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Everything posted by Kiraa

  1. Activity # 33 Roleplay# 15 Date: 16/05/2021 Participants: @Hetler @Senpai @alperens @PaiN500 and @hessan210 Story: Today it was a sunny and a bit windy day, Mr.hetler opened the San Firro Garage with 3 other mechanics,I arrived a little late because I went to eat something at Cluckin Bell , After regrouping he separated us to two groups and waiting for customers. After a couple of minutes, we heard a horn outside the garage door, then Mr.hetler opened, and an guy called hassen showed up with his car but he doesn't stop the horn even mr.hetler opened the door when he enter the garage he said he can stop the horn so i told to him to stop the engine mr.pain got the keys from our costumer then i take him to waiting area i give him a cup of coffee i got back to mr.pain and we start checking the car problem we found that we need to change the switch cuz he was broke so I ran to the warehouse to get a new switch we i back mr.pain replace it ; i I got into the car i start the engine then i press the switch ; the horn work fine mr.pain want to the waiting area to call mr.hassen for checking his car he got into the car he pressed yhe switch and worked fine mr.hessan liked our work and thanked us he paid us He got into his car and left, happy for his new vehicle improvement. After that work i felt a little tired so I decided to go for a beer at the bar and for smoke a cigarette. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  2. @hetler said in Cuban Cars :: Media Archive: Activity type: Internship-program (SF Garage) Participants: @Lahuma - @jordskjelv Cuban cars Mecanico(s): Me Mechanic(s): Group A = @PaiN500 - @kiraa Group B = @alperens - @ReZzYBG - @Cristian Reports : ~[Group A :]~(red) Mr Kiraa report : We got called by the Mecanico @Hetler to respond to CC garage at SF. After regrouping he separated us into two groups; I was with Mr. @PaiN500 in some group waited around an hour and finally, we received our first customer as a team While I was talking about the car another customer entered the garage and since our group was busy Mr. @Hetler gave the other job to the second group so Mr. @jordskjelv wants to have new armored body We started with the doors, first we checked if everything was working fine and then we changed them with armored doors. Mr. @PaiN500 changed the left side and I changed the right side. After we were done with that, we changed the windows. We used bulletproof glass to make everything bulletproof. when the work was done Mr.@jordskjelv came to see how the car looks; Mr jord was surprised and happy. he looks at the car again and went up to the office with Mr.@Hetler to do the paperwork Then Mr. @PaiN500 went out with Jordi to test the car and it's fine. Mr Pain report : It was a relaxed day, I was in a good mood and motivated. The news reached me that the Cuban Cars Garage in San Fiero was open, for the wannabes to show how good they are. I grabbed my bike and headed out. Mr. Kiraa was already waiting in front of the garage until Mr. Hetler opened the gate for him. Mr. Hetler opened the gate and we went inside the garage together. First we greeted each other and Mr. Hetler explained today's task. Our task for today was to repair the cars and report back to Mr. Hetler in detail at the end. After we knew our tasks, we had to wait for the first customer. After a few minutes more wannabes arrived. Mr. AlperenS and Mr. Rezzy were now there too. Problem was that still no customer was there, so Mr. Hetler used this waiting time to explain us again the task, because two more people arrived. He divided us into two teams, a team A in which was Mr. Kiraa with me. And in team B were Mr. Rezzy and Mr. AlperenS. Now that we had the teams, everyone went to their position and we continued to wait for the first customer. After a long time the first customers came. It was Mr. Lahuma and Mr. jordskjelv. Team B helped Mr. Lahuma and my team took care of Mr. jordskjelv. He wanted armored bodywork and bulletproof windows on his car. I told him that this was not a problem, but I remembered from another time that the armor would make the car weigh more and drive slower. I told Mr. jordskjelv this and he wanted another V8 engine. Mr. jordskjelv handed me the keys and I took him to the waiting area. I offered him a coffee or a tea, but he preferred to play on the computer. Since I didn't know if this was allowed, I told him to ask Mr. Hetler if he could. So, now we started our work. Kiraa-san took the right side of the car and I took the left side. I started with the door, for this I first had to get the armored door from the warehouse. I went into the warehouse and looked for it for a while and then found it. A normal door is still relatively light, but this armored door was very heavy. With a lot of effort I brought the door to the car and exchanged it. Now that the door was armored, I still had to change the window. I ran to the warehouse, got bulletproof window. Meanwhile, Mr. Hetler had already moved the car forward a bit, because there was better light. I exchanged the normal window with the armored one. My side was now ready, Mr. Kiraa still needed a little time, so I started already alone with the engine. I ran to the engine, first checked from below if everything was in order. Everything was still good, no parts were rusted, so it should be no problem to upgrade the engine to a V8. I looked at the engine and wanted to start it. I didn't have the right tool, so I went and got it. Once I had the right tool, I started removing a few parts from the old engine and replacing them with new parts, such as a new ECU. So, now the engine was also upgraded to a V8 and the car was ready. Kiraa-san and I took a look at the car to make sure everything fit. Everything was nice and clean. I called Mr. jordskjelv to show him the car. He came and looked at the car, he liked it, but he really wanted to test the new V8 engine. I told him it was no problem, I gave him the keys and we both went into the car. Just as we were about to leave for the test drive, Mr. Hetler called me because he wanted to talk to me. So I let Mr. jordskjelv test drive alone and trusted him to come back because we still had to do the paperwork. Mr. Kiraa and I went to Mr. Hetler and he asked me if I knew that it was not allowed to install armored body and bulletproof windows. It was only allowed on military vehicles. Unfortunately, I had never heard of this rule, so I apologized to Mr. Hetler for the mistake. He told me that it was no problem, but that I should write down the customer ID next time. The customer was now gone, neither of us got paid and we didn't finish the paperwork either. Mr. Hetler was proud of me and Mr. Kiraa, he let us go home and went to the other wannabes. Mr. AlperenS and Mr. Reezy were not done with Mr. Lahuma's quad yet. I was done for the day, it was a good day, however I made a mistake that still bothers me until now. Still, I have learned something new now and know better next time. Always record the customer ID first!!! ~[Group B =]~(red) Mr alperens report : It was a ramadan eid day. I worked a lot at this morning and then came home from a hard day's work. I took a nap to rest a bit. After some time, I woke up suddenly due to phone rang. The call was from Cuban Cars mechanic sir @hetler. As soon as I heard that, I got in my car and went to the garage. When I arrived the garage, there was no customer. After all Cuban Cars wannabees came to the garage, we lined up. Sir hetler talked with us and separated us to two groups. I was group with @rezzy and @cristian. After that we started to wait the customers. When I was leaning to wall, my phone vibrated. I checked the phone, the alert came from Binance the crypto currency market. The market was affected by bad news, and all my coins were depreciated. I was shocked, but I wasn't supposed to deal with it cause of work. After some waiting, a customer came to garage but group A dealt with that car on the orders of sir hetler. Last of all, our customer sir @lahuma also came to our garage. We welcomed him and took his quadbike. I asked the trouble to him and he said that sometimes the engine stop suddenly. After listened him we set to work on the quadbike. I worked on the engine which was the main problem of bike and my group mates checked the other parts. Firstly, I checked the engine but I didnt found the trouble my first checking. Then I thought on it some time. Suddenly, an idea came my mind from deep of my brain. It could be about coil ignition. I checked the coil part of engine and I was right, it was about that. There was an hole on the ignition coil. I thought a bit that how can I fix it with easier and cheaper way. I could fix it with weld but it would cause sudden warming at future and engine can get damage from this situation. For this reason, I decided to change it with new part. I went to new part area which shown to me by sir hetler, got the new ignition coil and turned back to the bike. I removed the old part and changed it with new one. Then I looked the bike from outside eyes. It seemed good. I checked my mates, they finished their job before me. Lastly, I called the customer sir @lahuma to test the bike. He tested it and when he saw the performence, he really thanked to us. He was going to pay the payment to us, and suddenly a new squad member caught him cause of a misunderstanding so we got the payment to our bank accounts. It was a good experience again like usual.
  3. Activity # 31 Roleplay# 14 Date: 13/05/2021 Participants: @Hetler @Knele @ReZzY @PaiN500 @jordskjelv @alperens @Cristian Story: We got called by the Mecanico @Hetler to respond to CC garage at SF. After regrouping he separated us into two groups; I was with Mr. @PaiN500 in some group waited around an hour and finally, we received our first customer as a team While I was talking about the car another customer entered the garage and since our group was busy Mr. @Hetler gave the other job to the second group so Mr. @jordskjelv wants to have new armored body We started with the doors, first we checked if everything was working fine and then we changed them with armored doors. Mr. @PaiN500 changed the left side and I changed the right side. After we were done with that, we changed the windows. We used bulletproof glass to make everything bulletproof. when the work was done Mr.@jordskjelv came to see how the car looks; Mr jord was surprised and happy. he looks at the car again and went up to the office with Mr.@Hetler to do the paperwork Then Mr. @PaiN500 went out with Jordi to test the car and it's fine. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  4. Activity # 30 Roleplay# 13 Date: 08/05/2021 Participants: @TITCH and @Hetler story: It was a nice day I was chilling at the Cuban Cars garage then I got a report for a car that caught on fire , I head to the car's location and saw that the car was on fire so before time runs out I immediately called a firefighter so he came to me as fast as possible when he reached to me he saw the car and starting putting the fire off with his firetruck , Then I got the car to the garage to fix mechanical issues , mr. @Hetler came to assist me on fixing the car . By diagnosing we found out that the oil tank was damaged and the brake switch was completely destroyed and burnt , We had to get new parts in order to replace them with the old broken and burnt parts , We couldn't find the parts in the garage so we went to the warehouse to check for the parts , Thankfully we found the parts we needed so we got them and went to the garage to fix the car , I wanted to replace the brakes switch and by the time the car already cooled down , We have fixed all the mechanical damage then lastly we had to fix the exterior damage so we head to Cuban Cars personal spray shop and fixed all the paint and the exterior damage was all fixed and that was it for today it was a hard work done and we have done it perfectly . Screenshots : ::: :::
  5. Address: 7 brown street rc Account name: gjones Last seen: 06/05/2021 Screenshots:
  6. Activity # 29 Date:04/05/2021 Activity Type: We today searched for personal vehicles that were parked in the middle of the road to impound.I was alone with Mr. @Hetler and Mr. @Alfredo at the beginning, but later Mr. @Jean75002 and Mr. @Nishki joined us. Cuban Car Member's : @Hetler and @Nishki Screenshots : ::: :::
  7. Address :powertools paradise shop Account name: iblackmac Last seen: 4 april 2021 Screenshots:
  8. Activity # 28 Date: 03/05/2021 Activity Type: Driving through San Andreas, searching for personal vehicles that were parked in the middle of the road to impound Cuban Car Member's : @Hetler and @Judyes Screenshots : ::: :::
  9. ~[Event name: LUCKY rpg LWS Helper: @Judyes Winner(s): @Swindler Reward: 1.000.000$ Screenshot :]~ ::: :::
  10. Activity # 27 Roleplay# 12 Date: 01/05/2021 Participants: @PaiN500 / @Brondy story: Today cuban cars worked in LS-LV Highway Garage ,they opened a small two garages in there and we made few roleplays there with few players that came for repair,While i was chatting with the mechanics, a police officer came to the garage and asked if we can do a quick check-up to his car. I immediately opened the gate and let him enter.he parked in the garage and he explained me what happened exactly, his car engine is freezing sometimes while he is driving, he opened the hood of the car and i checked it out.I saw that the engine is totally fine and nothing wrong with it, i saw that the oil tank on the hood is empty of oil. i took to the warehouse garage to bring one oil bottle,i went back to the car and i filled the oil tank, we took the car outside of the garage and we tested it out around, and everything was great.
  11. Activity # 26 Date: 01/05/2021 Activity Type: Repair some cars Cuban Car Member's : @Leonard Screenshots : ::: :::
  12. Activity # 25 Date: 01/05/2021 Activity Type: Driving through San Andreas, searching for personal vehicles that were parked in the middle of the road to impound Cuban Car Member's : @Hetler Screenshots : ::: :::
  13. @brondy said in Cuban Cars :: Media Archive: Activity type: Internship-program (LS-LV Highway Garage) Participants: @baphomet @Morde @Skes Cuban cars Mecanico(s): @Vynee Mechanic(s): @PaiN500 @kira ^[] We fixed a lot of cars in our garage today. Cuban cars assistants @PaiN500 and @kiraa helped me. We changed the engine of the first car that came into the garage and made it more powerful than before. Cuban cars helpers replaced and repaired the engine oils of some vehicles. Our garage had a really busy day today and we had the opportunity to fix a lot of cars. Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Activity # 23 Roleplay# 10 Date: 30/04/2021 Participants: @Anas_ story: As usual, I went to work at LV garage to repair cars there. While waiting there, a client came with his broken sultan. He asked me to have a look at it and repair whatever is broken. I took the required tools and had a look in the whole car. I found that the engine was releasing a dark smoke and that's quite dangerous for the driver. I asked the mechanic Anas to give me a small help. Then, i started with fixing the engine while anas was fixing the windows as they're broken. After that, we changed the front wheels because they were popped and old. Finally, the car was fully fixed, and the client liked his new car, then he paid us and went away. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  15. Activity # 22 Date: 29/04/2021 Activity Type: Patrolling around SA! Cuban Car Member's : @Hetler Screenshots : ::: :::
  16. Activity # 21 Date: 29/04/2021 Activity Type: Patrolling and Impounding cars around SA! Cuban Car Member's : @bigmike Screenshots : ::: :::
  17. ~[HAPPPY BIRTHDAY]~ a7la colombi fik ya saes @Colo kol 3am wenty chado b5itt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_EYVtLu3go
  18. Activity # 20 Roleplay# 9 Date: 26/04/2021 **Participants: * @Niklaus In the evening, i was hungry,it's iftar time I had no money to go to the restaurant, i checked my pocket and i found only 10 bucks. I took my towtruck and went to the donuts shop. I entered the shop and it was empty, i was wondering what is going on and i remembered that there is a party in the city. I took my plate and paid the shop assistant. I chose a place near the window and sat there. While i was enjoying eating the first donut,i got a call in my personal phone. I ignored the call and kept eating but i got called again. I was wondering who is annoying me. When i answered, i found that it's the wife of one of my friends. She crashed into a bus and her car is broken and she can do nothing. I threw the donut and left the shop.I was driving really fast to arrive faster as the lady was alone in the middle of the street in the night. I even got caught by a traffic officer for driving too fast. Once i arrived, i found the bus and her car blocking the traffic jam. I found her crying hard, i calmed here and asked here to relax in the towtruck. I took the car with my towtruck and went to my garage.The car was in a good shape, only few damages in front bumper. I parked the car inside and started working. I started with removing the broken bumper, i placed the jack and raised the car. I went under the car and unbolted it.Then, i decided to paint the car pink and add pink lights. First of all, i removed the rust from the car and then i cleaned the surface with a cleaner. After that, i sprayed the paint on the car. And few minutes later, i checked if the paint was made correctly. I asked the lady to come and check her car and she was surprised. She thanked me a lot and gave me a huge sum of money. And then she took her car and went away. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  19. Activity # 19 Date: 25/04/2021 Activity Type: Patrolling and Impounding cars around SA! Cuban Car Member's : @Leonard / @Niklaus Screenshots : ::: :::
  20. Roleplay# 8 Date: 22/04/2021 Participants: -- Story: thursday evening I was watching TV in my house I am fasting,I'm starving, waiting for iftar time , I heard a horrific voice. I went outside speedily to see what happened.I found a crowd of people around the car, however all of them were watching and enjoying the scene. I asked someone who was there during the accident and he explained me that another car pushed him off to the water and he's almost drown.Straight after that, I took my towtruck from the garage and rushed into the car. I took the strap and attached it on the drown car. After that, I get in my car and started accelerating, it was extremly hard but i asked a group of people to push the car. Then, i parked the car in the sidewalk, took my tools box and started checking if there is something broken. Happily, there were no damages in the car, only the right headlight doesn't work anymore. I removed the smashed bulb and replaced it with a new one.Finally, Work is done, The owner liked my work and payed me. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  21. ~[[UPDATE]]~(sienna) NEW LOGO new roleplay banner new patrol banner
  22. Activity #17 Date: 21/04/2021 Participants: -- Story: One day, A customer called me while i was sitting on my office, He said that he wanted for me to repair his car, since he crashed it into a bridge. I accepted the offer and called few mechanics to my garage located in SanFierro to help me out. We regrouped on Monday early and started working. First of all, we opened the hood and checked the engine. It was broken also it releases some fumes. I brought some water and threw it on the engine till it stop smoking. After that, We repaired the engine successfully and re-painted the car with a decent color. Screenshots in a [Spoiler]: ::: :::
  23. Activity #16 Date:19/04/2021 Activity Type: Repairing around LVX Cuban Car Member's : -- Screenshots : ::: :::
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