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Everything posted by XgangsterX

  1. Goodbye old friends
  2. @brophy said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: I'd like to thank you guys for being part of the community for such a long time and being a criminal pillar for other gangs to base themselves, compete against or even look up to. Well said, should have a place in Hall of Fame after such a long journey!
  3. Good luck guys!
  4. @sneijder said in Red Devils Motorcycle Club [Archived]: Nice gang bro good luck Haha
  5. Been good times indeed :red_heart: @tefa said in Red Devils Motorcycle Club: Good old time i used to fuck u while i was MMC heheuehu haha, same goes to you :face_with_tongue:
  6. ☆ Created on 5th of July 2013 ✞ Ended on 26th of May 2017 This topic is in honor of our members who have been part of this club and we thank you for being with us these years! With all of our members' support, we have achieved our goal. As a result, I decided to re-post this topic in the new forums so that it is not forgotten. We would also like to thank the community that has supported us all these years and helped us along our journey! The Red Devils are a "one-percenter" motorcycle club. Their roleplay is to perform any kind of activities that make it possible to live the life of a biker. This means: they live the old-fashioned way, do not hold a specific job and earn money in different ways. They often do trips and hang around at bars where they enjoy their lives. That also makes the Red Devils harder to catch since they don't have a routine. They do not accept the laws of the SA government, have their own rules, and follow them. There have been heard that the Red Devils also work with a mafia. After a long relationship where the mafia showed interest in the motorcycle club and the club showed interest in the business of the mafia, they became an ally. The kind of operations they take part in is difficult. They perform robberies for them that can't be performed by the mafia due to their undercover status. To make this possible, the mafia delivers all the materials that are needed. This makes the Red Devils an unstoppable MC when it comes to weaponry and funds. Red Devils may be criminals behind the scenes, but on a normal day, they are just a collection of bikers that are verified mechanics that help the ones in need of help. They are the owners of the company named "Garage 184". However, the company is neutral and totally independent of the club's activities. Garage 184 does not only include hardcore Devil members, but also the public of SA. Those who work for Garage 184 do however tend to end up as prospects in the club. We usually work on motorcycles, but can fix and tune both cars and trucks as well. Palomino Creek is heard to be their hometown. They seem to choose this because of their interests in the area. They think that the town is the best place for them as a motorcycle club because there are no authorities close enough to interfere with their criminal activities. Palomino Creek itself has great infrastructure to use as they transport guns. The roads in the area are rarely used for anything, which makes them ideal for business. " WE COME FROM HELL, WE RIDE, WE RULE, WE ARE THE RED DEVILS " Organisation level : 5 ( 05-12-2015 ) Club creation : 5th of July 2013 Club account : [gang]RedDevilsMC Club tag : RDMC|Name|Patch ( Prospects wear the tag RDMC|Name|P* ) Charter tag : RDMC:Charter|Name|Patch ( Prospects wear the tag RDMC:Charter|Name|P* Club alliance(s) : Enternia, Hell Soldiers and Black Bullets Motorcycle color: #000000 and #FF0000 Nomad topic : Click LS charter topic : n/a BC charter topic : Click Club panel : RedDevilsMC Member count : 79 Club color : #FF0000 ( Bold / Nonbold ) Club founders : XgangsterX & Thing Club media archive : Click Club roleplay archive : Click Palomino Creek roleplay archive : Click Club skins : Promo : https://youtu.be/lQAwwbxRsAs Club level application history : Level 1 ( 22-08-2013 ) Level 2 ( 26-09-2013 ) Level 3 ( 31-03-2014 ) Level 4 ( 05-06-2014 ) Level 5 ( 05-12-2015 ) Here you are able to find the rules within the club which is the most important to know! Once a member violates a rule, he will be given a warning. Prospects will be removed if they get a second warning. Other members will be removed after they get a third warning. Why do we give prospects 2 warnings and normal members 3 warnings before they get out of the club? As a prospect, you are new to the club. This means we won't treat you equally as the patched members. You still haven't proved yourself. Those have to show themselves if they really deserve to be part of us.. to get patched. If they prove us wrong by violating a rule.. they get a lower chance to succeed. Patched members can not violate the server rules either. What they do have as an advantage is a fact that they are in the club for a while and finished their times as a prospect. These people are trusted and one rule break will not cause them to be kicked. That is why patched members get 3 warnings before they are getting kicked out. Warning levels can only be removed by the involved person or persons and if the problem has been solved. Besides that, we also look at their behavior and if it has been improved. Follow all the in-game rules stated in the F1 menu Follow all the orders from high-ranked members. If you fail to follow the orders, you will be given a warning Follow all the orders from high-ranked members. If you fail to follow the orders, you will be given a warning Be respectful and polite to everyone! ( IF you aren't performing your role (RP) ) Your motorcycle must present your club color You must greet your fellow Charter brother ( example: /shake 8 ) If we are doing a road trip, the guy who leads is in front, followed by other members based on descending order of ranks Most of the club rules aren't stated but are known inside the club. If you are new to the club, you will learn them by spending your time with the club. They are a charter of the Red Devils Motorcycle Club located in Bone County. They are open to any kind of business that earns but they mainly stick on drugs, human trafficking and money laundering. Their club house is located at Fort Carson in the North-West of Bone County. Bone County Charter Info Charter creation : June 2016 Charter tag : RDMC:BC|Name|Patch Motto : Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. Motorcycle color : #190B07 and #500000 Alliances : Enternia - Black Bullets - Hell Soldiers Contracts : Atlantic Transport & Logistics Recruitment Status : CLOSED They are a charter of the Red Devils Motorcycle Club located in Los Santos. They are open to any kind of business that earns but we mainly stick on drugs and selling lowriders. Our club house is located at Willowfield, southeast of Los Santos. Los County Charter Info Charter creation : April 2016 Charter tag : RDMC:LS|Name|Patch Motto : We don't leak oil, we mark our territory! Motorcycle color : #FFFFFF and #FF0000 Alliances : Enternia - Black Bullets - Hell Soldiers Contracts : CLOSED Recruitment Status : CLOSED President The president is the leader of the chapter. He is the club's figurehead and is usually the spokesman when dealing with the police or the media. The president represents together with his vice the club at any given hearing with other organizations and always be available to help another one way or another. Members who do not respect the president will be kicked out of the club directly. XgangsterX username: xgangsterx Vice President The vice president is the president's left hand, second in charge and fills in when the president is away. The vice president is often the heir apparent to the club's leadership although this isnt the case. The VP's initial role in a club is to promote the club and make it look good, meeting others and building a connection. Sneijder username: snjader Assistant of Vice President A subordinate rank to the vice president. He helps the vice president with fulfilling his daily tasks of the organisation of the club, new ideas and mental support, and to take on the vice's responsibilities when needed. Honer username: 4e4os333 Secretary [Head of HQs] The secretary is one of the responsible members of the HQ team. Just like the prez, vice and avp he will look at the way that the HQ team performs. If things aren't going as they supposed to be he needs to set up a meeting with the other high members to solve it. Thing. username: thehh (Part of BC Charter) Chaplain [HQ] A chaplain is a leader within the RDMC otherwise known as a member of the HQ team, they are the main guys below the vice and the prez, the chaplain gets help from the sergeant at arms to organize activities for the club. The events and road trips can also be organized by a level 2 member, for roleplays, there needs to be a sergeant at arms or higher. FlyinT username: flyintiger (Part of BC Charter) Crash username: masterkiller XbladeX username: xbladex900 (Part of BC Charter) Sergeant at Arms [sHQ] The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for ensuring that the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the club are not violated. He is responsible to ensure that the orders of the Executive Committee are carried out in an expeditious manner. He is responsible for policing and keeping order at all club events, except as noted under the Duties of the President. He may conscript members to aid in keeping order on their own authority. He has the responsibility to the club to report any unseemly behavior of incident to the Executive Committee. He is responsible for securing any patches or colors from any member who retires, resigns, or is expelled. The SAA is responsible for the safety and security of the club, as well as the protection and defense of its members and prospects. He shall keep and maintain a record of all data pertinent to the safety and security of the club and its members and prospects. Upon becoming aware of any real or perceived threat to the club, its Members, Prospects, or events, he shall immediately notify the Executive Committee of that information. Ance username: thelab Life Member Veterans are considered lifelong members of the club, usually having served a large number of years and are too old to operate as a normal patched member. Life-members retain their patch even though they may no longer take an active part in the club. Some life-members retire although they are still technically part of the club until they die. Bounty username: bounty Only username: pexx (Part of BC Charter) Toni username: toni2686 Yoe username: aimedbody1 (Part of BC Charter) Togna username: mrtogna21 Picos username: picos Zak726 username: zak762 Sentinel username: tijn1117 (Part of BC Charter) Aminey username: amineyy (Part of LS Charter) AchrafMsf username: moustafiachraf SmokeyLife username: mits Afterlife username: afterlife Tape.Adjuster username tapeadjuster V1p3r username: djdemon7 Sally username: sally229 Ramby username: ramby Anarchaotic username: anarchaotic Moder[N] username: lightningnl (Part of BC Charter) RobleS username: santilr X-Man username: xman11 LePapaDoc username: damonwayan Frkly username: frkly Treasurer The treasurer is the chapter's money-man and hes in charge of collecting club fees, run funds and paying the bills. The treasurer is responsible for collecting any debts owed to the club and usually gets the job of checking out business opportunities prior to any decisions being made. The treasurer is usually the person who handles the proceeds of a club's illegal activity. KinG username: king54 Maximus username: maximus69 (Part of BC Charter) Tig username: punisher123 Paint username: paintnlx (Part of LS Charter) Road Captain The road captain is the top dog enforcing the rules of the road, he will plan the club's routes and official runs, the road captain will always take the lead position followed by ranking order, this position is sometimes considered a lesser role in the committee. This is an important job and will require a dedicated member. ExTrem3! username: giannhsid MaxWeR username: maxwer HST username: hassan1999tafesh DracoX username: hnic (Part of LS Charter) Diran username: gosta (Part of LS Charter) Patched A patched member of the Red Devils has earned the right to many assets of the club. They've worked their way up and earned the respect of the club, one of them being to attend the weekly meetings where all issues are discussed. They are responsible for representing the club. Jordy username: acergt (Part of BC Charter) Joe username: joe117 (Part of LS Charter) Xtream username: klevis11 (Part of LS Charter) Davey username: davey (Part of LS Charter) Adway username: adway (Part of BC Charter) Tom username: tom123 (Part of LS Charter) Minion username: minionpro (Part of LS Charter) Saw username: kikou11 Relax username: lazarijan J0k3r username: j0k3rrr Cris username: bobmarley007 Vincjento username: vincjento Delusion username: freestylb Five username: kovacar525 Aleid username: aleid Misho username: mish0 Barney username: semens Ew0ny username: ace5 XbackPT username: xbackpt Mozzy username: mozzy LudacriS username: ludacris MrMoon username: and393 VipLine username: vipline12 Bluzz username: evilxivo Weedlife username: georgeektm DMT username: demdem2012 Price username: bobtwix Tamo username: abood000702 (Part of BC Charter) Voli username: omrane147 (Part of BC Charter) Prospect An outsider of the club. A prospect is also known as a probationary member who has yet to earn their full patch, they're considered bikers in training, getting ready to take on the duties of a full patched member, but first, they have to prove their loyalty to the club and must be ready to engage in illegal activities to do so. This status is only gained after having had the title of a "Hangaround" which is simply an associate of the club by drinking with them, riding with them and getting to know them, you become a prospect once the club sees you as potential MC material. Alex_Clark username: leonheart Piercee username: piercee CryptX username: hunterix53 (Part of LS Charter) Sika username: skyhawk3333 (Part of LS Charter) Slyer username: slyer221 (Part of LS Charter) Mrwan username: jaycee2015 Eissa username: eissa2000 (Part of LS Charter) RyZe username: iso (Part of BC Charter) Mrkii username: laki (Part of BC Charter) Hesha username: hi5ha Domingez username: domingez Hangeround They are often at the clubhouse and actively support the club, attending public meetings. Their job is to become known around the club members and deserve their respect. Hangarounds have to show loyalty to the MC but aren't involved in the club's business. Won't be listed Friends of the Club They aren't inside the club, but they are often regulars at the clubhouse and actively support the gang, attending functions and taking part in events. Bunny E$O Apollo Royal Smack Teddybear Sam Nicus Danny Epic AnouSa Ivo Gui# ArtimoX Riani Billionaire _HipsterZ NStar Henry TraGeD Potato Lamza Rampage Human inFamous Siddman Xoeric Royalty Member Count: 79 Located in Palomino Creek, Red County. This is the place where the Devils usually are seen, gather around, hang around, chill and enjoy their lives. We have chosen this because of our interests in the area. We think that the town is the best place for us as a Motorcycle club, because there is no authorities close enough to interfere with our criminal activities. Palomino Creek has great infrastructure for us to use as we transport guns. The roads in the area is rarely used for anything which makes them ideal for our business. The ''Devils' Cabin'' is only open from 6PM till 1AM. Everyone is welcome to pay a visit at that time.. except the people that are not welcome or not being respected by the club. Grab a nice cold beer and enjoy the rock music while you enjoy your drink. Located in Fort Carson, Bone County. This is the place where BC gathers around for club meetings, drink together and enjoy themselves. The place is strictly restricted and only the Devils are welcome.. unless it's business. They are open to any kind of business that earns but they mainly stick on repairing vehicles, drugs, human trafficking and money laundering. Located in El Corona, Los Santos. This is the place where LS gathers around for club meetings, drink together and enjoy themselves. The place is strictly restricted and only the Devils are welcome.. unless it's business. They are open to any kind of business that earns but they mainly stick on selling lowriders, transport goods and drugs. Located in Hilltop Farm, Red County. This is the place where we stash all our illegal products we have (drugs, weapons, etc) as it's far from the people.. With those products we deal with other organisations.. and of course making a profit. Located in Palomino Creek, Red County. The club house is an external house that the Devils use for local business, meet up with other organisations, have conversations with hangarounds about their future and use it as a hide out. Located in Palomino Creek, Red County. The liquor store of the Devils. The drinks we sell are imported from different countries and it has many different brands. All of the products are made of high quality. We are making a good amount of money every day from the store. Some say that the liquor store is not the only facility in this building.. Alliance since : 01-12-2014 In the contract, Enternia must roleplay with Red Devils Motorcycle Club and vice-versa when needed. Enternia offers : Guns and funds to make Red Devils more powerful. Different kinds of goods useful for the work. Protection in case of attack. Support for further business. Red Devils have to pay back with : Help in Enternia's dangerous missions. Help in different kinds of business and support. Alliance since : 07-01-2016 In the contract, Hell Soldiers must roleplay with Red Devils Motorcycle Club and vice-versa when needed. Alliance Rules : Treat our Allies as same as you treat RDMC members. Never arrest Allies. Always work with them as a team, and try to help them as much you can. Once you find an ally breaking a rule, don't report him to an admin. Report it to his HQ Team or Leaders. Do not turf your Allies without asking for permission to do so. Alliance since : 06-02-2016 In the contract, Black~Bullets must roleplay with Red Devils Motorcycle Club and vice-versa when needed. Alliance Rules : Treat our Allies as same as you treat RDMC members. Never arrest Allies. Always work with them as a team, and try to help them as much you can. Once you find an ally breaking a rule, don't report him to an admin. Report it to his HQ Team or Leaders. Do not turf your Allies without asking for permission to do so. Contract since : 15-01-2016 Contract since : 27-04-2016 In the contract, Atlantic Transport & Logistics must roleplay with Red Devils Motorcycle Club and vice-versa when needed. Atlantic Transport & Logistics offers : We will offer you discounts on all delivery purchases made. This applies for Organization related purchases, no discount will be applied for member-usage deliveries. We will offer your delivery priority over any other Organization or person, even if they ordered a delivery before you. Your order will go directly to the front of the queue. We will offer you any form of transportation we currently provide, plus all future expansions (IE van/truck/armored van/car currently & future boat, plane etc). Red Devils have to pay back with: We will offer discounts on all repair, modification and recovery services. This applies only to organisation related purchases. No discount will be applied for own member usage. Discount on vehicle parts. We will offer any kind of assistance your company is in need of. We will offer you hectoring around those who don't pay their bills to your company. We will offer prostitutes a discount when your company is in need of them. Your company is always welcome to visit our clubhouse. We will offer you weaponry discounts. Recruitment Status : Nomad : CLOSED] Los Santos Charter : CLOSED Bone County Charter : CLOSED Red Devils Motorcycle Club searching for motivated, skilled and positive players who can show their abilities to their possible max level. Although, the main goal is not to be the best player on the server. Being mature and having good behavior leads to having a good time playing SAES. Also, showing teamwork and being communicative helps the club reaching overall success and perfection. Spending time, work and effort in your and the club's image are always spotted and of course, rewarded. By doing this application, we should believe that you are ready to accept your ideal biker role. In order to prove this, you must show that you are enjoying being a biker, just like we do. If you are looking at us as a club where you can make a lot of trouble, we suggest you leave this topic. Trying to join us only to get something for yourself like money or fame, proves that you don't have intentions for being helpful towards members, the club and most importantly in the SAES community. Do you want to become part of the Red Devils Motorcycle Club? Are you a biker, in love with motorcycles? Then feel free to catch up at our clubhouse. In order to join a charter, you need to follow the recruitment progress and spend time with us to get known within the club. Before you are going to apply, be aware that we are looking for loyal brothers and that you can decide for what charter you are applying. You must have the requirements below. Please try to put some work in your application, answer every single question and don't leave anything blank. Requirements : Be at least 14 years old to join. Be a team player. Be loyal and trustworthy. Needs to have a certain level of knowledge of our roleplay. Have a good knowledge of English. Be experienced enough. Follow the server rules at all costs. You are required to spawn as a biker if you want to hang around the Red Devils to increase your chances of joining. Based on your application and efforts in-game, we will give you the answer that we believe is rightful to the efforts you put in joining the Red Devils. Our possible given results could be : Accepted - Great application with good efforts, also took part in the club activities. You've proven to us that you are mature and loyal enough to be a part of the club. We will contact you in-game and you will be invited to the club. You will start off as a prospect. Being a prospect is about showing yourself to the rest of the club and showing that you are able to do what you are asked to do. Pending- Your application was good enough and you took part in the club activities. This means we are not sure whether you would fit in our club. We want you to hang around with us to get to know you better and to be able to judge you. After this period of time, you will either be accepted or be denied. Under Consideration - We are not sure about your application result yet. In the meantime, you need to hang with us and we will decide about the result. Denied- This means that you haven't shown enough effort in-game or in your application. Therefore we don't think you fit the club at the moment. If you are still interested in joining us you should hang around with us and re-apply after two weeks. Blacklisted - We believe you will never fit into our club. Please, do not bother us with PMs in-game or in the forums. If you do so, your chances of being accepted are reduced. Patience can be more rewarding. If your application is not been answered in a period of 10 days, you may accept it as a denied. Important note : Make sure you have filled in every answer to the questions in the application and that the answers are NOT in bold or weird colors. While filling in the application, only the truth should be said. Copying from other applications will result in a denial. Giving false answers or lying will sooner or later be found and the consequences will be bad for you. In-game name & Age : Account name : Nationality & Timezone : Gender : Language skills? : Tell us about yourself in 2 paragraphs : Which charter are you applying for? : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Previous organisation(s) and leaving cause(s) : Playtime : Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server? ( If so, details please ) : Previous (legitimate) bans? ( If so, details please ) : Are you part of any groups, if so which? : Character roleplay backstory ( If you don't have one, make one. At least 1 paragraph ) : Define Red Devils Motorcycle Club : Why should we invite you to Red Devils Motorcycle Club & how could you benefit us? : Do you have any unique abilities that you can bring to the club? : Did anyone recommend you to apply or do you have any friends inside the club? : Any additional information we may need to know? : I will obey SAES & RDMC rules : I will always treat RDMC and alliance members with respect : **2013 - 2024 XgangsterX - All rights reserved**
  7. ^[] [03-04-2021]
  8. ^[] [01-04-2021]
  9. @franklin Hi m8, topic is pretty much outdated and right now less time to sort it out. There's another topic that got pinned with the levels, perhaps ask him to update?
  10. Congrats guys!
  11. Hey @Liyones, Could we get in contact by Discord?
  12. Happy birthday bud!
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Not bad, great job @Zwolle :)
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Congratulations guys!
  19. Happy Birthday buddy!
  20. Happy late birthday buddy! Hope you enjoyed it
  21. @thing said in What's up with MC gang?: @wendo well, if the leader of the group goes inactive (without transferring the leadership) and stops hosting activities etc, it cannot be expected that the group just goes on as if its normal. This is the reason why DDMC died and honestly also why RDMC died. Was not intended to reply here, but after this I do. Quite funny you mention such a thing while DDMC died out of inactivity and the interest was lost after a few tries. It was about enjoyment and when people don't have such thing no more it leads to nothing. It was brought up again since a lot of people were back home due Corona and had time. When we reached the summer, it felt apart. About RDMC and DDMC, they can't be compared as they were both different. RDMC has not died cause of the mentioned reason at all, cause most people were slowly losing interest and at the end things were not the same as the years before. That being said, it's now a couple years ago, so why compare things with what is now with the past? It happened, we move on.
  22. Happy birthday @Harmy
  23. Happy birthday!
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