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Everything posted by Kiraa

  1. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 25/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: SR/VIP. SR VIP
  2. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 25/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting NWA BR at SF ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting NWA BR at LS ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting AA BR at LV NWA SF NWA LS AA LV
  3. ~[Event name: survive from the sharks LWS Helper: @Draven Winner(s): @Avanger and @SlapBobs Reward: 1.000.000$ Screenshot :]~ ::: :::
  4. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 24/02/2021. ~[L]~(maroon)os santos Bank Robbery (8/8). ~[B]~(maroon)on county Bank Robbery (8/8).
  5. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 24/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting O BR at SF ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting NAVM BR at TR O BR SF NAVM BR TR
  6. Hoster: Underground Empire and kiraa G6/LWS: @Draven Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: survive from the sharks Location: - Winner: @Avanger and @SlapBobs Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 24/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: SR/VIP. SR special thanks to @Zinyak02 - @Benya3ka006 - @Shaggyy VIP
  8. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 23/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting cripz BR at BC (1) ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting cripz BR at BC (2) CRIPZ BR BC (1) CRIPZ BR BC (2)
  9. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 23/02/2021. ~[r]~(maroon)ed county Bank Robbery (8/8). ~[r]~(maroon)ed county Bank Robbery (2) (8/8).
  10. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 23/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: SR/VIP. SR VIP
  11. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 22/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting cripz BR at LV ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting NAvm BR at RC NAVM CRIPZ BR
  12. ~[Event name: A V D LWS Helper: @KARIM Winner(s): BLYAT TEAM Reward: 2.000.000$ Screenshot :]~ ::: :::
  13. Hoster: Underground Empire and kiraa G6/LWS: @KARIM Prize: 2.000.000$ Type: AVD Location: - Winner: BLYAT TEAM Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 21/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Store rob ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: Assisting HS BR at RC SR: SR HS BR
  15. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 21/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: SR/VIP SR: SR VIP 1 VIP 2
  16. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 21/02/2021 ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting M BR at BC ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting CRIPZ BR at RC M CRIPZ
  17. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 21/02/2021 ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting O BR at BC ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting HS BR at LS O HS
  18. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 20/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: SR/VIP SR: SR VIP
  19. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 19/02/2021 ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting [navm] BR at TR ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting [hs] BR at SF navm HS
  20. Activity: trucking Date: 19-02-2021 Participants: - Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 19/02/2021. ~[A]~(maroon)ctivity: SR/VIP SR: SR VIP
  22. ~[D]~(maroon)ate: 19/02/2021 ~[A]~(maroon)ssisting [BB] BR at TR
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