it,then i spilled more oil on the engine,after that the engine was great.after the engine i saw that the front smash was broken a lot ,i took that away and i placed new lighting smash with a sunprotect line up on it ,I stick it much i can, after that i went to the back of the car and i saw that the trunk door damaged and its have to be replaced,i took it and placed it on the trash,i took new trunk door from the crates and i installed it with screwdriver. after i replaced it i checked all of the four wheels,everything was kinda fine, probably was new wheels. we tested the car around the garage and we called the customer to bring his car. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  8. Activity #6 Date:15/04/2021 Activity Type: Hanging/Repairing around SA Cuban Car Member's : @Niklaus Screenshots : ::: :::
  9. ~[Event name: LMS no rules LWS Helper: @Judyes Winner(s): @Doomm Reward: 1.000.000$ Screenshot :]~ ::: :::
  10. Activity #5 Date:13/04/2021 Activity Type: Hanging/Repairing around SA Cuban Car Member's : @Hetler Screenshots : ::: :::
  11. Activity #4 Date:12/04/2021 Activity Type: Repairing around SA Cuban Car Member's : none Screenshots : ::: :::
  12. Activity #3 Date: 11/04/2021 Participants: @TITCH Story: i was working in my garage when i get a call from @TITCH asking me to fix his car and he told me to come there because his car stuck and not working . so i get ready and i check my tools box and get in the car to help my costumer and finally after a long trip i get there ,i met mr titch in his base to discuss situation,he told me it was a long time since the last Technical examination beacuse he was busy working i took my tools box and opend the hood then i start checking to see anything wrong with the engine I found that the engine needs an oil change so i took a bucket and put it under the car to Draining the engine from oil luckliy i find that i have a new oil bottle in my car and Poured it in titch's car then i told mr titch to Starting the engine so i worked after that he thank me and give money i took all my tools and put it in my car i thank mr titch and told him to call me if he need anything after that i went back to my garage Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  13. Type Of Activity: Delivery. Date: 10/04/2021 Participants: -- Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Activity #2 Date: 10/04/2021 Activity: Hanging/Repairing around SA Cuban Cars Member's: @Vynee Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Activity #1 Date: 10/04/2021 Activity: Hanging/Repairing around SA Cuban Cars Member's: paradox/brondy Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. ^[~[This is where I'll post my activities for Cuban Cars, so grab a drink and enjoy!]~(sienna,white,white,sienna)] ^[[~[Type of activities]~(sienna,white,white,sienna)]] ~[RP's Internship-program Hanging around with members of Cuban Cars Impounding Vehicles Repairs Events and many other activities.]~(white,sienna,sienna,white) ^[~[[The format that I use]]~(white,sienna,sienna,white)] ^[Activity] ![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/8MWwjbV/act.png) ^[**Activity #] ^[**Activity Type**:.] ^[**Date:**] ^[**Duration:**] ^[**Cuban Car Member's** : ] ^[***Screenshots in a [Spoiler]:]*** ^[role play] ![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/0nghpZY/1.png) ^[**Roleplay**#] ^[**Date:** ] ^[**Participants: -**-] ^[**Story:**] ^[**Screenshots in a [Spoiler]:**] ^[~[[Statistics]]~(white,sienna,sienna,white)] ^[ ~[total #38]~(white,sienna,sienna,white)] ^[ ~[Actvities #22]~(white,sienna,sienna,white)] ^[ ~[Roleplays #16]~(white,sienna,sienna,white)]
  17. Ingame name: kiraa Ingame username: kira12345 Previous organizations and leaving causes: C = closed / Z = kicked cuz a aj Define Underground Empire: well ; UE was founded on June 23 1866 by 3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis. UE Role is basically: Drug Trafficking, weapon trafficking, Money Laundering, and others. They are one of the richest gang in server, owning a lot of business, properties and casinos. What binds you with Underground Empire: For me is the Underground Empire one of the most respectfull gangs in SAES. i m interested on the teamwork that your doing and how you stick together like one for all and all for one and this is pleasure and happy to see it and i said this is what i exactly missing. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a A group of criminals which makes their money from traffing money and drugs
  18. Vehicle Type: Damaged Glendale Vehicle Wrap: sticker 1 Specify any upgrades: v8/awd Username to lock: kira12345 Where you want it placed: ::: :::
  19. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3GG05247DW994072E Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
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