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Everything posted by Kiraa

  1. ^[Type of event: lms] ^[Prize: 1m] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): @hessan210 ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  2. ^[~[E]~(maroon)vent N: 91~[7]~(maroon)] ~[E]~(maroon)vent Typ~[e]~(maroon): Lucky Nade ~[P]~(maroon)rize(s~[)]~(maroon): ~[1.000.000$]~(darkgreen) ~[O]~(maroon)rganiser(s~[)]~(maroon): @Judyes ~[W]~(maroon)inner(s~[)]~(maroon): @spanish ~[S]~(maroon)creenshot(s~[)]~(maroon): [s=] [/s] ^[~[E]~(maroon)vent N: 91~[8]~(maroon)] ~[E]~(maroon)vent Typ~[e]~(maroon): Last Man Standing ~[P]~(maroon)rize(s~[)]~(maroon): ~[1.000.000$]~(darkgreen) ~[O]~(maroon)rganiser(s~[)]~(maroon): @Judyes ~[W]~(maroon)inner(s~[)]~(maroon): @hessan210 ~[S]~(maroon)creenshot(s~[)]~(maroon): [s=] [/s]
  3. ^[Type of event: LMS] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s):@Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): @Rondaw ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  4. Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28728/donation-point-balance-kiraa?_=1636652792922 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 24 jan 2022 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: glendale / infernus with custom wrap Location: RF base Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: kart /infernus with the same custom wrap/comet with roof Location: 10 alpine road username : kira12345 and thnx
  5. ^[Type of event: LMS] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): lws of the month @Omarr ] ^[Winner(s): @JukyPlatinium ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  6. ^[Type of event: LMS] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s):@Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): @Youssef-1] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  7. ^[Type of event: shot the balls] ^[Prize: ~[1.000.000$]~(green,green,silver)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): the best @KARIM ] ^[Winner(s): @xBlue team won] ^[Describe event: it's 5v5 event there is balls on air and participants supposed to shot other team balls to fell on them and kill them to win ] [s=] [/s]
  8. ^[Type of event: king of sniper] ^[Prize: ~[1.000.000$]~(green,white,white,silver,green)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Avanger ] ^[Winner(s): @Russell ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  9. ^[Type of event: FallOut LMS] ^[Prize: ~[1.000.000$]~(green,white)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Omarr ] ^[Winner(s): @hessan210 ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  10. Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28728/donation-point-balance-kiraa?_=1636652792922 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 11 nov 2021 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29755/kiraa-reward-change?_=1643027243053 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: jester with custom wrap Location: old RF base [s=] [/s] Vehicle 2: superGT with custom wrap Location: my shop in sf (large clothes mall) [s=] [/s] Vehicle 3: shamal with generic wrap Location: lv ap [s=] [/s] Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: donation glendale and infernus with custom wrap (i'll edit it when comes in live serveur) Location: new RF BASE [s=] [/s] Username: kira12345 Vehicle 2 : shamal with generic wrap (camo 2) Location: sf ap [s=] [/s] Username: kira12345 Vehicle 3: Nrg Location: my shop in sf (large clothes mall) Username: kira12345 and thnx
  11. Good luck @RedStar / @Judyes / @Brondy
  12. ^[Type of event: LMS] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Aveyro ] ^[Winner(s): @Omarr ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  13. ~[E]~(green)vent Type: LMS ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: @aveyro ~[D]~(green)ate: 20/01/2022 ~[P]~(green)rize(s): 1m ~[W]~(green)inner(s): @Omarr [s=] [/s]
  14. ~[T]~(green)MH Racers Take On: Raceflag- ~[T]~(green)ype: Race Flag ~[P]~(green)articipants: solrac / me / nord / brother ~[L]~(green)ocation: RC (ALT BASE) ~[W]~(green)inners: nord 1st , solrac 2nd , valen 3rd ~[S]~(green)creenshots: [s=] [/s]
  15. ~[T]~(green)MH Racers Take On: Raceflag- ~[T]~(green)ype: Race Flag ~[P]~(green)articipants: @ ~[L]~(green)ocation: between FC and LS ~[W]~(green)inners: nevs 1st , stalik 2nd , me 3rd ~[S]~(green)creenshots: [s=] [/s]
  16. TMH Technicians Working on: 16/01/2022 TMH Technicians Involved: me Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 30 mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 4+ Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  17. TMH Technicians Involved: me Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 30 mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10+ Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  18. ^[~[here will be posted all my events/activity hosted for TMH]~(green,white,green)] ^[Event Number: 01] ^[Type of event: CarShow] ^[Prize: ~[1.750.000$]~(green,silver,green)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @tamer ] ^[Date: 12/01/2022] ^[Winner(s): ~[1st place]~(orange) @agent.jones / ~[2nd]~(olive) @TaffyC /~[3rd]~(silver) @Nevs ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s] -TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]- 12.01.2022 TMH Technicians Involved: N/A Location: Bone County near G6 area Estimated Duration of Working: 20mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 3 vehicles + Screenshots: [s=] [/s] -TMH Racers Take On [Name your opponent here]- Type: Raceflag Participants: kden/snake/thamci/me Location: SF Winner & Prize: 1st kden , 2nd thamci, 3rd me Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  19. ^[Type of event: CarShow] ^[Prize: ~[1.750.000$]~(green,silver,green)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @tamer ] ^[Winner(s): ~[1st place]~(orange) @agent.jones / ~[2nd]~(olive) @TaffyC /~[3rd]~(silver) @Nevs ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  20. ^[Type of event: Face To FAce LMS] ^[Prize: ~[1.000.000$]~(green,silver,green)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): @Loka ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  21. ^[Type of event: Face To FAce Sawed-Off] ^[Prize: ~[1.000.000$]~(green,silver,green)] ^[LWS/G6 Helper(s): @Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): @CeSaR ] ^[Screenshots:] [s=] [/s]
  22. Address: Unitel palisades sea view Account name: alaa22 Last seen:13 November 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kQUeM1T
  23. Address:Unitel downtown ls shop Account name: alaa22 Last seen:13 November 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/X6woUg2
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